Adolfo Nicolas Pachon Resigns From Jesuit Order

Published on Dec 4, 2014 by Alan Lamont

it is said Adolfo Nicolás is the Superior General of the Society of Jesus however pope francis is the Real jesuit superior general however Adolfo Nicolas has announced that at end of this year he will convoke General Congregation 36 which will be held in 2016 where he will also retire. These meetings are huge deals, there have been only had 35 in the over 450 year history of the Society of Jesus. This points at the Vatican making rapid moves toward their New World Order and ecumenical plan of global domination. I’m also wondering why this has failed to reach the media and even alternate news media.

6 thoughts on “Adolfo Nicolas Pachon Resigns From Jesuit Order


    Published on Dec 4, 2014
    it is said Adolfo Nicolás is the Superior General of the Society of Jesus however pope francis is the Real jesuit superior general however Adolfo Nicolas has announced that at ( end of this year ) he will convoke General Congregation 36 which will be held in 2016 where he will also retire. These meetings are huge deals, there have been only had 35 in the over 450 year history of the Society of Jesus. This points at the Vatican making rapid moves toward their New World Order and ecumenical plan of global domination. I’m also wondering why this has failed to reach the media and even alternate news media.
    this was written by Alan Lamont

  2. “This points at the Vatican making rapid moves toward their New World Order and ecumenical plan of global domination.”

    THEIR New World Order? Not unless they can match Israhell’s 400+ nukes.

    The Poop is just another turd floating in the sewer of Zionist excrement.

    1. If you do some research into the Jesuits you will find they were created by the zionist. They (rome/the vatican)are controled and led by the Zionist jews.

      1. And yet, we STILL have people come on this site and claim the Jesuits are the top echelon of the NWO.

        However, they don’t remain uncorrected.

  3. Who gives a rat’s ass? That these “men of God” sided with the Nazis is all we ever need to know. ( and never forget)

    1. the jews owe a debt of gratitude to Adolph hitler, who put in labor camps those bad ole anti=Zionist jews that would not agree to populate Palestine.

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