A bunch of Marxists and their fellow “comrades” held a convention in Australia to discuss their anti-capitalist, social revolutionary ideas and every single other buzzword.

3 thoughts on “A bunch of Marxists and their fellow “comrades” held a convention in Australia to discuss their anti-capitalist, social revolutionary ideas and every single other buzzword.

  1. An INTERNATIONAL event. Easy to see there’s big planning here and big money.

    Global communism ruthlessly going after youth. What could go wrong?



  2. The programmed on parade. Victims of severe shortsightedness.

    Wow, I’m promised free tuition and a new bike!!
    But wait. You mean there’s a bigger picture?
    You say I should study the communist regimes of the past? Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot who collectively slaughtered hundreds of millions?
    You mean my love of Marxism can lead to my full enslavement and maybe even an early and untimely death?
    You mean if I stop going along I could be murdered?

    Yes, yes, yes, and YES!! Here, read this; it’s The Bill of Rights. Leaves no one in the dust and kills every boogieman.


  3. Memo to Marxist idiots: Did you know Karl Marx was funded by the Rothschilds….you know, those bankster oligarch psychopaths that own the world banking system along with a few others…. Oh, and did you know Karl Marx was anything but “working class”? Ever hear of the expression by workers in the old Communist Soviet Union–“They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work.”

    You want Communism? MOVE TO NORTH KOREA!

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