Calvert Cliffs retouched.jpgSoMD News – by Amanda Scott

Beginning this week, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is evaluating state and local emergency planning and preparedness agencies’ abilities to respond to an emergency at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant in Lusby.

“These drills are held every other year to test government’s ability to protect public health and safety,” MaryAnn Tierney, regional administrator for FEMA Region III, said in a FEMA news release. “We will evaluate state and local emergency response capabilities within the 10-mile emergency-planning zone of the nuclear facility.”   Continue reading “FEMA evaluating county response to Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant emergency”

Mohammed Mahmoud Omar Mefleh and Antoine ChlelaExaminer – by Dave Gibson

On Friday, Pulaski County sheriff’s deputies arrested Mohammed Mahmoud Omar Mefleh, 34, and Antoine Clela, 31, after they reportedly tried to lure a 12-year-old girl into their vehicle.

The pair repeatedly stopped in front of the victim’s home where she was playing with another young child, all the while asking her for “sexual favors,” according to deputies.   Continue reading “Foreign soldiers tried to abduct, sexually assault 12-year-old girl in Missouri”

SOTT – by Charles Piller, The Sacramento Bee

When Staff Sgt. Troy Torres and his wife, Sgt. Lori Torres, joined the California National Guard more than five years ago, they were stirred by patriotism and persuaded by something more tangible – the prospect of paying down some student loans.

Each was promised $20,000 in loan repayments over six years, an enticement for recruits. Now, the Guard is asking for it back.    Continue reading “As National Guard claws back recruitment incentives, soldiers feel pain”

chinoKTLA 5- by Melissa Pamer

Two students were taken to local hospitals Wednesday after a student fired a police rifle during an officer’s drug-awareness presentation at a Chino elementary school, authorities said.

A student pulled the trigger on an AR-15 that was mounted on a police motorcycle that was on display during an event for students, according to Tamrin Olden, a spokeswoman for the Chino Police Department.   Continue reading “Student Fires AR-15 Mounted on Chino Police Motorcycle, Injuring 3”

U.S.Military not exempt from Obama’s deception

When Dr.Terrence Lakin, former U.S.Army Lt.Col., began hearing of many legal challenges to Barack Obama’s Presidential eligibility, he, in compliance with his sworn oath (similiar to Obama’s),to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic”, went through military channels for clarification of this issue. Receiving no help, he then wrote directly to Obama, asking him to confirm that a valid “Certificate of Live Birth” (required by Hawaiian law) had been filed by him in 2008.   Continue reading “Transparency – Obama’s Best-Kept Secret, Part 6”

Stankov’s Universal Law Press – GEORGI STANKOV

It is a well-established fact that all official statistics which the Western Orion governments and states publish annually are forged and fraudulent. This is obvious for all financial data. But one expects that it is much more difficult to forge demographic statistics as to hide the intended genocide on humanity by the ruling dark cabal in the End Time, whose aim is to establish the NWO and preserve their power. This has been a leitmotif in all my publications on this topic. And indeed I will prove below that it is not so easy to forge demographic data to anybody who displays a logical, unspoiled mind and has a clear view as to what is ongoing on this most toxic and criminal planet in the whole universe.    Continue reading “Obama’s Genocide on the American People. More Than 4 Million Americans Have Been Disappeared by the Criminal Obama Administration in the Last 5 Years”

Blacklisted News – by James Hall

The rumblings of capital and currency controls are causing a stir among perceptive financial observers. You do not have to be a business-banking customer to fear the consequences of restricting the transfer of money. Both domestic and international wires no longer being available to be sent from a business savings account, may seem unimportant to the average Chase customer. Many do not have enough money on deposit to pay the wire fee. However, the kicker is that you can still receive wire transfers.   Continue reading “Transfers excluded, JPMorgan Chase is Wired”

Pope FrancisMiddle East Monitor

A “diplomatic embarrassment” has arisen following the refusal of Pope Francis I to meet with Israel’s prime minister at short notice. Benjamin Netanyahu’s office had already announced that a meeting would take place during his visit to Italy, reported Haaretz, but the pope has no plans in this regard.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met the Pope during his recent visit to Rome where he received a pen as a gift, with the wish that he will use it to sign a peace agreement with Israel.   Continue reading “Pope Francis will not meet with Netanyahu”

Common Dreams – by Jacob Chamberlain

Police departments around the U.S. must now obtain a warrant based on probable cause before they can secretly attach a GPS device to your car, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday.

The case, U.S. v. Katzin, which was brought by the ACLU is being hailed as a victory in the fight against government surveillance.   Continue reading “US Court Rules Against ‘Highly Intrusive’ GPS Tracking by Police”

It would seem they want more cannon fodder rather than decision makers.

New York Times – by Alan Blinder

COOKEVILLE, Tenn. — When Sarah Short arrived at Tennessee Technological University this summer, she had mapped out her four years of undergraduate study and well beyond: an affordable nursing degree and a commission as an Army officer.   Continue reading “R.O.T.C. Making Cuts to Expand Recruiting”

Fox News – by William La Jeunesse, Jennifer Girdon

Arizona is defying a federal order to eliminate apartments for deaf seniors at a housing complex built specifically — for the deaf.

“I think it’s about the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in a while,” said Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., who attempted to negotiate the impasse. “There are a lot of stories of out-of-control regulators, but this just seems to be going to the extreme.”   Continue reading “Feds try to eliminate housing for the deaf — at complex built for hearing-impaired”

CyberbullyingHanford Sentinel – by Joseph Luiz

A new state law will allow Kings County schools to take action against cyberbullying.

Gov. Brown passed AB 256 earlier this month, which allows schools to suspend or expel a student who uses electronic means such as social media as a tool for bullying, both on and off campus.   Continue reading “New California state law attacks cyberbullying”

USA Today – by John Bacon

One person is dead and two others have been wounded in a shooting in a Las Vegas Strip nightclub inside Bally’s casino, the Associated Press is reporting, citing Las Vegas police.

Police Lt. Jay Roberts said a suspect is in custody and the victims were taken to University Medical Center.   Continue reading “Report: One dead, 2 injured in Vegas casino shooting”

Piers MorganRed Alert Politics – by Melissa Quinn

CNN host Piers Morgan is well known for his outspoken anti-gun stance and is hardly a supporter of the Second Amendment. But Morgan took a shot at the Founding Fathers on Friday, saying the Second Amendment was “clumsily written” and calling for a debate to rephrase it.

Morgan spoke to an audience at the National Press Club and discussed his new book, “Shooting Straight: Guns, Gays, God and George Clooney.” The CNN host has gained notoriety for calling for more gun control, especially since the shootings in Aurora, Colo., and Newtown, Conn., and Morgan didn’t disappoint, addressing what he says is the evolution Second Amendment and the Constitution.   Continue reading “Piers Morgan: The Second Amendment was clumsily written, it’s time for a debate to rephrase it”

Daily Paul

From the Obamacare website page:

I actually made it through this morning at 8:00 A.M. I have a preexisting condition (Type 1 Diabetes) and my income base was 45K-55K annually. I chose tier 2 “Silver Plan” and my monthly premiums came out to $597.00 with $13,988 yearly deductible!!!

There is NO POSSIBLE way that I can afford this so I “opt-out” and chose to continue along with no insurance.   Continue reading “Obamacare by no means is “Free” or even “Affordable””

The Daily Caller – by Robby Soave

“It’s up to you — no more than two.”

This dystopian command was posted by staff inside an Indiana high school as a warning to students that if they grow up to have large families, they are contributing to overpopulation — a pseudoscientific hoax pushed by some liberals.

The message was posted on a banner above lockers at Northview High School in Brazil, Indiana. It read in full: “Zero population growth. It’s up to you — No more than two.”   Continue reading “Orwellian high school preaches population control to students”