Happy Monday! A Cop Car Caught Fire Outside of Dunkin’ Donuts.

The Anti-Media – by Willow Brooks

Portsmouth, VA — While police in Portsmouth were stopped early Friday morning at a Dunkin’ Donuts, a miracle happened. The heavens smiled upon America’s indentured slaves and the cop car caught fire, seriously. The car was parked at the Dunkin’ Donuts @ 4701 George Washington Highway in Portsmouth, VA.

Firefighters f#@ked it up around 2am and put the fire out. Clueless, the police are investigating what caused the fire. No one was hurt by the blaze except the police car; a car traditionally used to help cops issue tickets and imprison folks into Virginia’s for-profit prison system. Mysteriously, Dunkin Donuts was closed at that time according to their website.  

No word if the cops were staking out an actual crime or just a powdered jelly, boston cream or cup of coffee. It must take a lot of sugar and caffeine to mindlessly trudge through shifts as henchmen for the elite.

Anyways, here’s an epic ode to cops and donuts via Occupy Wall Street. Happy Monday!

Cop pats down baby


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