Woman Convicted Of ‘Fatally’ Transmitting COVID-19 To Neighbor, ‘Grossly Negligent Homicide’

By Danielle – 100%

An Austrian woman was found guilty of “fatally infecting her neighbor with COVID-19,” the Associated Press reports.

The conviction is reportedly the woman’s second related to the scamdemic.

A judge sentenced the 54-year-old woman to four months’ suspended imprisonment and slapped her with an 800-euro fine ($886.75) for “grossly negligent homicide.”


From the Associated Press:

The victim, who was also a cancer patient, died of pneumonia that was caused by the coronavirus, according to Austrian news agency APA. A virological report showed that the virus DNA matched both the deceased and the 54-year-old woman, proving that the defendant “almost 100 percent” transmitted it, an expert told the court.

“I feel sorry for you personally — I think that something like this has probably happened hundreds of times,” the judge said Thursday. “But you are unlucky that an expert has determined with almost absolute certainty that it was an infection that came from you.”

While the judge issued the sentence Thursday, APA reported that the verdict isn’t yet final. The names of the victim and defendant were not released in line with Austrian privacy rules.

The notion that so-called ‘experts’ can prove someone transmitted an illness to another is insane and sets an ominous precedent.

Despite never isolating COVID-19, they can insist someone “almost 100 percent” transmitted it to another individual.

‘Experts’ were wrong, whether by deceit or incompetence, about essentially everything related to COVID-19.

Yet, individuals in positions of authority bow to them because of ‘science.’



Per Newsweek:

Statements from the deceased person’s family were presented during the trial this week that said the two neighbors made contact in a stairwell on December 21, 2021. The defendant allegedly knew she had COVID-19 at that time, but she denied this and said she believed she had bronchitis. She also denied meeting with the neighbor in the stairwell.

However, the defendant’s doctor reportedly told police that she had tested positive for COVID with a rapid test and indicated to him that she wouldn’t be keeping herself inside despite having the virus.

According to the Associated Press, the woman was “convicted of a COVID-related offense last summer.”


“The agency said she was sentenced to three months’ suspended imprisonment for intentionally endangering people through communicable diseases. But she was acquitted on the grossly negligent homicide charge at that time,” the outlet noted.

Despite the craziness and absurdity of this conviction, it shouldn’t be a total surprise coming out of Austria.

The European country brutalized residents at the height of COVID-19.

The Guardian noted in 2021:

Since Monday, about 2 million unvaccinated people in Austria are facing severe restrictions on their free movement after the conservative-led government took the unprecedented step of trying to suppress a powerful fourth wave of Covid-19 with a stay-at-home order for those with no proof of immunisation.

Under the “lockdown for the unvaccinated”, those who have declined to take the jab and are found to have left their home for non-essential reasons can face fines of €500, rising to €1,450 if they fail to comply with checks.

The measure has attracted worldwide attention, as countries across the globe are wondering if they can battle a seasonal resurgence of the virus through vaccines alone.

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