TL Davis
How do civil wars start? Usually with a federal government of some kind, a king, a dictator or what have you becoming a belligerent in the war. In this case it is the state government, drunk with liberal power and exerting unconstitutional authority over the Second Amendment. In a legitimate republic, which the United States has not been for quite a while, around the turn of the century, this would not be considered and it is the outgrowth of sanctuary cities and states flouting the immigration laws. Failure of the federal government to put down that rebellion, and it can be considered nothing less, because immigration law, unlike almost every other law, is a legitimate action of the federal government, to guard the borders against unwanted invasion by citizens of another nation, was a grave mistake. It allowed for the idea to come into the heads of petty tyrants that they could make state law that overrode federal law. Continue reading “Antidote to Red Flag Laws”