32 thoughts on “You won’t see this on MSM

  1. Allow Me To Offer A Better catch Phrase For This:

    MLK Gaves Us A Euphamism,…

    Obama Gaves Us Treachery And Destruction.

    JD – Why hasn’t the Secret Service already assassinated Obama, like they did Kennedy? (At least they would be doing their job this time around…)

    1. Ha Ha The secret service will do it and blame it on some terrorist instead of them selves, after all we all know that the secret service is the most honest organization out there 😆

  2. totally off topic..sorry..but it seems there are some here that love Jesus the way I do..I dont care about much anymore. I lost alot this year, you have no idea, but Jesus is with me, and is healing and restoring..I Love Jesus so much. Sorry if I am bring forward, but I gotta talk about it..
    please listen to this song…bryan Duncan re-did Paul McCartney. Maybe I am amazed…I dont like mccartney, he sold his soul to the queen..john lennon did not, so they killed him, but Bryan Duncan still made it come to life..please listen to this song…thanks. I love you all, and I dont know if fighting, i dont know, lets just love each other.

    1. Hey hweinhard your on the right track. get a king james bible, and begin reading it. its Gods word recorded for us to read. it will speak to your heart as you read. john chapter 3, verse 16 is a great place to start. God bless.

  3. Paul…when is was a younger lad, maybe 12, I memorized then entire chapter of John 3. There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus etc. I know the Bible like the back of my hand. Ya know what blows me away? There have been times in my life where the Bible gathered a bit of dust. But when I read it again, it was like a different book. I think that is why its called “the living word”..It seems it grows as we do..make sense? My Mom taught me well, she was Pentecostal. The day of Pentecost, to me, is the day that should be celebrated..

    1. o.k. hweinhard now i have a better understanding where you are. I am still to a large extent scripturally ignorant. every time i read scripture it says things to me that i didn’t see previously. I am 69 now, and have watched the so called organized church fall away from the truth. Scripture of course tells us of this great falling away. Jesus as you know spoke against organized religion. that’s why i do not depend on mans interpretation of scripture vi save religion. I, instead, depend on scriptures interpretation of scripture. feelings don’t count when it comes to believing. The struggle going on today is difficult for me to understand. I too have a struggle with what you are eluding to. however i also have the instinct to protect my friends and loved ones, WHICH I WILL DO. understanding what scripture says is a long arduous process, but can produce understanding. However my understanding is foolishness to God.

  4. Most dont understand the Bible. I have been listening to the hagman hagman report, especially when Steve Quayle is on. Yes, I know, Quayle has been wrong alot but his heart is in the right place and he will/is getting it right. For instance, “Thy rod and staff, they comfort me”…And MAN says “spare the rod, spoil the child” .that is nonsense. The shepherds used the rod and staff to protect their sheep.. The love of Christ is beyond my imagination. I should call into the show sometime and be the missionary that maybe God called me to be.

    1. hweinhard…whenever you listen to mans interpretation of scripture without verifying it in scripture, you are taking a chance… first off…. its very important to study HIS word, not just read it. get yourself a concordance. not one of these so-called modern revised ones, but one that has stood the test of time. I use strongs concordance. I also use vines expository dictionary of new testament words (if you can find one), and a good reliable bible dictionary. not one of these modern ones. again, one that has withstood the test of time. Once you have these tools, begin to dig out the truth for yourself. Also, never take a verse out of context because by doing so you are creating a pretext, which is deceptive at best. pretexts have helped the great falling away that we are witnessing today.

      1. Paul, what do you think of the Thompson Chain KJV Bible’s concordance in relation to Strongs concordance? Do you feel Strongs Concordance is better? Just curious as I have one and have been using it. Don’t have a Strongs Concordance yet.

        1. not aware of it. i started with strongs because it was recommended to me by an ex pentecostal pastor who left the organized religion crowd. He knew how to dig out the truth from scripture by using scripture. He is in the kingdom now, and i look forward to talking to him there one day. there are so many versions out there that i insist on using the old tried and true books that were created back when there was a lot less influence from the worldly understanding, if ya know what i mean.

        2. also chain bibles are helpful. however i feel it is better to dig that stuff out for myself. by the way O haven’t done any in depth studies for quite some time. mind doesn’t perform like it did back in the day. hah

  5. Paul…you are already there. You have a good heart…and yes, I will shoot the bastards too…I love JD. and you. ok, Henry is ok too 🙂 You are on the right track Paul. In fact, “Paul” is one of the strongest names..My middle name is Timothy, and Paul loved Timothy because Timothy was a willing, humble learner. My first name is Stephen…the first martyr. My mother knew me in her womb. I cant keep my mouth shut telling truth, and getting stoned is not as pleasant as “getting stoned” The rocks are for real. 🙂 love u my friend.

  6. Paul..I use the Matthew Henry Commentary frequently. He is not perfect, nobody is, but my mom liked him. She had his entire library.

    1. I have long since mentally discarded commentaries for truth studies. Granted they are useful, but i still check them out with scripture.

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