50% of trans-identifying biological males in Wisconsin prisons convicted of sex crimes: report

By The Post Millennial

50% of trans-identifying biological males in Wisconsin prisons convicted of sex crimes: report

It has been revealed that half of the trans-identifying biological males currently serving out sentences in Wisconsin prisons have been convicted of at least one sex crime.

The statistic was uncovered by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project during its analysis of Wisconsin Department of Corrections data obtained via an April 2022 public records request.

According to the report, of the 161 trans-identifying biological males in prisons across the state, 81 have sex crimes on their record.

There are a wide range of acts deemed sex crimes under Wisconsin law. They include adultery, incest, sexual exploitation of a child, forced viewing of a sexual act, rape, sexual intercourse without consent, sexual intercourse with a child, indecent behavior with a child, enticing a child, public fornication, and more.

The report did not divulge exactly which crimes the 81 inmates had been convicted of, though details of certain cases have been previously reported on.

One such case is that of Mark Campbell, who was allowed to stay in a women’s prison while awaiting his taxpayer-funded gender transition surgery in 2020. Campbell was arrested in 2007 after allegedly sexually assaulting and abusing his 10-year-old daughter.

Six years into his 34-year sentence, he began identifying as a woman and changed his name to Nicole, and in 2020 US District Judge James Peterson ruled that receiving surgery fell under his constitutional rights, arguing that “an inmate’s criminal history is irrelevant to whether she has a right to necessary medical treatment.” The women at the prison he ended up in were not consulted prior to his arrival.

Oversight Project Director Mike Howell slammed the modern phenomenon of housing biological males in women’s prisons simply because they identify a certain way.
“Men belong with men and men only in prison,” he said. “Putting sex offender men claiming to be women in cells with women is another reason the world laughs at America’s moral decline. Prison is for punishment, not degenerate sexual behavior.”


2 thoughts on “50% of trans-identifying biological males in Wisconsin prisons convicted of sex crimes: report

    1. Here’s another who front-peddled and then back-peddled. Mr. Carlos Santana:


      After affirming “A man is a man and a woman is a woman,” he caved:

      “I am sorry for my insensitive comments. They don’t reflect that I want to honor and respect all person’s ideals and beliefs. I realize that what I said hurt people and that was not my intent. I sincerely apologize to the transgender community and everyone I offended … I will now pursue this goal to be happy and have fun, and for everyone to believe what they want and follow in your hearts without fear.”

      I wonder what it’s like for Carlos to have two brains in one skull.


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