99ers, Unemployed; We Can Assert our Power, This is How

On June 28, 1919 the Treaty of Versailles is signed.  The carpet bagging robber barons move in on Germany, which is suffering a depression.  The Nazi Party, formerly the German Workers Party, rise to power during the 1920s.  The party’s leader, Adolf Hitler, is appointed Chancellor of Germany by the president Hindenburg in 1933.

Adolf Hitler has his secret service burn down the German Parliament, Reichstag, on February 22, 1933 and blames it on his political enemies, which are the national socialist that put him into power.  Between June 30th and July 2nd comes the “Night of the Longknives” when Adolf kills his political enemies, the Brownshirts, again, the same socialists that put him into power.  By 1938 Germany has rebuilt its industry and is beginning its invasion of Europe.

It took fourteen years of the German people starving on their own land to make them desperate enough to take action.  Once Hitler took power it took only five years to completely restore Germany.  Germany was brought back from the ashes by the dictator Adolf Hitler.

99ers, poor, working poor, middle class, Americans of the American race; we have something more powerful than anything Adolf Hitler could have dreamed of.  It is the Constitution for the Republic of the united States of the Americas.  If we believe in it and follow it like the Nazis believed in and followed Adolf Hitler, in enforcing it we can assert such power over our enemies that any resistance they offer would be futile.

And here is the really good part.  In asserting our power we will actually be stopping deprivations rather than perpetuating them as the Nazi’s did through their dictator.  Evil can be wielded out without mercy and so it is true that good can be with mercy.  How would it be if we the American people in our capacity as individual sovereign rulers of this county forced the world to break out in peace and prosperity?

Every other day I see Obama in a foreign country promoting democratic government.  Well listen up Barry.  Tune those big ears of yours in because I’m going to tell you something.  The United States is a Republic.  The only time democracy enters into the equation is when we are deciding who will represent our individual rights, within the government we empower to do our bidding around the world.  Once the politician gets to Washington the first thing he or she is supposed to consider, before making any decision in exercising his or her fiduciary responsibility, is to make sure that his or her action is in no way infringing on the rights of the individual.

This is a fact and we are going to make it a reality again.  Vote for Ron Paul but keep your powder dry.  Our enemies have become desperate.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

0 thoughts on “99ers, Unemployed; We Can Assert our Power, This is How

  1. What a great article. It’s fascinating to know that it took that long for the people to stand up and how in a short amount of time they turned things around in spite of the devistation and brutality.

    I love this part “In asserting our power we will actually be stopping deprivations rather than perpetuating them as the Nazi’s did through their dictator. Evil can be wielded out without mercy and so it is true that good can be with mercy. How would it be if we the American people in our capacity as individual sovereign rulers of this county forced the world to break out in peace and prosperity?” Thank you Henry for speaking from the heart and the mind.

  2. The quicker people realize and put together a plan to rid themselves of the despair they experience during “business cycles”.. that is rooted in the economic model that marginalizes them, the more quickly they will be able to repair their internalized delusions that their country, via their misguided mentors, schools, corrupted politicians, and a bribed media, planted within them starting in their formidable years, and to align themselves with those who would break with said economic model.
    I realized many years ago that unemployment is acceptable and expected by the ones that are firmly insulated from deprivation by virtue of their class. those that insist at playing at repairing the “broken” system do so at their continuing peril. The system is already “fixed”, both literally and metaphorically.

  3. Jimena Crack,

    Quoting from your excellent comment:
    “and to align themselves with those who would break with said economic model.”

    Would you like to give some indication as to who these individuals might be and how we may “align ourselves”?

    Thank you

    1. Brian,
      Please refer to an item posted earlier, in ft/alphaville, (http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2011/06/06/585756/virtual-money-from-real-central-bank-mistrust/), a news article feature offered in today’s 6/6/11 Financial Times; also try googling: L019: Bitcoin P2P Currency: The Most Dangerous Project We’ve Ever Seen, (http://launch.is/blog/l019-bitcoin-p2p-currency-the-most-dangerous-project-weve-ev.html), posted on 5/15/11 which provides a thumbnail sketch describing the alternative economic model referred to in FT.
      I do not know if a project such as the one described in those posts that can garner widespread support or gain a foothold. I’d also add that because this is, at this point in time, only an experimental alternative economic model and has not yet proved to be viable – as to which, I can neither recommend nor disavow participation. I will visit the 99ers website periodically if I think I can add to a positive discourse in this quest. Something of this nature is not smiled upon by our conventional institutions hence information of this type is difficult to seek out. I do hope the references to these resources helped you if only somewhat.
      Best regards and thanks for your reply.

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