The Ugly Truth

ed note–I post this not in the interests of starting a debate about abortion, but rather because there are several items in this story underscoring the nature of what we are up against.

First and foremost is the mindset of a people who are so greedy for gain that they will actually BRING SUIT for having NOT BEEN MURDERED in the womb. This in itself is pure madness and is the same kind of mindset that would be so audacious as to try and make a profit off of free air.   Continue reading “Increasing number of disabled Israeli children sue for not being aborted”

janet-vrotsos-croppedAllen B. West

Just when you think the Left can stoop no lower, they continue to astonish us all.

Such is the story of electrical union member Janet Vrostos and the vile, sickening Facebook post she sent to a wounded veteran. As reported by conservative news site Pat Dollard via BizPac Review, Air Force Sr. Airman Brian Kolfage Jr., a triple amputee and Iraq war veteran, said he received a vile message on his Facebook page from Vrotsos, saying:   Continue reading “Anti-social media: union member sends vile post to disabled veteran”

WND – by Garth Kant

WASHINGTON – Nearly three months after an unarmed, young, black single mother with a one-year-old daughter in tow was gunned down in broad daylight by police on a crystal-clear autumn afternoon in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol, a veil of official silence remains over the case.

The Secret Service, the Washington Metro Police and the Capitol Police have withheld virtually all details of the shooting from the family of Miriam Carey, a 34-year-old dental hygienist from Connecticut, and the public. Those details include forensics reports that would show how many times Carey was shot, her cause of death, the position of the body at the time of death, video and photos, multiple eyewitness accounts and an explanation as to why police believed deadly force was necessary to subdue her while she had her infant daughter with her.   Continue reading “Missing! Video of mother killed by police”

ObamacareBusiness Insider – by Danny Vinik

Last week, the Obama administration announced that anyone whose health plan was cancelled due to the Affordable Care Act and believe other plans offered are unaffordable will receive a ‘hardship waiver.’ This waiver exempts them from the individual mandate and allows them to purchase a cheaper catastrophic plan that was previously available only to those under the age of 30.

But losing your health insurance is not the only experience that qualifies a person for a waiver. In fact, there are 13 other ways that people qualify.   Continue reading “The 14 Ways You Can Get Out Of Being Forced To Have Health Insurance”

Century Link –  by JEFFREY COLLINS

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Leaving a judge to decide whether to throw out the conviction of a 14-year-old boy executed in South Carolina in 1944 reminds supporters of George Stinney of how the teen’s fate was also in one man’s hands nearly 70 years ago.

Gov. Olin Johnston could have commuted Stinney’s death sentence to life in prison if he wanted. He had 54 days between the time the black teen was convicted of killing two white girls in the tiny mill town of Alcolu in Clarendon County and his march to the electric chair with a Bible in his arm.   Continue reading “SC’s execution of 14-year-old riled people in 1944”

WQOW – by Jackson Schmidtke

Eau Claire (WQOW) – The award-winning weekly syndicated “Northland Adventures” television program will air its series finale episode at the end of 2013, coinciding with the retirement of its long-time host and creator, Dave Carlson.

The show airs weekly at 10:35 p.m. Sunday nights and 6:30 p.m. Saturday nights on WQOW News 18 in Eau Claire. The program also airs in syndication on 23 television stations throughout the upper Midwest.      Continue reading ““Northland Adventures” series finale set for December 29th”

A prison cell doorThe Guardian – by Cara Tabachnick 

Kyam Livingston begged for help. After seven hours of lying on the floor of a jail cell, the 38-year-old mother of two died, her calls unheeded by the correction officers providing security for the approximately 15 female inmates at Brooklyn “central booking” jail this past summer, according to witnesses and court documents.

Witnesses told the family that she had died in the cell among fetid conditions before she was taken to Brooklyn Hospital Health Center on 21 July 2013 where Livingston was pronounced dead at 6:58am, according to police reports. A witness, registered nurse Aleah Holland, told The Daily News, that police at Central Booking ignored her complaints of stomach pains and diarrhea. She said that when she and other inmates banged on the bars calling for help, officers told them Livingston was an alcoholic.   Continue reading “There’s an Alarming Number of Deaths in US Jails”

Washington’s Blog

The Founding Fathers Are Treated As “Terrorists”

The Founding Fathers started the Revolutionary War because England was spying on the colonists in the exact same way that the NSA is spying on modern Americans.  Indeed, Americans are the most spied on people in world history.

Ironically, Founding Fathers Benjamin Franklin and Samuel Adams did exactly what Edward Snowden did … and were likewise labeled as traitors by the British government.   Continue reading “Given that the Authorities Oppose Everything the Founding Fathers Fought For, Is This Still America?”

awallstBuzz Flash – by MARK KARLIN

Providing additional evidence that the Obama Administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) is protecting “banks too big to fail,” Pulitzer Prize winning financial reporter David Cay Johnston has revealed that the DOJ has refused to force JPMorgan Chase to comply with an ongoing investigation into the bank’s possible knowledge of Bernard Madoff’s fraud scheme of a few years ago.

The information obtained might reveal that the bank chose to financially benefit from criminal activity:   Continue reading “New Revelation that AG Eric Holder Is Protecting JPMorgan Chase NYC From Criminal Investigation”

Lew Rockwell – by Laurence M. Vance

There are a number of distinctly American symbols that evoke feelings of pride, nationalism, and patriotism. There is the Constitution. There are monuments like Mount Rushmore, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, and the Jefferson Memorial. There are structures like the Statue of Liberty and the Liberty Bell. There are buildings like the White House and the Capitol. There are also things that there are many of: American flags, bald eagles, dollar bills, and images of Uncle Sam and the Great Seal of the United States.   Continue reading “The Cult of the Uniform”

Obama Christmas cardBookworm Room

There’s been a fair amount written about the Obama Christmas card. It’s a pop-up card, which has an expensive look that’s unseemly as millions lose their insurance and millions more have joined the ranks of the perpetually unemployed.  It’s colors are cool, not warm, which seems to refute the warmth that Christmas brings to people in the dark of winter.  It shows a vacant building, which seems symbolic when one considers that Obama invariable answer to all the scandalsrevealed in the past year is to disclaim knowledge or responsibility.  And lastly, despite going out at Christmas time and despite Obama’s claims to be a Christian, the card makes no mention of Christmas.  Keep in mind with this last point that the card ostensibly comes not from “the government” but from a man and his family.  George and Laura Bush were not ashamed that they celebrated Christmas and always sent out cards that included Biblical verses.   Continue reading “The Obama Christmas card reveals the zero at the center of our government”