By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta, under lobbying from the World Jewish Congress, announced Tuesday that claims of “Zionists” “running the world or controlling the media” will be banned as “hate speech” going forward. Continue reading “Facebook, Instagram to Ban Criticism of ‘Zionists’ as ‘Hate Speech’”

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

Lennar, one of the largest homebuilders in the US, showcases beautifully rendered images online of its new single-family homes in the Fort Worth, Texas, area. To prospective homeowners, the neighborhood appears picture-perfect for raising a family.

Continue reading ““Kind Of Like Communist Housing Meets Corporate Housing”: Lennar Showcases New Texas Home-Builds”

By The Post Millennial

Woke activists oppose California bill making it a felony to purchase sex from children, claiming it will harm LGBTQ community, people or color

Legislation increasing penalties for people who solicit, agree to engage in, or engage in any act of commercial sex with a minor is being opposed by a group of activists, claiming that it disproportionately harms minorities and the LGBTQ community. The bill has also been watered down from its original punitive measures. Continue reading “Woke activists oppose California bill making it a felony to purchase sex from children, claiming it will harm LGBTQ community, people or color”

By Didi Rankovic – Reclaim The Net

Earlier this week the EU Commission (EC) published its second report on what it calls “the state of the digital decade,” urging member countries to step up the push to increase access and incentivize the use of digital ID and electronic health records. Continue reading “EU Commission Urges Digital ID, E-Health Records, and Touts “Anti-Disinformation” Efforts in Digital Decade Report”

By Oren Ziv – +972 Magazine

In early June, Al Jazeera aired a series of disturbing videos revealing what it described as “summary executions”: Israeli soldiers shooting dead several Palestinians walking near the coastal road in the Gaza Strip, on three separate occasions. In each case, the Palestinians appeared unarmed and did not pose any imminent threat to the soldiers. Continue reading “‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Gay neocon Douglas Murray told Ben Shapiro in an interview released Sunday that Western civilization would “die” without Israel and argued that Jewish lives are worth more than those of Christians. Continue reading “Douglas Murray to Ben Shapiro: Western Civilization Would ‘Die’ Without Israel”

By Dave DeCamp –

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a list of demands for a potential hostage deal ahead of more indirect negotiations between Israel and Hamas, a move seen by mediators and Israeli officials as an attempt to sabotage the chances of an agreement. Continue reading “Netanyahu Sabotaging Deal With Hamas By Issuing List of Demands”

By Thomas Stevenson – The Post Millennial

Biden admin sent illegal immigrant children to homes of suspected criminals, traffickers: report

Many unaccompanied minors who crossed the border illegally were sent to guardians or sponsors in the US who were using the children for criminal purposes, such as labor trafficking. Government officials repeatedly ignored concerns from lower-level workers who warned about placing minors in certain households, per a report from the Wall Street Journal. Continue reading “Biden admin sent illegal immigrant children to homes of suspected criminals, traffickers: report”

By Wall Street Apes

This man spent 3 years in jail for “making faces” at Anthony Fauci. The Supreme Court threw out Section 1512, used to imprison him. THE SAME DAY new different charges were filed attempting to put him back in prison.. WOW Continue reading “Joe Biden’s Weaponized Justice Department Is At It Again”

By Didi Rankovic – Reclaim The Net

A recent advisory published by the Resecurity cybersecurity vendor exposes a trend now developing on the dark web – more and more stolen biometrics-based data is ending up in this corner of the internet. Continue reading “Rise in Stolen Singaporean ID Data Shows The Dangers of Digital ID”