William Engdahl: The Dystopian Scenario Arising From COVID-19

Geopolitics & Empire

Mar 31, 2020

Strategic risk consultant and best-selling author F. William Engdahl discusses the Coronavirus “pandemic” and how scenarios by the Rockefeller Foundation in their 2010 report and the 2019 “Event 201” Coronavirus pandemic simulation by Microsoft’s Bill Gates (in conjunction with pharmaceutical companies such as Johnson & Johnson, US military, CIA, and the head of Chinese CDC) foretold in detail the events we are experiencing in real-time with the COVID-19 crisis.

He explains how he never could have imagined such a dystopian geopolitical scenario in his wildest dreams. He looks at the economic collapse that is underway and where the globalists are pushing us, including a digital cashless society, and why they need to destroy the United States of America as a functioning sovereign entity.

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