r620-01961b0210d7f1de0b89c293a4fa5335.jpgAll News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

According to The Gazette in Colorado, something very unusual is about to happen – by some accounts, the largest military convoy since World War 2 will soon take place; more than 4,000 soldiers and more than 300 Stryker armored vehicles and other rigs from Fort Carson will participate in a road trip from May 26th to May 30th to the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site where soldiers will take part in a simulated war called ‘Raider Focus’. For days, the highways of Colorado will be packed with not only 300 Strykers but hundreds of other military trucks and humvees, taking off every half hour during convoy days and consisting of dozens of 15 to 30 vehicle convoys rather than just one huge US Army parade, for the 4 hour road trip.   Continue reading “Largest Military Convoy Since World War 2 To Hit Colorado Highways For ‘Raider Focus’ War Games”

140911_SCI_RiverFarmSlate – by Boer Deng, September 11, 2014

Everyone wants clean water, but not everyone agrees on how to make sure it stays pollution-free. The Clean Water Act is one of the most successful pieces of environmental legislation in American history: Forty years ago, only a third of the country’s lakes and rivers could support fishing or swimming. Now two-thirds do. But when a bill for the CWA was offered up in 1972, Richard Nixon vetoed it, complaining that it would cost too much. It took a bipartisan congressional override to enact the law.   Continue reading “Trench Warfare – The feds want to define “waters of the United States” scientifically. Farmers are freaked out.”

APFree Beacon – by Stephen Gutowski

A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction saying the District of Columbia’s new concealed carry law is unconstitutional.

The order, issued Monday by Judge Frederick J. Scullin, was the second decision in less than a year declaring the Washington, D.C., gun carry laws to be unconstitutional. In October of 2014, the same judge ruled that the district’s complete ban on gun carry was also in violation of the Constitution.   Continue reading “Federal Judge Says DC Gun Carry Law is Unconstitutional”

Meet the Bear Hungry for a Bull Market CorrectionBloomberg – by Julie Verhage

In a note sent out this morning, Bank of America Merrill Lynch has a warning for investors:

Investors remain trapped in “The Twilight Zone”, the transition period between the end of QE and the first rate hike by the Fed, the start of policy normalization…until (a) the US economy is unambiguously robust enough to allow the Fed to hike and (b) the Fed’s exit from zero rates is seen not to cause either a market or macro shock (as it infamously did in 1936-7), the investment backdrop will likely continue to be cursed by mediocre returns, volatile trading rotation, correlation breakdowns and flash crashes. Continue reading “Bank of America: Markets Are in a ‘Twilight Zone’ and It’s Time to Hold More Cash and Gold”

Yahoo News Digest

In a surprise announcement Monday, the White House said, effective immediately, the federal government will no longer fund or provide to police a number of military-grade weapons: armored vehicles that run on a tracked system instead of wheels, weaponized aircraft or vehicles, firearms or ammunition of .50-caliber or higher, grenade launchers, bayonets or camouflage uniforms. A longer list of equipment will be more tightly controlled, including wheeled armored vehicles like Humvees, manned aircraft, drones, specialized firearms, explosives, battering rams and riot batons, helmets and shields.   Continue reading “Obama: No more tanks or grenade launchers for local police departments”

New York City mayor Bill de BlasioWND – by Aaron Klein

Last week, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio unveiled a 13-point national “Progressive Agenda” that is being touted as the liberal “Contract with America.”

The aim is for the “Progressive Agenda” to become the basis for the Democratic Party’s main economic policies, including those of its 2016 presidential candidate.   Continue reading “Dem’s new agenda hauntingly similar to communism”

11210403_1010389579011807_2430161112802918922_nGateway Pundit – by Michael Strickland

Now that Oregon’s SB 941 has been signed by the Governor, gun rights activists have banded together and are organizing a facebook event page for a rally entitled SB 941 I Will Not Comply Demonstration. The rally is set for May 30th, at the Capitol building in Salem, and will feature a host of speakers. SB 941 is the “universal background check” bill, meaning that if you want to trade guns with your next door neighbor whom you’ve known for 10 years, you must both submit yourselves to background checks and get permission from the state police before the exchange can take place.   Continue reading “Oregon Gun Owners Plan Noncompliance Rally”

America the BattlefieldAmerica the Battlefield


The revolutionary development of modern weapons within a world divided by serious ideological differences has produced a crisis in human history. In order to overcome the danger of nuclear war now confronting mankind, the United States has introduced at the Sixteenth General Assembly of the United Nations a Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World.   Continue reading “United States Announces World Police Force”

Jade helm.JPGAL.com – by Leada Gore

The Pentagon has done its best to assure Texans the Jade Helm military operations in the state are nothing more than a training exercise. It turns out not only are those in the Lone Star State not convinced, neither are a lot of people nationwide.

A poll by Public Policy Polling released today found that 32 percent of GOP primary voters nationwide believe the military operations are an effort by the federal government to take over Texas. Forty percent dismissed that notion; 28 percent weren’t sure.   Continue reading “Jade Helm 15: 32 percent of Republicans think feds trying to take over Texas”

Oregon Live – by Amy Wang

Oregon is leading the way in making communities and families safer with its new law expanding gun sale background checks to include private transactions, according to former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her retired astronaut husband, Mark Kelly.

“This week, Oregon took a very positive step,” Kelly said Wednesday in Salem, referring to Gov. Kate Brown’s signing Monday of Senate Bill 941, “and over time we’re going to see less people die in the state of Oregon.”    Continue reading “Gabrielle Giffords, Mark Kelly seek tougher Oregon, U.S. gun laws for domestic abusers”

Whiteout Press – by Mark Wachtler

May 7, 2015. Phoenix. (ONN) Ever since we began publishing horror stories from parents about how the Department of Child Protective Services unjustly took their children away, we have been inundated with requests from other wrongly victimized parents. They ask us to shine a light on their plight because nobody else will. Their children have been stolen from them for no legitimate reason and they can’t get them back. There are thousands of them and they need help. Here are just a sampling of letters we received over a six-week period.

Continue reading “10 more desperate Letters from Parents – “CPS stole my Kids””


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Agriculture Department has developed the first government certification and labeling for foods that are free of genetically modified ingredients.

USDA’s move comes as some consumer groups push for mandatory labeling of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.

Certification would be voluntary — and companies would have to pay for it. If approved, the foods would be able to carry a “USDA Process Verified” label along with a claim that they are free of GMOs.   Continue reading “USDA develops first government label for GMO-free products”

A police officer salutes as he and thousands of other officers stand at attention as a hearse carrying the body of slain New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer Brian Moore passes as part of a procession to St. James Roman Catholic Church for his funeral service in Seaford, New York, May 8, 2015. (REUTERS/Mike Segar)The Daily Caller – by Kerry Picket

Law enforcement officers at Washington, D.C.’s annual Police Week tell The Daily Caller that the anti-police climate is taking its toll on the men and women in uniform and that morale is low in departments across the country.

One source told TheDC Monday night that officers have stepped back from engaging in proactive policing, because they often see the same violent criminals they arrest immediately released on to the streets.   Continue reading “Police Officers: Morale Is Low In Departments Across The Country”

ABC News – by Seth Borenstein

More than two out of five American honeybee colonies died in the past year, and surprisingly the worst die-off was in the summer, according to a federal survey.

Since April 2014, beekeepers lost 42.1 percent of their colonies, the second highest loss rate in nine years, according to an annual survey conducted by a bee partnership that includes the U.S. Department of Agriculture.   Continue reading “Survey: More Than 40 Percent of Bee Hives Died in Past Year”


(05/12/15)- Innocent pleas were entered Tuesday (05/12) on behalf of a Breckinridge County couple at the center of a custody dispute with the state involving their ten children.

Joe Naugler pleaded not guilty to a charge of menacing in connection to a dispute with a neighbor earlier in the month. Bond was set $1,000 unsecured with a pre-trial conference set for May 26th.   Continue reading “Joe and Nicole Naugler Arraignment”

portable disaster morgueConsciously Enlightened

We just received word that ‘portable disaster morgues’ have been ordered by the U.S. Government and sent to four different states. The order was so large, that the company with whom the order was placed does not even have enough to fill the order!   Continue reading “Jade Helm Update: Portable Disaster Morgues Just Ordered And Shipped To These Four States”

IMG_1852.JPGAll News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

An All News Pipeline reader has emailed us the photograph above as well as the 1st video below which show a US military convoy with microwave weapons units taking a break while heading west on I-80 near Reno, Nevada. These units are used by the military as a non-lethal method of crowd control according to Extreme Tech, causing a tremendous amount of pain to those who the weapon is used against and making the skin burn’ from the inside out, though said to cause no permanent injuries. This is just the latest sighting by everyday Americans across the country that provides us with more proof of huge preparation for some kind of an ‘event‘ by the US military that looks more and more as being preparation for crowd control and civil unrest in America for when the economy completes its’ tumble, leaving the US a 3rd world nation.   Continue reading “Military Convoy With Microwave Weapons Seen In Jade Helm 15 ‘Permissive’ Nevada”