Epoch Times – by Tara MacIsaac

Biotech company Oxitec announced on Sept. 5 that it has started releasing genetically modified (GM) moths in Geneva, New York. Globally, only two types of GM insects have ever been released. GM mosquitoes have been released in Brazil, Panama, the Cayman Islands, and Malaysia. And a GM pink bollworm was briefly released about 10 years ago in Arizona. Both the mosquitoes and bollworms were also made by Oxitec.

The genetic changes made to the newly released moth are much more complex, however, than those made to the bollworm—which was modified to glow for tracking and study purposes.   Continue reading “GM Moths Released in US for First Time: A Major Step for ‘Frankenbugs’”

The Blaze

Comedian Tim Allen recently revealed the truth of what happened to his hit-ABC show “Last Man Standing,” after it was abruptly cancelled earlier this year. Network executives cancelled the show despite having very high ratings. Many accused the network of playing politics, but they denied politics played a role in the show’s cancellation.

What did he say?

“It tore me up. Every aspect of (that show), everything about it, I loved. I was grateful every day,” he said recently in an interview with the San Luis Obispo Tribune. Allen explained:   Continue reading “Tim Allen reveals truth of what happened to ‘Last Man Standing’ in new interview”


American female veterans are committing suicide at more than twice the rate of civilian women, a US government study has found.

The survey released by US Department for Veteran Affairs on Friday, showed that the ratio of women veterans who took their own lives increased from 1.88 in 2013 to 2.15 in 2014 compared to non-veteran females.

The report’s findings were based on data gathered from 50 US states along with Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia and analyzed more than 55 million people who left the US military between 1970 and 2014.    Continue reading “Suicide soaring among US female veterans: Government study”

Life Site News – by Lianne Laurence

ROCKLIN, California, September 22, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Forty-one families have pulled 73 children from the elite Sacramento-area Rocklin Academy charter schools as the board continues to defend a kindergarten transgender lesson several parents say traumatized their 5-year-olds and that parents weren’t told about beforehand.

A mother who pulled her son from Grade 6 and daughter from Grade 3 at Rocklin Academy Gateway, where the incident took place, has kept a tally of parents who’ve done likewise.   Continue reading “More than 40 families pull children from school that forced transgender lesson on 5-year-olds”

The Orange County Register – by Scott Schwebke

Some Orange County residents were stunned Thursday, Sept. 21, when television programming was suddenly interrupted for about a minute with an ominous message predicting the end of the world.

Stacy Laflamme of Lake Forest said she was watching the HGTV channel via Cox Communications about 11:05 a.m. when suddenly an emergency alert flashed across her screen followed by a voice.   Continue reading “End-of-world prediction interrupts TV broadcasts in Orange County”

Daily Mail

Vladimir Putin has expressed his fears over artificial intelligence by asking Russia‘s largest technology firm how long it will be until smart robots ‘eat us’.

The Russian president was speaking to Arkady Volozh, chief of internet firm Yandex, during a tour of the company’s Moscow headquarters.

Volozh was discussing the potential of AI when Putin caused surprise by asking when the technology will ‘eat us’.    Continue reading “Putin reveals fears that robots will one day ‘eat us’”

Express – by Sarah O’Grady

A report also found that the cost to the NHS of treating problems relating to loneliness is £7.2billion a year.

There are 1.2 million chronically lonely old aged pensioners in the UK and three-quarters will not admit they are alone and do not want to be a burden.

Ninety per cent of Britons believe that loneliness in old age is “more likely than ever”.  Continue reading “Loneliness is as deadly as smoking 15 cigarettes a day”

Anti-Media – by Carey Wedler

In the latest blow to traditional retail sales, this week Toys R’ Us filed for bankruptcy, following in the footsteps of an increasing number of other brick-and-mortar chains. But the giant toy outfitter is not the only company suffering losses, as a recent report from Clark.com, a consumer analysis site details.

Though separate statistics show that more stores will open in 2017 than will close, the type of stores making gains suggests frugality is the norm U.S. consumers amid a continuously harsh economy.   Continue reading “‘Retail Apocalypse’ Causing More Than 3,500 Stores to Close: What You’re Not Being Told”

Fellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

Patrick Knox reports for the UK’s The Sun, Sept. 20, 2017, that fulfilling a pledge Emmanuel Macron had made during his presidential election campaign last year, the government of France is declaring war on men “harassing” women in public.

Under new plans, wolf-whistling will be a criminal offense in France, as will asking women for their telephone numbers and following them.The crackdown comes after surveys show virtually all French women said they have been “harassed” on public transport, in the street or elsewhere at some time in their lives.   Continue reading “France and other EU countries criminalize wolf-whistling & asking women for their phone number”

Life Site News

SANTA BARBARA, California, September 15, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – A statue of St. Junipero Serra was beheaded this week at the famous Mission Santa Barbara in California, that Serra founded. Bright red paint now spills from the saint’s neck, simulating blood.

Just last month another Serra statue was defaced at Mission San Fernando, just outside Los Angeles. The word “Murder” was written in large, blood-red letters down the front of his habit.   Continue reading “Defacing Catholic statues, removing icons — Where does it stop?”

Revisionist History – by Michael Hoffman

Billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer has donated $1 million to the “Senate Leadership Fund,” a Republican super PAC backed by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), dedicated to defeating Christian Judge Roy Moore, who is running for the U.S. Senate in a Republican primary contest in Alabama.

Paul Singer is a major donor to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund.   Continue reading “Republicans Make Common Cause with a Billionaire Homosexual Rights Activist to Defeat Roy Moore”

Press Herald – by Randy Billings

Maine’s largest city will no longer celebrate Columbus Day as a municipal holiday.

The Portland City Council voted unanimously Monday to designate the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The vote came after nearly an hour of public comment.

Portland became the latest municipality in Maine to recognize indigenous people instead of Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, who arrived in the New World on Oct. 12, 1492. Belfast was the first to make the switch in 2015, Bangor did so last month and Orono followed suit last week. Later Monday night, the Brunswick Town Council voted 8-1 to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day.   Continue reading “Portland designates 2nd Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples’ Day”

Need to Know

Tim Pool, an independent journalist who has covered protests including Occupy Wall Street and the Ferguson riots, says that the majority of the violent protesters are Antifa communists. The common thread for these groups is the desire to take down the US. An example is when they chant, “No Trump, No Wall, No USA at ALL!” Pool says the radical left despises liberals and have said, “Liberals get the bullet, too.” -GEG
Continue reading “Antifa Communists Say “Liberals Get the Bullet, Too””

Daily Mail

A total of around 150 schools have introduced gender neutral uniforms to enable children to experience ‘equality’, it emerged yesterday.

Rising numbers of primaries and secondaries are adopting the policy, which includes allowing boys and girls to wear skirts or trousers.

Many parents support the move to increase choice, but education experts have argued that youngsters could become confused by ‘politically correct’ practices.   Continue reading “150 schools introduce gender neutral uniforms”