2 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches Live Broadcast 11-16-23

    1. James, I’m glad that you share the archives but I will not be talked to like I am ignorant or a child. What? You think I didn’t know that the fucking archive wasn’t up? Admin puts the archives up. Admin also works for a living. What admin does on the site, is done free gratis, he gets nothing for it. So what do you think, when his work takes precedence, should he quit his job that supports him, his wife, and his children and live like a fucking animal in the jungle to cater to you? That’s America for you. Sacrifice to give to the cause something as awesome and as special as The Trenches site and there is sure to be someone to bitch because its not being done exactly like they want it. Short and simple: anyone bitches about this archives again, you will go into spam. Have a nice weekend.


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