Cliven Bundy to walk free as federal judge dismisses Bundy Ranch standoff case

AZ Central – by Robert Anglen

LAS VEGAS — Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, his two sons and a militia member will not face a retrial on charges that they led an armed rebellion against federal agents in 2014.

A federal judge on Monday said the federal prosecutors’ conduct was “outrageous” and “violated due process rights” of the defendants.

U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed the charges against the four men “with prejudice,” meaning they cannot face trial again. She said a new trial would not be sufficient to address the problems in the case and would provide the prosecution with an unfair advantage going forward.  

As the courtroom doors opened after Navarro’s ruling, a huge cheer went up from the crowd of spectators gathered outside.

Navarro’s decision comes less than a month after she declared a mistrial in case and found federal prosecutors willfully withheld critical and “potentially exculpatory” evidence from the defense.

Cliven Bundy, his sons Ammon and Ryan Bundy, and militia member Ryan Payne were all in court. Cliven Bundy had remained in jail until the hearing; the judge ordered his immediate release.

Navarro on Dec. 20 cited six pieces of evidence the Nevada U.S. Attorney’s Office failed to disclose that was favorable to the defense and could have changed the outcome of the trial.

The evidence included:

  • Records about surveillance at the Bundy ranch;
  • Maps about government surveillance;
  • Records about the presence of government snipers;
  • FBI logs about activity at the ranch in the days leading up to standoff;
  • Law-enforcement assessments dating to 2012 that found the Bundys posed no threat;
  • Internal affairs reports about misconduct by Bureau of Land Management agents.

“Failure to turn over such evidence violates due process,” Navarro said last month. “A fair trial at this point is impossible.”

Prosecutors urge judge for retrial

Former Acting Nevada U.S. Attorney Steven Myhre, who led the prosecution, had urged the judge in a Dec. 29 motion to allow his office to retry the case.

Prosecutors said Bundy conspired with militia groups and anti-government protesters to block a lawful round-up of his cattle from public lands. He said defendants had wrongly tried to turn the case into a civil rights issue and improperly tried to allege they acted in self defense.

Myhre said his office did not intentionally violate so-called Brady rules about turning over evidence. He said the failure to turn over evidence was inadvertent and did not represent “flagrant government misconduct.”

The motion was the first time Myhre publicly addressed the judge’s findings about suppressed evidence.

“The government’s belated disclosure of these materials is not so grossly shocking or outrageous as to violate the universal sense of justice,” he wrote.

He said prosecutors genuinely did not believe they had to turn over evidence based on previous court rulings. He also said some documents were accidentally overlooked among the hundreds of thousands of pages prosecutors turned over to defense lawyers.

Defense lawyers had sought to have the case dismissed and their clients freed from the chance of being tried again.

They said recently revealed documents provided critical evidence that would have allowed them to challenge the government’s charges, impeach government witnesses and lay the foundation for self-defense claims.

They said a retrial would have given the government an unfair advantage, allowing them to build arguments based on defense strategies that were laid out in the first trial.

Defense lawyers maintained prosecutors acted recklessly and got caught. They said Myhre’s admission that he violated court rules “should be viewed as too little and too late.”

19 thoughts on “Cliven Bundy to walk free as federal judge dismisses Bundy Ranch standoff case

  1. I’m shocked.

    In fact…I don’t know what to say.

    Except. .. Trump needs to fire Jeff Sessions.

    Keep turning up the heat people.

  2. I think he should go after them
    his due process rights were violated and he was kidnapped for over 2 years

    this shouldn’t be over until some Fed sees the inside of a cell , and the murderer of LaVoy is also sentenced

    there needs to be some push back or these thugs will never learn

  3. A terrible loss of Lavoy Finicum and family for a victory to the American people. Now it’s time to turn the tables on Harry Greed and his lackeys.

  4. “She said a new trial would not be sufficient to address the problems in the case and would provide the prosecution with an unfair advantage going forward.”

    What that commie jewb#tch DIDN’T say was “THEY NEVER HAD A CASE TO BEGIN WITH!”

    Scumbag bast@rds couldn’t gloss THIS one over.

          1. oh, I’m not sure
            i was taking it very literal
            I dont trust that he will be left alone

          2. #1, James did alot of truth telling about the fake joos as you already know.

            He spent time in prison for not paying taxes that he didn’t owe.

            Long live James Trafficant! (sp)

          3. He tried to do the right thing (whistleblowing), and was set up by the FBI in a sting he was TOLD was for the guilty party, but was used against him instead.

            The man was an outstanding patriot, bar none. I had the honor of meeting him at ConspiracyCon 2012, where he gave one of the presentations. That night, I was sitting in the hotel bar at a table by myself (wasn’t crowded), and he asked if he could join me. We talked for over 2 hours on myriad subjects.

            I was seriously pissed when I heard how he died… no way, no how!

          4. “We talked for over 2 hours on myriad subjects.” #1, this must have been a great 2 hrs, what an honor.

          5. Absolutely, Katie, the highlight of the weekend.

            Got to talk to Stan Monteith as well, but only for a few minutes. (photos with both of them).

            RIP to both… true patriots.

  5. Hammond got the shaft…

    LaVoy is dead…

    What did this really prove?

    Glad to see this is over, or is it?

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