One thought on “The Word From the Trenches Live Broadcast 1-4-24

  1. They even hijack the truth by creating stories containing truths, half truths and lies, in the name of the people and call it our voice. It’s just another one of their handy dandy tools for calling it credible and pushing their lies through their pandemic preparedness treaty and saying, “The People’s Voice” is your only credible source. They hijacked our voice, just like they hijacked everything and everyone else in our name and used it to destroy … the world… They’ll be coming around again with another one of their concoctions of death and disease and they’ll be citing the story that broke on January 4, 2024, while more tyrannical shit on paper gets passed along and they change the name of the disease. In our name?! Not today. Not 3 years ago. Not tomorrow. You don’t write shit on paper and try to feed me the lies you write in my name when I already know better.

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