3 thoughts on “Why is a US Congressman wearing an ISRAELI military uniform?

  1. That pic brings to mind all the objectives of The Greater Israel Project. Today I came across the following quote from an article on how The West is being killed by The WEF. The author gives his interpretation of what totalitarianism looks like. I had to look up the word exsanguination: noun, 1) the action of draining a person, animal, or organ of blood, 2) severe loss of blood. Here’s the quote:

    “Totalitarianism is the warm bath in which civilization slits its wrists. It envelops the people with petty rules, strange dogmas, immoral duties, and forced sacrifices. It warms its victims with intoxicating promises of the government’s false love. It leaves the citizen naked — stripped first of his free will, then the thoughts in his head, and finally anything he once called his own. It slowly dispossesses each person of his personhood, until the population withers into frail, colorless facsimiles of the bleak, omnipresent State. Without the courage to act, the desire to think, the wisdom to pray, or the conscience to object, human purpose disappears. Society is exsanguinated of its vitality, creativity, spirituality, and mirth — until it slips beneath the water and stops breathing.”
    — J.B. Shurk, 2/1/24

    Strong words. Yet, we are not “citizens” (aka, subjects) and we are not “wrist-slitters” (aka, deserters). And what if “totalitarianism” is actually bringing out the best in us!!? The leaders, strategists, innovators, fighters? The ones who see how very “total” the take actually is and are asserting a big “I DON’T THINK SO!!” The ones who will fight.

    Totalitarianism, FIGHT it with everything in you, become “TOTALly unstoppable.


  2. “Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza is creating a growing number of orphans, with around 20,000 children having lost one or both parents. Aid workers are increasingly concerned for many children who have no surviving family members at all.”
    — Mid East Monitor, 2/1/24


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