With working Americans’ survival at stake, the US is bailing out the richest

The Guardian

Amid a humanitarian crisis compounded by mass layoffs and collapsing economic activity, the last course our legislators should be following is the one they appear to be on right now: bailing out shareholders and executives who, while enriching themselves, spent the past decade pushing business corporations to the edge of insolvency. 

The very survival of working-class households is now at stake. Yet the $500bn dollars of public money that Congress’s relief bill provides will be used for a corporate bailout, with the only oversight in the hands of an independent council similar to the one used in the 2008 financial crisis. While that body was able to report misuses of taxpayer money, it could do nothing to stop them.

Moving forward, we need a guarantee from Congress that public money will not help billionaire shareholders or corporate executives protect, and even augment, their personal wealth. As currently structured, there is nothing to keep this bailout from, like its predecessor, putting cash directly into the hands of those at the top rather than into the hands of workers. Without strong regulation and accountability, asking corporations to preserve jobs with these funds will be nothing more than a simple suggestion, leaving millions of everyday Americans in financial peril.

Read the rest here: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/apr/13/with-working-americans-survival-at-stake-the-us-is-bailing-out-the-richest#maincontent

3 thoughts on “With working Americans’ survival at stake, the US is bailing out the richest

  1. “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” T. Jefferson

  2. Banks are only powerful if you use their currency, especially when Rockefeller wipes his ass with it.


  3. Banks are powerful because they are built on jewish USURY! Without a jewish debt-based “economy” the world WILL thrive & most of it’s major problems simply won’t exist. They’ve known that for 1000s of years & it’s exactly why we’re in this mess right now. It is the MAIN weapon they have used to put so much power in so few hands & it is the first thing we have to reverse once ALL these creatures are removed from the face of the planet for GOOD this time!

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