Yes, A Study Has Proven “Chocolate Better For Brain Than Exercise”

Credit: TimeIncTrue Activist – by Amanda Froelich

People are always looking for an excuse to consume more chocolate. A delectable comfort food that increases one’s serotonin levels, it’s a feel-good food that allows emotions to be translated into the senses – and that’s only one of the reasons it’s so appealing.

But according to a recent study, chocolate may be so good for your brain it could even improve your brain’s function as you age, even more than aerobic exercise does.  

But before you begin shoveling in the nearest candy bar, you need to know that the amount they found to offer this potential benefit is nauseatingly high. And we mean, a lot of chocolate.

One kilogram of pure, unrefined cocoa (or cacao) powder would offer these benefits, according to the Oxford University Press. Or, if you prefer chocolate-covered treats like Butterfinger or Twix, that would mean one would need to consume 44 pounds of chocolate in one day to derive these benefits – and that’s a huge amount of sugar.

For the study, which was published in the journal of Nature Neuroscience, a team of scientists from Colombia University and NYU gave a daily dose of flavanols extracted from cocoa powder to a small number of healthy 50-to 69-year old subjects.

Half of those participating were given a small dose of flavanols, and the other half a large dose, both for a total of three months.

As anticipated by the researchers, those who received a high dose were reported to have higher memory function scores than those who received a low dose.

Credit: DailyPerricone

But the elder peoples’ brains didn’t benefit at all from exercising – which is quite suspect, as it’s a finding highly inconsistent with a plethora of other literature on this topic.

Either way, this study – again – shows the potential benefits of pure, unprocessed cocoa (from the cacao pod). But keep in mind that the healthiest way to consume this food – and reap more nutritional benefit from the theobromine-containing delicacy – is to have it in its pure form devoid of cheap chemicals, fillers, dairy, and artificial sweeteners.

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4 thoughts on “Yes, A Study Has Proven “Chocolate Better For Brain Than Exercise”

  1. WOW!!! Another great article!! Chocolate helps the brain because it is one of the best sources for Magnesium. Magnesium, to put it in simple terms, allows the brain system to “fire on all cylinders”. Kinda like the spark plug wires on your vehicles engine. Remove Magnesium, or get depleted in Magnesium, and it’s like pulling a few spark plug wires off of the spark plugs…..and your body, like the motor, will sputter and die.
    Symptoms of low Magnesium are many, and I suggest that you research this fact….while you eat a chocolate bar.

    1. Sorry, I should also mention that the reason chocolate is better than exercise is that exercise will further deplete your body of Magnesium and other nutrients. But to be perfectly clear, exercise is good for the body, and eating a chocolate bar before, during and after work-outs will not only energize you, but it will also ensure that you don’t get depleted in Magnesium. Also, drink a liquid vitamin (Apple Cider Vinegar and filtered water) before, during and after your workout.
      Now, if I can just find a two-hundred pound chocolate bar to bench press and then eat…I’d be in heaven!!!!

      Thank you for this article!!!

  2. It’s the various ingredients added, sometimes in vast amounts, to Chocolate to make it palatable, that do the damage.

    Ever had chocolate straight?

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