Ammon Bundy ~ Never before seen footage, BLM agents training 1/7/18

Published on Jan 8, 2018

*Never before seen footage*

Who was the aggressor here? BLM agents training dogs to attack the Bundy supporters

*Train, then provoke so you can use the training*

6 thoughts on “Ammon Bundy ~ Never before seen footage, BLM agents training 1/7/18

  1. Im thinking of developing a tool to lock a dogs mouth either wide open or closed
    something you could deploy on first contact

    render this heinous use of mans best friend against himself , without any harm coming to the dog

    1. We had to train – and use – taking guard dogs down. They don’t bark – just attack. Had to stand our ground and as they lept, mouth open, snatch the lower jaw. No bite power. Grab, drop straight down, and pull them to the ground.

      1. Awesome

        Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a small object in your hand that you could place in its mouth that flat stopped the dog right in his tracks ?
        Without harm
        But rendered him unable to continue to attack

        1. With so many advancements in plastics and whatnot, I would assume there is a pliable enough foam ball that could be shoved into the mouth to get stuck on the teeth, but if a dog is on a leash, the handler will remove it.

          Remember; If it’s a Guard Dog, as we dealt with, there’s no ‘handler’ present. The dogs were on perimeter patrol.

          In THIS type of situation, if you take the dog to the ground, you COULD be swarmed, BUT I doubt most agents would engage [you] this close to the dog, because all you have to do is pull the animal’s head up and redirect the attack to the assholes coming at you. The dog CAN’T distinguish friend or foe in this charged situation, and will grab the first limb it can.

          Make it THEIRS.

          I’d call this a poetic ‘tearing him a new one’.

  2. Remember, though; There are “just a few bad ones! Most are really good people just trying to do their jobs well”


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