Image from user@uneditedmediaRT News

Hundreds of protesters gathered in a North Dakota town on Sunday to speak out against plans by an American Nazi group to buy up property and take over the local government in an effort to build a bastion against diversity.

About 300 protesters, including some 200 Native Americans from nearby reservations, gathered outside the Leith City Hall where Jeff Schoep, leader of the National Socialist Movement presented his plans for turning the tiny North Dakota town  – population 24 – into a segregated place where whites can live among themselves.    Continue reading “‘Go home!’ Hundreds protest neo-Nazi plan for ‘whites only’ town in North Dakota”

Washington’s Blog

Obama Says America Is Not a Banana Republic and We Have to Pay Our Bills …  What Do Experts Say?

America’s top liberal communications expert is George Lakoff.  Professor Lakoff (who we’ve previously interviewed) points out that when a politician says “Not X”, people usually think of X:  Continue reading “Obama’s “I Am Not a Crook” Moment”

Linux creator admits NSA demanded backdoorSalon – by Natasha Lennard

Speaking at the keynote LinuxCon panel this year, Linus Torvalds, who created the open-source Linux operating system 22 years ago, revealed that the government had approached him about installing a backdoor into system’s structure. Linux is the preferred operating system for the privacy conscious infosec community.

It’s just the latest in a string of revelations illustrating how the NSA have for a number of years attempted to intervene in the very structuring of online communications and cryptography to enable easier surveillance.  Continue reading “Linux creator admits NSA demanded backdoor”

Daily Democrat – by Mary Clare Jalonick

WASHINGTON — The House has voted to cut nearly $4 billion a year from food stamps, a 5 percent reduction to the nation’s main feeding program used by more than 1 in 7 Americans.

The 217-210 vote was a win for conservatives after Democrats united in opposition and some GOP moderates said the cut was too high.

The bill’s savings would be achieved by allowing states to put broad new work requirements in place for many food stamp recipients and to test applicants for drugs. The bill also would end government waivers that have allowed able-bodied adults without dependents to receive food stamps indefinitely.    Continue reading “House votes to cut $4 billion a year from food stamps”

AlterNet – by April M. Short

Marijuana Policy Project, the nation’s largest marijuana policy organization, released a list of the “Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users” in the United States on Wednesday. At the top of the list is none other than our hypocrite…er…commander in chief Barack Obama, who has sent more pot smokers and other nonviolent drug offenders to prison in his five years as president than any before him. Just below Obama are media mogul Oprah Winfrey, former President Bill Clinton, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and television show host Stephen Colbert. Others include the Daily Show’s host Jon Stewart, entertainer and entrepreneur Jay-Z, Secretary of State John Kerry, business magnate George Soros, and comedian Bill Maher. So much for the notion that ‘stoners’ are lazy work-o-phobes.    Continue reading “Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users”

IBRDavid Duke

A new “initiative” to make Syria hand over its chemical weapons is currently being flouted by the Obama regime as a way of avoiding a potentially embarrassing defeat in a Congressional vote on the matter—but it ignores the reality that Israel has the largest stockpile of chemical and other weapons of mass destruction in the entire Middle East.   Continue reading “What About Israel’s WMD Stockpile?”

Huffington Post

As prison populations surge in the UK, with overcrowded cells and repeat offenders, the opposite is happening in the Netherlands.

The country is actually to close eight prisons because of a lack of criminals, the Dutch justice ministry has announced.   Continue reading “Netherlands Close Eight Prisons Due To Lack Of Criminals”

arsenicNatural News – by Mike Adams

There is arsenic in rice, and it’s generally higher in brown rice than in white rice. Consumer Reports tested 223 samples of rice products in 2012 and found significant levels of arsenic in most of them, including inorganic arsenic (the really toxic kind).

As Consumer Reports found, it’s not unusual to see arsenic at levels of 200 ppb or more in rice-based baby cereals. Click here for the complete test results.   Continue reading “FDA deliberately deceiving Americans over arsenic in rice, chicken and other foods; contamination now widespread”

Before It’s News – by LynLeahz

It seems so many secrets are being discovered in this generation, and they are all so intriguing. From aliens and ships, to hidden bunkers and NWO agendas…there is yet much to be told!

YouTube Description:  As the Cold War reached its boiling point the US began to make plans to protect the country and the president. Elaborate defense preparations were made in the event of nuclear war. Highly secret bunkers were constructed and a covert shadow government program was born. Now these newly opened bunkers are brought into view… in some of the most unexpected places imaginable.   Continue reading “Found! Secret U.S. Bunkers!”

The Ugly Truth

ed note–it was the Jews’ faith that led to them to reject and kill Jesus Christ. It is the Jews’ faith that believes that at this very moment, Jesus suffers in hell by being boiled in a vat of his own feces for having opposed the rabbis. It is the Jews’ faith that Jesus Blessed Mother Mary was a ‘whore who mated with Romans’.

Furthermore, it is the Jews’ faith that today has brought us such masterpieces in human suffering as Iraq, Syria, Libya, Gaza, Afghanistan, as well as depleted uranium, abortion on demand, pornography, usury and all the other crimes against humanity that cry out to heaven for justice, and if Jesus were here today, hearing the things being said by this man, His response would be the same as it was to Peter thousands of years ago when Peter spoke things that were contrary to the truth– ‘Get thee behind me Satan’.   Continue reading “Pope praises Jews for keeping their faith despite ‘trials’”