Kenny’s Sideshow

Looking for peace? Iraq is not the place. With friends like Israeland Saudi Arabia peace is not the goal. Tell it like it is Nahida. No need to hold back now.

If you were looking for a place to say the pledge of allegience while getting a cup of coffee, you are in luck.

“[People] know exactly what they’re supposed to do.”   Continue reading “Still Looking”

Prison Bars Think Progress – by NICOLE FLATOW

Jerome Laudman, a schizophrenic, intellectually disabled inmate in South Carolina, was placed in solitary confinement, although he was neither aggressive nor threatening. During his transfer to the “Lee Supermax” facility, he was sprayed with chemical munitions and physically abused by a correctional officer. Although the transfer should have been recorded, the videotape turned up blank. While Laudman was confined naked in his cell, officers observed that Laudman had stopped eating and taking his medication, and appeared sick and weak. They did not report it. A week later, he was found laying in his own feces with 15-20 trays of molding food in his cell, vomiting. Nurses and an officer refused to retrieve his body. When two inmates were eventually sent to remove him, he was transferred unconscious to a hospital, where he died of a heart-attack.   Continue reading “Incarcerated To Death: How The Mentally Ill Are Abused, Neglected, And Humiliated In South Carolina’s Prisons”

Council of Conservative Citizens

The first thing you need to know about African Refugees in the United States is that they are being brought here at tax payer expense. The Federal government gives “grants” to private charities to bring them to the United States and provide them with benefits above and beyond what they will also receive from conventional welfare. Even if Maine cuts off their welfare, they will still be getting Federal funds from the Obama administration.   Continue reading “Portland Press Herald invents fake refugee success story to promote welfare benefits for non-citizen African refugees”

Charleston Voice- by Misoir

My fellow Americans, what you are about to read is not taught in your history books, said on television, or even known by virtually any American. Until today it was not even known by me but after extensive research the facts are, to say the least; shocking.

If you know me, as most on ATS do, I do try not to ‘pump things up’ beyond where they belong. So when I declare something to be shocking, unless you are a devout cynic or skeptic, this will shock you too.    Continue reading “Absolutely shocking facts about the Republican Party – They Are Today What They’ve Always Been”

Slavery & Serfdom | Human Farming: The Story of Your Enslavement From Sovereign to Serf

Whether you think of it as an analogy or as an accurate portrayal of the human condition, Stefan Molyneux’s controversial essay about the rise and (hopefully) fall of the tax farmer will make you think. Early humans could only produce what they consumed. There was no excess for a slave master to steal, so there was no point owning slaves. However, when agricultural improvements allowed for excess crop production, human ownership became an advantage. History tells us that early governments were in fact a ruling class of slave hunters who believed that because humans could produce more than they consumed, they were worth capturing, breaking in and owning. Early Egyptian and Chinese empires were in reality human farms where captured humans were domesticated and owned like any other livestock. – KK   Continue reading “Human Farm: The Story of Your Enslavement”

Washington’s Blog

Stunning Hypocrisy

The big banks have laundered hundreds of billions of dollars for drug cartels. See thisthisthisthisthis and this (indeed, drug dealers kept the banking system afloat during the depths of the 2008 financial crisis).   Continue reading “Big Banks Launder Hundreds of Billions of Illegal Drug Cartel Money … But Refuse to Provide Services for Legal Marijuana”

rabbiThe Ugly Truth

Israeli, American researchers publish work on new genetic risk factor for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder. The grounds of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Israeli and American researchers investigating a healthy Ashkenazi Jewish population have identified a new genetic risk factor for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (manic-depression).   Continue reading “Researchers find new risk factor for two mental illness disorders in Ashkenazi genes”

The Narcosphere

Pleadings in Federal Court Reveal ICE Undercover Operation Marked With CIA Fingerprints

Federal agents this past November raided the offices of an aircraft brokerage and leasing company called World Jet Inc., based in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

The raid, spearheaded by the US Drug Enforcement Administration, was launched on the heels of a DEA affidavit for a search warrant, which was filed in late October last year in federal court in Colorado as part of a case that is now sealed. The search-warrant affidavit was made available on the Internet after being obtained by a reporter for the Durango Herald newspaper.   Continue reading “DEA Case Threatens to Expose US Government-Sanctioned Drug-Running”

Mami’s Shit

Sodium bicarbonate, better known as baking soda, has been used for decades as a first line of defense against every kind of ‘acidic’ health problem – including cancer. Naturally, the question remains – is there any proof that baking soda is a defense against cancer or any other chronic dis-ease?

History has much to teach us about natural healthcare. In a booklet titled, Arm & Hammer Baking Soda Medical Uses – published in 1924, Dr. Volney S. Cheney explains his clinical successes in using sodium bicarbonate to treat both the common cold and flu. His comments are actually quite remarkable.   Continue reading “How baking soda helps cancer patients”


ROSWELL, N.M. (AP) — A 12-year-old New Mexico boy drew a shotgun from a band-instrument case and shot and wounded two classmates at his middle school Tuesday morning before a teacher talked him into dropping the weapon and he was taken into custody, officials and witnesses said.

Gov. Susana Martinez said a boy was critically injured and a girl was in serious condition following the shooting at Berrendo Middle School in Roswell.   Continue reading “New Mexico boy, 12, shoots 2 classmates at school”

Reality Blogger – by Clint Richardson

In my attempts to expose the genealogical “royal” bloodline – the passing of pure blood type as opposed to mere genealogical “family tree” relation – I came across a researcher from named Tim Dowling. On his site, and reproduced below, Mr. Dowling has connected the trees of all U.S. Presidents to the Plantagenet King John circa 12oo A.D.

DIRECTIONS: To see the full charts or tree for each president, click on the “Relationship to King John” link below, and then on the next page click either the “tree” link or the link below that which looks like this:   Continue reading “How All Presidents Are Related To King John”

Ben's GuideDa Tech Guy on DaRadio Blog

Ever wonder how many .gov websites are geared toward children?  Lemme tell ya, there are quite a few.

Ben’s Guide, brought to you by the Superintendent of Documents in the U.S. Government Printing Office, provides pretty comprehensive listings, by both subject and agency.  If you click over and give a scroll, you’ll get an idea of the wide range.

Some of the sites are not a surprise–like the DEA wanting to make sure our children know drugs are bad, m’kay?   Continue reading “Dot Gov Sites for Children: We Make Propaganda Fun!”

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif smiles as he speaks to the media at the International Conference Centre of Geneva in Geneva November 24, 2013 file photo. REUTERS/Carolyn Kaster/PoolReuters

(Reuters) – Iran would receive the first $550 million installment of a total of $4.2 billion in previously blocked overseas funds on or about February 1, a senior U.S. official said on Sunday.

Under a November 24 nuclear agreement, six major powers agreed to give Iran access to $4.2 billion in revenues blocked overseas if it carries out the deal, which offers sanctions relief in exchange for steps to curb the Iranian nuclear program.   Continue reading “Iran to get first $550 million of blocked $4.2 billion on February 1”