Wisconsin governor issues order pulling National Guard troops from border, citing no ‘crisis’

The Hill

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) on Monday issued an executive orderwithdrawing the state’s National Guard troops from the southern border.

Evers said in a tweet that there is not evidence of a crisis at the border and there is thus “no justification” for having troops there.  

“There is simply not ample evidence to support the president’s contention of a national security crisis at our southwestern border. Therefore, there is no justification for the ongoing presence of Wisconsin National Guard personnel at the border,” Evers said.

The troops were ordered to the border in June of last year by then-Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R). That came after President Trump in April ordered border states to send National Guard troops to the border for extra border security.

According to The Associated Press, officials from Arizona last year requested Wisconsin’s help at the border. There are currently 112 Wisconsin National Guard troops at the border, according to the executive order issued by Evers.

Trump has since declared that there is a national emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border and is seeking to spend billions on a wall along the border.

The Democratic governors of California and New Mexico have also pulled back troops from the border this month.


3 thoughts on “Wisconsin governor issues order pulling National Guard troops from border, citing no ‘crisis’

  1. Under the U.S. Constitution, each state’s National Guard unit is controlled by the governor in time of peace but can be called up for federal duty by the president. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 forbids U.S. troops from being deployed on American soil for law enforcement.Jan 12, 2007

  2. This was said about Europe, but it holds true here, as well:

    “In other words, within the space of 50 years, morality, right, wrong, evil, good, normal, obvious, extreme, sanity, truth, beneficial, dangerous and the instinct for group preservation, has been inverted and stood upside down on its head. NEVER BEFORE in the entire course of human history has an entire culture, race and civilisation decided to hand over its lands, social capital, heritage and identities to competing and intruding alien cultures without a fight, and even worse, to evolve an ideology that morally justifies and glorifies it as proof of their moral supremacy. European man is in a civilisational death dance.”
    — Dan O’Connor, The Spectator


  3. “There is simply not ample evidence to support the president’s contention of a national security crisis at our southwestern border.”

    “They also said that artificial sweeteners were safe, WMDs were in Iraq and Anna Nicole married for love.”

    ONLY the severely RETARDED would believe THAT bullsh#t statement, @SSHOLICUS!!!!!

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