Zoom to Mars in 6 weeks with new Russian nuclear-fission engine


A nuclear power propulsion system could propel a spacecraft to Mars in just over a month, a huge step forward from the current 18 months required. Russia might test a nuclear engine as early as 2018, the head of the Rosatom nuclear corporation revealed.

Another advantage of a nuclear engine is that it enables a spacecraft to maneuver throughout the flight, whereas existing technology only makes a defined trajectory flight possible.  

“A nuclear power unit makes it possible to reach Mars in a matter of one to one and a half months, providing capability for maneuvering and acceleration,” the head of Rosatom Sergey Kirienko said. “Today’s engines can only reach Mars in a year and a half, without the possibility of return,” Kirienko said.

The nuclear engine project was launched in 2010 and by 2012 an engineering design had been created. The project’s budget is estimated at 20 billion rubles (about $US274 million).

It has been reported that a prototype nuclear drive could start testing by 2018. Traditional rocket engines are believed to have reached the limit of their potential and can’t be used for deep space exploration.

An operable module with a nuclear drive would facilitate space exploration both for close-range expeditions to the Moon and deep-space autonomous robotic missions to the outskirts of the Solar system.

The Topaz-1 space reactor. © A. Solomonov

Using nuclear energy in space was a big deal in the Soviet Union, which launched a nuclear engine project in 1960 and fulfilled it by 1980. An operable engine was tested at the Semipalatinsk nuclear military range.

Between 1970 and 1988, the USSR launched 32 spacecraft equipped with thermoelectric nuclear power plants.


5 thoughts on “Zoom to Mars in 6 weeks with new Russian nuclear-fission engine

  1. This info is called ‘disinformation’…the globalists are way ahead of this technology….remember those military expenditures, like the $500 commode seats?…well, here is why:


    Please notice he mentions that this craft taps into zero point energy to power it, and you cannot forget “to Mars and back before lunch!”

    R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./ sciences
    Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996
    24 years – Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)
    9.3 years-Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector
    1992 – Certificate of Completion for “Teaching Nuclear Topics”

  2. they have been going to other planets for years..

    it is like these photos inside our solar system that the Hubble is supposed to be taking that are so out of focus that you cannot see a thing, even going as far as to having to send a probe to Pluto just to see its surface features.

    and somehow they expect us to believe that these photos taken through the Kuiper Belt, and the asteroid belt, and all the space debris and dust,with the lensing effects of gravitational fields, these pictures of these nebula and other space formations. they expect us to believe they are crystal clear hundreds and thousands of light years away using the same Hubble telescope that can’t get a good pic of mars..

    BS i call it.. they have interplanetary and interstellar space craft and have for years.

  3. I’ve already been to Mars.
    Wait till they see the NO TRESSPASSING signs.
    The sign that pissed me off the most was..
    Martians….alway gotta put other planets down.

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