Serf CityCrockett Lives

“As a Congress we need to step up and point out and take charge and point out when the President is going beyond his constitutional powers, which is frequent, and we have got to do something about it …” – Rep. Justin Amash

While the legislature dithers, the hematophagic minions of the Left are swooping down upon our defenseless hatchlings.  Get ‘em while they’re young; there’s no such beast as a natural-born socialist:   Continue reading “Serf City”

Web of Debt – by Ellen Brown

December 23rd, 2013, marks the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve, warranting a review of its performance.  Has it achieved the purposes for which it was designed?

The answer depends on whose purposes we are talking about.  For the banks, the Fed has served quite well.  For the laboring masses whose populist movement prompted it, not much has changed in a century.   Continue reading “100 Years Is Enough: Time to Make the Fed a Public Utility”

Washington’s Blog

Putting Fukushima In Perspective

There was no background radioactive cesium before above-ground nuclear testing and nuclear accidents started.

Wikipedia provides some details on the distribution of cesium-137 due to human activities:   Continue reading “Wave of Radiation from Fukushima Will Be 10 Times Bigger than All of the Radiation from Nuclear Tests Combined”

sharpton_obamaConservative Tree House – by Sundance

This past Thursday, a town hall meeting hosted by Al Sharpton and the National Action Network in Chicago to address gun violence exploded into a revolt against: “Chicago Machine” politics, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and black alderman in City Hall, with panel and audience members calling to vote out their elected officials.

One 82-year-old preacher even called for “Tea Party” style meetings in some of Chicago’s south side communities such as Altgen Gardens and Trumbull Park.  (via Breitbart)   Continue reading “Rut Roh – Al Sharptongue Was Not Expecting This In Chicago – “Don’t blame white people, blame the right people”…”


HATFIELD, Mass. — Massachusetts state police say they’ve stopped a car carrying 1,250 packets of heroin stamped “Obamacare” and “Kurt Cobain” and arrested the four people inside it.

Police say a trooper was making a traffic stop in Northampton when another car passed and he noticed several violations.   Continue reading “Mass. drug bust nets 1,250 bags of heroin labeled ‘Obamacare’”

classroomThink Progress – b y Scott Keyes

As if their lives hadn’t been thrown into enough turmoil when their house was foreclosed on and their family became homeless, two Pennsylvania students learned last Monday that they were no longer welcome at the school they had attended their entire lives because the campground they were living in was located just outside of town.

The two students, one eighth-grader and one twelfth-grader whose names are withheld because they are minors, have lived in a camper with their parents in eastern Pennsylvania since losing their home to foreclosure in 2011. The campground where they were able to find refuge is located just outside the school district’s boundaries.   Continue reading “Pennsylvania School Tries To Kick Out Two Students After Their Families Became Homeless”

Think Progress – by Nicole Flatow

Last Friday, Los Angeles Police Department officers shot dead a mentally ill man who had already gotten out of his car after a police chase with his hands up. The incident, which was broadcast on national television for all to judge, was the latest in a string of more than a dozen police shootings that have surfaced in the news just in the last few months. Before that, it was the fatal shooting of 19-year-old Tyler Comstock after his father called the cops to report that his son drove away in his car. And other incidents involved death during traffic stopcalls to police for help with a mentally ill family member, and a man whose watering hose was mistaken for a gun.   Continue reading “Why Cops Pull The Trigger: Pulling Back The Curtain On Police Shootings”

On foot: After the crash, the DUI suspect tries to drive his totaled car but crashes it into a telephone pole while backing up and it won't move. He is then seen getting out of the carDaily Mail – by ASHLEY COLLMAN and RYAN GORMAN

The father of the man shot dead on live television by Los Angeles police officers has broken his silence over the traumatic ordeal.

Bill Beaird, 80, watched as three LAPD officers shot son Brian Beaird 22 times after he led them on an hour-long car chase through the city before crashing his silver Corvette and spinning out of control.   Continue reading “Devastated father tells how he watched on live television as LAPD cops shot dead his unarmed son after chase through city”

New skill: Belka took to howling with enthusiasm, much to her owner's amusementDaily Mail

Human babies learn to talk by listening to their parents, and it seems that dogs are no different.

In an adorable video posted to YouTube, Belka, a three-week-old Alaskan malamute-Siberian husky gets the hang of howling with some help from her human boy owner.   Continue reading “Call of the wild: Adorable video of boy teaching his three-week-old husky to howl”

The Ugly Truth –

Al Goldstein, the bearded, bird-flipping publisher of Screw magazine who smashed down legal barriers against pornography and raged against politicians, organized religion and anything that even suggested good taste, died Thursday, according to a friend. He was 77.

Goldstein died at a Brooklyn hospice after a long illness, said the friend, attorney Charles C. DeStefano.    Continue reading “Porn pioneer Al Goldstein, publisher of Screw magazine, has died and gone to hell”

An oil sheen can been seen floating on waters covering an oilfield in Cameron Parish in southwest Louisana Set. 15, 2008. Think Progress – by EMILY ATKIN

The Louisiana parish of Plaquemines is taking on a group of oil and gas giants including BP and Chevron for allegedly dumping toxic waste — some of it radioactive — from their drilling operations into its coastal waters, according to a lawsuit removed to federal court on Thursday.

Plaquemines Parish is claiming the companies violated the Louisiana State and Local Coastal Resources Management Act of 1978 by discharging oil field waste directly into the water “without limitation.” Worse, the companies allegedly failed to clear, revegetate, detoxify or restore any of the areas they polluted, as required by state law. The oil and gas companies’ pollution, along with their alleged failure to adequately maintain their oilfields, has caused significant coastal erosion and contaminated groundwater, the lawsuit said.   Continue reading “BP, Chevron Accused Of Illegally Dumping Toxic Radioactive Drilling Waste Into Louisiana Water”

BBC News

Uganda’s parliament has passed a bill to toughen the punishment for homosexual acts to include life imprisonment in some cases.

The anti-homosexuality bill also makes it a crime punishable by a prison sentence not to report gay people.

The prime minister opposed the vote, saying not enough MPs were present.   Continue reading “Ugandan MPs pass life in jail anti-homosexual law”

Word Press

Smileys, also known as “emoticons,” are glyphs used to convey emotions in your writing. They are a great way to brighten up posts. smile emoticon

Text smileys are created by typing two or more punctuation marks. Type the smileys without the spaces between the : and the other punctuation marks or it will not work.  (I had to put the spaces in to show you what to type or it would just show the smiley faces and you would not know what to type.)

Some examples are:   Continue reading “What Text Do I Type to Make Smileys?”

Podesta the ConsigliereCrockett Lives

With his approval ratings bunkering into Nixonian sub-terrain, his Obamacare rollout as disastrous as the maiden voyage of the Titanic, and the sordid transgressions of Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA, etc. etc. causing legislative and judicial wolfpacks to begin snapping at his dodgy heels, the Big Red in the White House has brought in reinforcements. John Podesta, the left-wing consigliere last seen advising Slick Willie Clinton on how best to circumvent the laws of the land, has signed on as “counselor to the president.”  Former Jesuit John is a man with the un-blinkered look of an inquisitor more suited to hunting down heretics than “counseling” the leader of the one time Land of the Free. And that’s exactly what Obama intends him to do — along with devising ever more novel schemes to further shred the U.S. Constitution:   Continue reading “Robespierre Is Coming To Town”

Kenny’s Sideshow

The recommendations on what to do about the illegal NSA spying are out. As if they really matter.

If congress and the administration and the courts were serious about protecting privacy and especially cutting the budget, perhaps the litmus test would be shutting down the Utah Data Center “Bumblehive” before it goes completely on line.   Continue reading “Shut Down “Bumblehive?””