Americans brace for major police presence during eclipse


Americans brace for major police presence during eclipse. Police across America are afraid terrorists might attack Americans distracted by the eclipse.

Police told to issue tickets to people who are distracted by the sun and not paying attention to their surroundings.

You never know, the person standing next to you wearing eclipse glasses could be a terrorist.  

If you think this could happen, then you know how bad the Police State really is.

This is a joke and not true.

I thought this would be a good way to make people aware of how insane the war on terror has become.

image credit: American Sheeple

One thought on “Americans brace for major police presence during eclipse

  1. Tennessee law enforcement plans for chaos on total solar eclipse day:

    Solar eclipse gridlock: It was so busy in Madras, Ore., they called in the National Guard:

    Police prepared for chaos during eclipse:

    “Our operational period is going to start at noon on Friday and run through Tuesday morning,” Teton County Sheriff’s Lt. Matt Carr said. “This event stands out as a need for public safety more than anything we’ve ever had in Teton County.”

    Thirteen extra officers from Sheridan, Green River, Cody, Laramie and Alpine have been hired to patrol Teton County during the week of the phenomenon.

    “They are going to be deputized by the sheriff,” Carr said.

    That means the extra officers and deputies will be sworn in to have local arresting powers.

    Clarksville will have extra police, deputies, EMS on hand during solar eclipse:

    Carbondale to see strong police presence during eclipse weekend:

    Police, sheriff’s office ready for anything during eclipse:

    Extra police patrolling Franklin’s roadways Monday:

    KSP to have extra troopers in western KY for eclipse:

    Area law enforcement prepared for increased traffic around eclipse:

    S.C. Highway Patrol prepares for major solar eclipse traffic:

    Police plan 12 hour shifts for eclipse:

    Idaho State Police prepare for busy weekend ahead of eclipse:–440958263.html

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