One thought on “The Word From the Trenches Live Broadcast 10-23-23

  1. John Milton gave a speech in 1644 arguing in favor of free speech and against censorship. The speech was called “Areopagitica.” Here are a few of his ideas, the last two of which brought me to imagine a world in which everyone agreed. Horror, thought I. Oppressive boredom!! I say find someone whose intelligence you respect and find something in him that you disagree with. Challenge his mind; invite him to challenge yours. It’s like B12 for the psyche. Here’s Milton’s perspectives:

    “Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.”

    “A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, imbalm’d and treasur’d.”

    “Who knows not that truth is strong; she needs no policies, nor stratagems, nor licenseings to make her victorious.”

    “I fear yet this iron yoke of outward conformity hath left a slavish print upon our necks.”

    “Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions; for opinion in good men is but knowledge in the making.”

    “There it was that I found and visited the famous Galileo, grown old, a prisoner to the Inquisition, for thinking in astronomy otherwise than the Franciscan and Dominican licensers thought.”


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