Communist Chant Sheet Distributed at NYC Eric Garner Protest

View image on TwitterGateway Pundit – by Kristinn Taylor

The Progressive Labor Party, a self-described ‘revolutionary communist organization’,’ handed out a chant sheet at Thursday evening’s Eric Garner protest in New York City.

A reporter for DNAInfo, Lisha Arino, posted a photo of the chant sheet to Twitter:

The chants are mostly variations of chants heard at leftist protests across the country for decades:

“NYPD, KKK, How many kids did you kill today?”

“Hey Cops you better start shaking Cause today’s pigs is tomorrow’s bacon!”

“White cop black cop all the same, Racist terror is the name of their game!”

“Racist cops you can’t hide, We charge you with genocide!”

“Asian, Latin, Black and White, Same enemy, same Fight! Workers of the world unite!”

“How do you spell racist? NYPD!”

There are more chants as can be seen in the photo.

The chant sheet has a box claiming authorship and a communist recruitment enticement.

“This chant sheet has been brought to you by the Progressive Labor Party (PLP). We are a revolutionary communist organization that stands up to fight back and defeat all the woes of capitalism…”

…”Power to the working-class!”

Whenever communists protest it is not about the issue, it’s about furthering the revolution.

(Reminder, communists endorsed Barack Obama for president.)

H/t @politeracy and @HouseCracka
Also on hand in New York is the Revolutionary Communist Party:

The communist front group ANSWER:

And the People’s Power Assemblies whose goal is to “overthrow this brutal system.”

22 thoughts on “Communist Chant Sheet Distributed at NYC Eric Garner Protest

  1. COINTELPRO at it’s finest. So I am a commie now because I don’t find the pro-commie angle of those chants? I don’t think so. Call me a communist and I’ll call you an ambulance or a coroner.

      1. Thank you Angel. I read and reread and couldn’t find a red connection. Only a pro-American anti-tyranny from a police state sentiment. The one pic from Daily Mail at Ferguson summed it up for me. Protestors with “Stop the NWO” signs. They let that slip by somehow. Times they are a changin.

        1. Figures…The Daily Mail isn’t American MSM.
          The American dog (“Wag the Dog”) is wagging us from the “Civil Rights Movement” of the ’60s, to “McCarthyism” of the ’50s, and back again. 🙁
          Times don’t seem to have changed much. 🙁
          I wonder what the US “powers that be” are really trying to distract us from…

          1. Good Question Angel. Guess were gonna find out in time. Arm up, keep your doors locked, and stay safe up there.
            it’s gonna be hairy for a bit.

          2. Very well said. Pravda is alive and well here but the smokescreen of ” ‘merica and freedom” is so thick people refuse to make a relative connection. Sigh The sooner they realize they’ve been had, the sooner we can move on to solutions to our problems.

  2. Funny how the chant doesn’t say,

    “Communism…..I can’t breathe!”


    “Zionism….I can’t breathe!”

    Don’t them Communist organizers know that Fascism and Communism are the same damn thing?

    1. Thank you for that Angel:) A personal sentiment from someone in an an impersonal world is always greatly appreciated by me and will never go unnoticed. They are changing but only with the strength and courage of those who refuse to submit under any circumstances will it ever follow through. We will do this.

  3. “Whenever communists protest it is not about the issue, it’s about furthering the revolution.” — and how is this a bad thing?

    My personal chant!

    “Do You Hear The People Sing?”

    Do you hear the people sing?
    Singing a song of angry men?
    It is the music of a people
    Who will not be slaves again!
    When the beating of your heart
    Echoes the beating of the drums
    There is a life about to start
    When tomorrow comes!

    Will you join in our crusade?
    Who will be strong and stand with me?
    Beyond the barricade
    Is there a world you long to see?

    Then join in the fight
    That will give you the right to be free

    Will you give all you can give
    So that our banner may advance
    Some will fall and some will live
    Will you stand up and take your chance?
    The blood of the martyrs
    Will water the meadows of France! (Insert relevant country)

    Do you hear the people sing?
    Singing a song of angry men?
    It is the music of a people
    Who will not be slaves again!
    When the beating of your heart
    Echoes the beating of the drums
    There is a life about to start
    When tomorrow comes

    1. To Angel-NYC

      It is time for us all
      To decide who we are…
      Do we fight for the right
      To a night at the opera now?
      Have you asked of yourselves
      What’s the price you might pay?
      Is it simply a game
      For rich young boys to play?
      The color of the world
      Is changing
      Day by day…
      Red – the blood of angry men!
      Black – the dark of ages past!
      Red – a world about to dawn!
      Black – the night that ends at last!

      The time is here!
      Let us welcome it gladly with courage and cheer
      Let us take to the streets with no doubt in our hearts
      But a jubilant shout
      They will come one and all
      They will come when we call!

      I have watched the 25 anniversary 100s of times and each time I choke up.

      But, does this sound familiar?

      “Overtaxed, sometimes homeless, unemployed, hungry, and deprived of any hope of justice, the vast majority of French citizens were not blind. They saw their own children starve while stolen riches bought velvet outfits for children of the elite. When their desperation erupted abruptly into unbridled rage, the French Revolution had arrived.”

      The world as “they” see it :

      A glimpse of the relevant street gang ideology can be seen in the statements made in a September 27, 2012 Chicago CBS affiliate Walter Jacobson interview of local gang members: “There’s no solution to the violence,” one gang member tells him. “Killing, killing is the solution.”… “Rob, steal and kill. That’s the only way. We didn’t grow up in Beverly Hills. We don’t get it handed to us,” he said. “We ain’t living in Hyde Park,” added a third young man…. “The police hate us,” a young man said. “Every time they ride past us, they shoot us down and do all that. Do what you want to do, I don’t care about you all, keep riding. Who are you all? We’re not scare of you all. I’ll fight you too. Take that badge off.” But he says the police cannot catch them or exact any consequences. “I laugh at the police,” he said. “They’re a joke to me.”

      Maybe Paul had something :

      2 Timothy 3

      1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

      1. Yep, I remember those verses in 2 Timothy.

        Excellent Biblical quote, PJ! It does seem like the people in this world are becoming just like that. So sad.

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