Excerpts from secretly recorded meeting between Wilfrid Laurier University grad student and faculty

I find this profoundly important. This woman presented her class with opportunity for debate. She included a video of Professor Jordan Peterson who is fighting the forced gender pronoun issue. The snowflakes went nuts and the faculty rose to academic totalitarianism. It’s easy to respond to this with: “Just stay out of their schools,” but the fact is millions of young people are still there and being ruthlessly indoctrinated to conformity. No outcome yet, but this case is one to watch.

Global News

Lindsay Shepherd, a Wilfrid Laurier University graduate student and teaching assistant, landed in hot water with the university over a video clip, featuring controversial University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson, she used in a critical thinking course. After receiving complaints, the university claimed she created a toxic environment. Shepherd had a meeting with faculty and administration, here are excerpts from the secretly recorded conversation. 


3 thoughts on “Excerpts from secretly recorded meeting between Wilfrid Laurier University grad student and faculty

  1. “… landed in hot water with the university over a video clip, featuring controversial University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson, she used in a critical thinking course.”


    I didn’t think there was any such course available in the indoctrination centers these days.

    Probably not many takers, I’m guessin’.

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