Woman Goes In For Flu Shot – Nurses Use WRONG Vial: “Maybe This Wasn’t An Accident. Maybe They’re Just Really Trying To Get Everyone Vaccinated.”

Gateway Pundit – by Jordan Conradson

Savannah Courtad signed up to get a flu shot in Fresno, California, and was very confused when she was told to come back for her second dose.

Savannah later found out that Walgreens did not give her the flu shot. They gave her a COVID-19 vaccine without her consent.

The Gateway Pundit reported this earlier today. 

She shared her story on Instagram in a post, and gave us the receipts showing that she was signed up for a flu shot, only.

Her nurses acted like it was no big deal, a common mistake, one that “happens sometimes”.

The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson spoke with Savannah for more on this.

Conradson: Can you tell us about what happened?

Courtad: Yeah, so I went into a local Walgreens here in Fresno, California, and I just went in to get a flu shot, and they mistakenly gave me a COVID vaccine instead. And I’m not sure if it was an accident, they claim it was. But yeah, just really upset about that.

Conradson: Right. So what was your reaction to this when it happened?

Courtad: So when I initially like found out, I was given the wrong shot, I was in shock. Thankfully, my boyfriend and his mom were with me. And they helped me, you know, go up to the counter and like confirm with the head pharmacist that I was given the wrong shot. And so I was just in shock. But my boyfriend and his mom definitely helped me like figure things out.

Conradson: And then so based off the story you posted on your Instagram, it sounds like they played this off as a minor mistake. They kind of told you stuff happens sometimes. And so this leaves you wondering how many other people have received the COVID vaccine by mistake?

Courtad: Yes, it does it. That’s part of the reason why I really want this story to be put out there so that this doesn’t happen to other people. It’s kind of hard to believe that it was just an accident. Because I know that nurses go through a lot of training. So that stuff like this doesn’t happen. And so yeah.

Conradson: Yeah. So I wanted to ask you, do you think this was incompetency or you think that with this major, extreme push to get everybody vaccinated that nurses like this might just be doing it?

Courtad: I want to believe that it was just an accident. That’s what they claim happened. Um, but it does leave me wondering, you know.

Conradson:So I know they’re actually mandating vaccines in Los Angeles. I think that takes effect next month. What are the COVID restrictions like in Fresno?

Courtad: Well, I’m not actually from Fresno, originally, I’m just here visiting my boyfriend. But I know that things are pretty, like, intense here. Like, you know, you’re like they’re really pushing it. I know, California, just as a whole state is really pushing it. And I mean, you go into Walmart, and you have to wear a mask, like, you know, and because of all this, it leaves me wondering, okay, maybe this wasn’t an accident. Maybe they’re just really trying to get everyone vaccinated.

Conradson: Right. Yeah. So another thing you’re you’re into health. You know what’s best for your health. You said you wanted to do some research first to before you took this experimental vaccine. What does it feel like to have your medical freedom stripped from you? and they just play it off as no big deal as “something that happens”?

Courtad: I’m honestly pretty distraught. Like, I this is definitely something I wanted to research. I hear of all these side effects, and just the fact that it hasn’t been out very long. And so to just have it injected me without having a choice just has left me like really super distraught.

Conradson: Right. I imagine I’m so sorry. Um, will you be pursuing this in court?

Courtad: Yes, definitely.

Conradson: That’s great. What message do you have for anybody that may be getting a vaccine, whether it’s the flu or the COVID, or any injection for that matter?

Courtad: Um, I just think that everyone should just really make sure that what is being injected into their body is what they signed up for. So double check with the nurse, you know, multiple times, you have to just to make sure for certain that you’re getting what you signed up for.

Conradson: Right. And then my last question, so I noticed they tagged your Instagram post with a link to the COVID-19 Information Center for vaccine resources. That’s not necessarily a fact check. But it’s the next worst thing. So do you think it’s necessary for big tech and Big Pharma to be moderating your factual recount of what happened to you?

Courtad: No, I think that’s super unnecessary. Yeah, I noticed that it was like What on earth like, it’s just, it seems very controlling, to be honest.

We need to watch out for malpractice with vaccinations. This was a complete violation of Savannah’s rights, accident or not.

Savannah’s Instagram post has now been moderated and censored with a link to vaccine resources.

Savannah made this post captioned,

I want to share this story to prevent this from happening to other people. I feel like my rights have been violated.

Please take the time to swipe through, read, & share!

This is horrifying. Check the vial.

Gateway Pundit

4 thoughts on “Woman Goes In For Flu Shot – Nurses Use WRONG Vial: “Maybe This Wasn’t An Accident. Maybe They’re Just Really Trying To Get Everyone Vaccinated.”

  1. When we win this war
    Do not forget that these people wanted you broke , dead, your business destroyed your kids raped and brainwashed

    And as you see .. they sit and laugh at this
    They think it’s funny

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