Antifa “war encampment” found in Portland, housing agitators who emerge from tents each night to unleash CHAOS and violence

Clear News Wire – by HealthRanger

A shocking new video has surfaced that appears to show a tent city compound in Portland, Oregon, housing a large number of people who are descried as Antifa agitators who reportedly join in the nightly chaos and mayhem that’s systematically burning down the city of Portland. According to the video, shown below, this tent city — described as a “war encampment” — is located between the Hawthorn bridge and Burnside Bridge in downtown Portland. The video shows the tent city consists of portable restrooms, emergency shelter structures, and what appear to be covered food service areas for serving food to the inhabitants. The video creator explains that the tent city is funded by the City of Portland, but there is no evidence presented in the video that supports the funding claim. A privacy fence surrounds the compound, reportedly with a sign that says the location is an “art installation.” explains, “It is entirely funded by the city of Portland, with start-up costs priced at $214,097 and ongoing support for all three sites expected at $155,488 monthly, N.A.W.C. said.”

The YouTube channel of the original creator of this video is called “Never Alone With Christ.” The citizen journalist who captured this video says, “I was chased approximately four or five blocks by two men, one with a slingshot” after filming the video. (See for more news reports covering the Antifa terrorism movement.) Here’s the video from ZGoldenReport on

And here’s the original video from Never Alone With Christ, via YouTube, which might ban it:

See the pics and read the rest here:

4 thoughts on “Antifa “war encampment” found in Portland, housing agitators who emerge from tents each night to unleash CHAOS and violence

  1. Yeah, this report dances the left/right two-step a bit, but still exposes these “protesters.”

    “…someone has paid to have standing heaters installed in the encampment, revealing the infrastructure is shockingly well-funded by someone.”

    What next? Hot tubs? On-call massage therapists? Express waiters?!!


  2. So around 9pm it gets blazed and by morning they get to be homeless with some recon dicks following to what ever hotel they end up at….

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