– by Molly Carter

The Battle at Wounded Knee is a significant battle in American history, as it put an end to the Indian Wars and is marked as the last official defeat of the Native Americans. But what’s not taught in history lessons is that Wounded Knee was one of the first federally backed gun confiscations in the history of the United States, and it ended in the massacre of nearly 300 unarmed people.  Continue reading “The Wounded Knee Massacre: The Forgotten History of the Native American Gun Confiscation”

Gizmodo – by Brian Kahn

Renowned conservationist Jeff Bezos has shared his vision for planet Earth. It’s not enough to protect it for the humans living here. No. Instead, according to the second-richest man on this planet, future generations “will visit Earth the way you visit Yellowstone National Park.”

It turns out while we’ve all been playing checkers talking about space tourism, Bezos is playing 3D chess. Everyone’s focused on billionaires sending people to the edge of space. But Bezos’ grand plan is actually to send all of humanity into space with the chance to revisit Earth like so many tourists hit the national parks each summer. Continue reading “Jeff Bezos: Future Humans ‘Will Visit the Earth the Way You Visit Yellowstone’”

Law Enforcement Today – by Lizzy Murica

SHREVEPORT, LA– After a group of concerned fathers came together in response to violence at a Shreveport, Louisiana, high school, that high school has seen no incidents of violence, and the fathers have seen a warm reception from students.

According to CBS News, in September 2021, Southwood High School was home to several violent interactions.  Fights were so severe that 23 students were arrested over a period of three days, and many others were suspended or expelled. Continue reading “Dads on Duty: Group of fathers successfully curbs teen violence with their presence at high school”

Press TV

A Utah man who drove his car into a group of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters in 2020 is now running for mayor in the city of Provo.

On June 29, 2020, when Ken Dudley was driving through downtown Provo, he came across a crowded intersection during a protest against police brutality in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. Continue reading “Man who drove into BLM protest runs for mayor in Provo”


A group of bloggers have bought a home for a Russian woman who lost her job at a Soviet military factory and took to living in a rusty barrel for 35 years, refusing to move into care despite having no electricity or running water.

Svetlana Chernova, from the Siberian city of Omsk, had been living in the dilapidated cistern for over three decades when her story came to light earlier this week. The electricity was cut off two years ago and there is neither running water nor gas. Instead, Chernova must walk hundreds of meters to collect water from a pump and warm her home with a woodfired stove.  Continue reading “Siberian woman discovered living in metal barrel for MORE THAN THREE DECADES with no heating or power given new home by bloggers”

Breitbart – by John Hayward

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un on Wednesday ordered the cross-border hotline to South Korea restored, indicating a willingness to resume peace negotiations with Seoul. However, Kim said he had no desire to speak with the “hostile” and “cunning” U.S. government.

“There is no change in the U.S. military threat to and hostile policy toward us at all, and instead, their expressions and methods get more cunning,” Kim said in an address to his rubber-stamp parliament, according to reports by North Korean state media. Continue reading “North Korea Orders Hotline to South Korea Restored, Refuses to Talk with U.S.”

Press TV

A sheriff said no charges will be filed against a South Carolina father whose 20-month-old boys died from heat after he forgot to drop them off at daycare and left them in his vehicle because he was under intense pressure at work.

Watching investigators interview the father was one of the most heartbreaking things Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott said he has seen in his 46 years in law enforcement.  Continue reading “US Sheriff: No charges after twin boys die from heat in car”


A Nigerian soldier and police officer have been killed after militants attacked a medium-security prison in Kogi State, destroying the perimeter fence and allowing nearly all the jail’s inmates to escape.

Late on Sunday night, heavily armed gunmen raided a jail at Kabba, some 270km (168 miles) southwest of the federal capital Abuja. Having blown up the perimeter fence, the militants managed to free some 266 inmates out of the prison’s total population of 294.   Continue reading “Over 260 inmates freed as raiders blow up Nigerian prison fence, killing police officer and soldier”

MSN – The Verge

Refusing to wear a mask on an airplane is about to get really expensive. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced that it was doubling civil penalties for those who refuse to comply with federal mask mandates on commercial airlines, at airports, or on certain forms of public transportation like passenger rail or intercity buses. Repeat offenders could now face fines of up to $3,000.

First time offenders will be fined $500-$1,000, up from the previous amount of $250. Second offenders will be fined $1,000-$3,000. The new TSA penalties, which are separate from the fines issued by the Federal Aviation Administration for unsafe behavior, will take effect September 10th. Continue reading “Refusing to wear a mask on an airplane could now cost you up to $3,000 in fines”

MSN – Business Insider

United Airlines has instructed its flight attendants not to use duct tape on disorderly passengers.

John Slater, United’s senior vice president of inflight services, sent a memo to flight attendants on Friday telling them to avoid using tape to restrain unruly passengers. Continue reading “United Airlines told its flight attendants not to duct tape unruly passengers, saying most flyers are ‘on their best behavior’”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Bird-in-Hand, PA — Amos Miller and his family has been running Miller’s Organic Farm for over a century, providing willing and highly satisfied customers with milk, chicken, beef, and eggs. All of the food coming from Miller’s farm is beyond organic, humanely raised in a non-factory setting and the animals treated with dignity as they spend their entire lives naturally and stress-free out on pasture. By any moral standard, Miller’s farm is the leading example of what farming in America should look like. Continue reading “Amish Farm Fined $250K, Facing Jail Time for Humanely Raising and Selling Food to Willing Customers”

Yahoo News

A-10 attack aircraft landed on and took off from a US highway on Thursday in a first for modern Air Force planes.

Authorities closed off Michigan State Highway M-32 on Thursday for a training exercise in which the Michigan National Guard’s 127th Wing, the Air Force’s 355th Wing, and Air Force Special Operations Command practiced operating four A-10C Thunderbolt II aircraft and two C-146A Wolfhound special operations transport planes from the roadway. Continue reading “Watch these A-10 attack aircraft make history by operating from a US highway for the first time”