Stinking White-hating Jew spews his line of bull once again on CNN (video below).

From Council of Conservative Citizens

Once again, CNN featured the extremist Tim Wise, who last year called on his followers to murder members of the TEA Party. Tim Wise,who is Jewish, says that Jesus Christ is a symbol of “White supremacy” and “genocide.” Wise stated “The image of a White Jesus has been used to justify enslavement, conquest, colonialism, the genocide of indigenous peoples. There are literally millions of human beings whose lives have been snuffed out by people who conquered under the banner of a White god.”   Continue reading “Tim Wise Calls Jesus a Symbol of Genocide”

CIA made doctors torture suspected terrorists after 9/11, taskforce findsThe Guardian – by Sarah Boseley

Doctors and psychologists working for the US military violated the ethical codes of their profession under instruction from the defence department and the CIA to become involved in the torture and degrading treatment of suspected terrorists, an investigation has concluded.

The report of the Taskforce on Preserving Medical Professionalism in National Security Detention Centres concludes that after 9/11, health professionals working with the military and intelligence services “designed and participated in cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment and torture of detainees”.  Continue reading “CIA made doctors torture suspected terrorists after 9/11, taskforce finds”

AlterNet – by Emily DePrang, Texas Observer

On October 24, the Houston Police Department announced the results of its yearlong investigation into the shooting death of Brian Claunch, a mentally ill double amputee killed by an officer last September after refusing to drop a pen. HPD cleared the officer, Matthew Marin, of any wrongdoing.

That may not come as a surprise, since HPD hasn’t found a single police shooting unjustified in at least six years. Between 2007 and 2012, HPD officers fatally shot 109 people and injured another 111. All those shootings were found justified. (For the full story on HPD shootings and beatings, read the Observer investigation here.)   Continue reading “How a Texas Cop Who Killed a Double Amputee Holding a Ballpoint Pen Got Away With It”

the-raid1Political Film

Here’s your Holy Shit moment of the day:

That’s because the detailed 35-page affidavit supporting the request for a search warrant of Don and Bill Whittington’s air charter company filed at the United States District Court in Grand Junction Colorado has been sealed.   Continue reading “Huge Drug Cover-Up in Ft. Lauderdale”

New allegations over the EB-5 program, which has snagged one nomination to the Homeland Security Department, now threatens to embroil Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)The Washington Times – by Shaun Waterman

A program that gives coveted immigrant green cards to wealthy foreign investors was so susceptible to fraud and abuse that it was used by an Iranian network that sought to send banned high technology home and spread terrorism abroad, federal investigators said.

The EB-5 program was used by “a network involved in a series of international assassinations and terrorism operations” that also was “procuring a variety of goods for Iranian entities,” states an unsigned memo from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement made public Thursday. The memo was written in response to questions asked by Janet A. Napolitano as homeland security secretary.   Continue reading “Senator’s memo shows Iran links in Homeland Security’s troubled immigration program”

AlterNet – by Emily DePrang, Texas Observer

Sebastian Prevot watched helplessly as three police officers advanced on his wife. Prevot was handcuffed and bleeding in the back of a cop car. Half of his left ear dangled where it had been torn from his head. The Houston Police Department doesn’t deny that its officers gave Prevot these injuries during a late-night arrest in January 2012. The only dispute is whether he earned them.

Prevot had been returning home from a night out with a friend. He was two miles from his house when he stopped just past the white line at a four-way stop sign. Two officers in a patrol car tried to pull him over, but he kept driving. Prevot says he didn’t want to pull over and continued home—“going the speed limit, stopping at every stop sign”—because he knew he was about to be detained and have his car impounded.   Continue reading “The Horror Every Day: Why Police Brutality Goes Unpunished”


NEILLSVILLE, Wis. (WEAU) – A man is dead after an officer shot him on his front porch Friday morning in Neillsville.

Ricky Taylor’s mother, Jolynn Ashmore said her family called police to have him removed from the home after he had too much to drink. Now, she’s grieving the loss of her son, and wants to know why he had to die.   Continue reading “Man killed in officer-involved shooting in Neillsville”

Daily Mail – by Jill Reilly

A South African sign language interpreter accused of making up his own signs during a memorial to Nelson Mandela has faced charges for murder, rape and kidnapping, it was claimed today.

Thamsanqa Jantjie, 34, stood just a few feet from from President Obama and others who spoke at Tuesday’s ceremony that was broadcast around the world.   Continue reading “Schizophrenic fake signer who stood next to President Obama at Mandela memorial ‘was once charged with MURDER and was sentenced to three years for theft’”

Washington’s Blog

GE Engineers and American Government Officials Warned of Dangerous Nuclear Design

5 of the 6 nuclear reactors at Fukushima are General Electric Mark 1 reactors.

GE knew decades ago that the design was faulty.   Continue reading “General Electric Knew Its Reactor Design Was Unsafe … So Why Isn’t GE Getting Any Heat for Fukushima?”

The Global Post – by Timothy McGrath

Today [December 10] is International Human Rights Day. So here in the United States, it’s worth revisiting a debate that nearly every other developed nation has already sorted out: Is it a human right NOT to be legally murdered by your own government?

The United Nations thinks so. In February, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, “Capital punishment is inconsistent with the mission of the United Nations to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights and the dignity and worth of the human person.”   Continue reading “The US executes more people every year than Yemen, Sudan and Afghanistan.”

CenturyLink – by TRAVIS LOLLER

WASHINGTON (AP) — The fired chief of staff for U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander was expected Thursday in federal court after the aide’s arrest on probable cause for possession and distribution of child pornography, authorities said.

Ryan Loskarn was a rising star who had spent the past decade working his way up to increasingly important posts in the U.S. House and then the Senate.

According to a filing with the U.S. District Court in Washington Thursday, police used a ram to enter Loskarn’s home the day before, and noticed that Loskarn put something on the ledge outside his window. It turned out to a portable hard drive with videos depicting child pornography, according to the filing.   Continue reading “Fired US Sen. Alexander staffer expected in court”

911 Calls Reveal New Details on Alleged FSU RapeCenturyLink

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — A North Texas teen from an affluent family was sentenced to probation this week after he killed four pedestrians when he lost control of his speeding pickup truck while driving drunk, a punishment that outraged the victims’ families and left prosecutors disappointed.

The 16-year-old boy was sentenced Tuesday in a Fort Worth juvenile court to 10 years of probation after he confessed to intoxication manslaughter in the June 15 crash on a dark rural road.   Continue reading “Sentence in Texas teen’s fatal DWI wreck stirs ire”

children-of-the-cornTwo Heads are Better than One – by justturnright

As you may recall, we recently discussed the creepy Cultish qualities of the Obama fans/Leftists/True Believers. Well, consider this further evidence to buttress that observation, …as if we really needed any.

First up: Obamacare architect Zeke Emanuel:   Continue reading “Paying more $$$ for #Obamacare is an awesome new “choice”; it’s “Manna From Heaven””

MENDELA LOVEFEST GOES ON 3Ingogman – by Phillip Marlowe

OK AMERICA, THIS Nelson Mandela BS has gone far enough. I am so sick and tired of this crap, I am about ready to friggin’ explode! Why don’t we just pay the GD Chinese a boatload of our taxpayer dollars to build a commie heroic-style statue of “Mandiba,”“Mandicka” — or whatever the flock they call him – and put the thing up in Washington DC next to the one of sacred MLK and be done with it?

If Mendela was an Arab muzzie or Palestinian, they would have had Seal Team 6 “double-tap” the guy right in the forehead  — even if he was an old man. Say what, Nazi boy? Yep, Nelson Mandela easily fit the bill for what we call a “terrorist” 24/7 these days. The militant wing of the African National Congress (ANC) under his command killed plenty of innocent people — White, blacks and “colored” (what they call people with Paki or Indian heritage) – by a wide variety of violent ways.   Continue reading “The White-hating Nelson Mendela Lovefest Goes On”