received_10206903514724782.jpegAll News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

In the newly released video reports below, the 1st one from Jia Ireland via Facebook, we get an up-close-and-personal look at what our videographer herself calls ‘martial law‘ drills in ‘police state’ Flint, Michigan. Complete with low flying helicopters, the sound of explosions and shooting in the background and an American populace looking on, partly stunned, the commentary given by Jia is quite priceless as she shares with us watching her country turning into something out of a war zone or a 3rd world country. Jia tells us, “if it can happen ‘here’, it can happen anywhere.”   Continue reading “Michigan Martial Law Drills Prove ‘If It Can Happen Here, It Can Happen Anywhere’”

rwc.jpgAll News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

The United States Veterans noticed it 1st, several of them pointing out the hundreds and hundreds of miles of Concertina razor wire seen in the 2nd image above and 2nd, outstanding video below from the Fugazi Report, at the 4:03 mark showing a military convoy for “Raider Focus” in Colorado in the now viral video also featuring Blue Bell Ice Cream trucks. “Let me get this straight….they’re going to lay down THAT MUCH Concertina razor wire ‘just practicing’ to detain people..Yeah, sure..” one commenter says as the convoy heads towards Pinon Canyon, Colorado. The 1st video below has outstanding exclusive footage of Raider Focus in Colorado from Alex Ansary, a full bore 10 1/2 minute video in which Alex shows us what’s REALLY happening in the Pinon Canyon, Colorado area.   Continue reading “Hundreds Of Miles Of Razor Wire On Convoy Trucks”

bbrf.jpgAll News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

Back on May 28th , 2015, in an attempt to debunk a story run on All News Pipeline called “Blue Bell Ice Cream Refrigerated Morgue Trucks Join Military Convoy In Colorado Weeks After Listeria Outbreak Shuts Down Ice Cream Production”, Blue Bell representative Jenny Van Dorf (979-830-2180) sent ANP an official statement telling us the fact that Blue Bell trucks were seen in the military convoy was ‘just a coincidence’.   Continue reading “US Military Confirms Jade Helm 15 Is About Infiltration Of America As Blue Bell Ice Cream Caught In Huge Lie”

riot controlIntellihub – by Alex Thomas

In a stunning revelation published by a mainstream news outlet, an anonymous Department of Defense official has revealed their belief that a DoD Directive outlining military support to civilian authorities is the latest step towards President Obama eventually using military force against the American people.

The quote from the defense official was published in a now viral report that detailed the 2010 DoD Directive and how it could be used, under authority from the President, to unleash the might of the US military onto the civilian population.   Continue reading “Defense Official warns that DoD Directive allowing the use of military force against American citizens is latest step towards martial law”

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau

While individuals of legal drinking age may produce wine or beer at home for personal or family use, Federal law strictly prohibits individuals from producing distilled spirits at home (see 26 United States Code (U.S.C.) 5042(a)(2) and 5053(e)). Producing distilled spirits at any place other than a TTB-qualified distilled spirits plant can expose you to Federal charges for serious offenses and lead to consequences including, but not necessarily limited to, the following:   Continue reading “Home Distilling”

Clawhammer Supply

Know Your Rights – Moonshine Laws

Unless the thought of digging ditches with chains around your ankles is appealing, you better read this article on the legalities of making moonshine very closely. There are federal and state laws regulating home distilling. To avoid trouble with the federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies and officials, you’ll need to comply with federal and state laws, as well as any local laws. We’ll summarize federal laws in this article, which are important to know. However, also be sure to check out laws regulating distillation for your state.   Continue reading “Is Making Moonshine Legal?”

Lieutenant Roland Holmgren of the Oakland Police Department will oversee a joint OPD-FBI task force. Bruce Stoffmacher of OPD in background. - DARWIN BONDGRAHAMEast Bay Express – by Darwin BondGraham

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is committing $110,000 toward the creation of a state-of-the-art center for investigations in the Oakland Police Department, according to a briefing provided by OPD and the FBI at the Oakland City Council’s public safety committee meeting last night. The FBI funds will support the buildout of a $173,000 work space inside OPD’s Police Administration Building, and officials said the center will utilize the latest technologies to analyze social networks and track persons of interest across state lines. The joint effort will bring as many as ten FBI agents into OPD’s criminal investigations division to expand the department’s investigative capacity.   Continue reading “Ten FBI Agents Joining Oakland Police Department”

khalimovThe Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

Colonel Gulmorod Khalimov, the commander of Tajikistan’s special police force, announced on YouTube yesterday that he has now defected to ISIS. He disappeared last month, only to reappear this week in a 10 minute video, where he condemned the United States and Russia, as well as his country’s current regime.

Khalimov was in charge of Tajikistan’s OMON, an elite police force that emerged in several Soviet republics in the 1980’s, and is comparable to America’s SWAT teams or Germany’s GSG-9. They’re responsible for counter-terror operations, crowd control, and VIP protection. He was apparently trained by Russian Spetsnaz and American special forces. In the video he proclaimed “Listen, you American pigs, I’ve been three times to America, and I saw how you train fighters to kill Muslims… God willing, I will come with this weapon to your cities, your homes, and we will kill you.”   Continue reading “US Trained Police Commander Defects to ISIS”

Banker jumps to his death from luxury apartmentNew York Post – by Aaron Feis, Beckie Strum and Jennifer Bain

An investment banker jumped to his death from the window of his million-dollar apartment in the Financial District on Thursday, sources and authorities said.

The 29-year-old man plunged from the 24th floor of the luxury Ocean apartment building at 1 West St. at about 10:40 a.m. and landed on a guardrail near the northbound Battery Park Underpass, narrowly missing a black SUV.   Continue reading “Banker jumps to his death from luxury apartment”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

The Obama administration has tried to kick in the front door of the rights of gun owners, but was met with a shotgun blast of disappointment in 2013 following the Sandy Hook shooting.  The administration has made illegal and unconstitutional attempts to restrict guns and ammunition from law-abiding Americans.  Now, new legislation put forth by two Democrat representatives are seeking some backdoor methods to gun prohibition.

Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.) is attempting to restrict sales of ammunition (something that would be unconstitutional).  HR 2283, the Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2015, would seem just to look to restrict online sales of ammunition, but nothing could be further from the truth.   Continue reading “Congresswomen’s Gun Prohibition Exposed in New Bills”

The Standard hotel, at Washington and W. 13th Sts., has apologized after a sailor in uniform was turned away from the the Top of The Standard lounge.New York Daily News – by Nancy Dillon

This bar sure showed one sailor some stinking standards.

Manhattan’s swanky Standard hotel has issued an apology after a Navy officer wearing her iconic white uniform was turned away by a bouncer — during Fleet Week.

The sailor was blocked at the elevator to the Top of The Standard lounge around 8 p.m. Saturday when she arrived with three others who wore cocktail attire, one member of the spurned group told the Daily News on Monday.   Continue reading “Standard hotel apologizes after Navy officer turned away from lounge during Fleet Week”

march against monsanto 2015March Against Monsanto – by Nick Meyer

NEW YORK, May 20, 2015 — The worldwide March Against Monsanto campaign has received massive international support following the announcement of its official launch date of May 23rd, in which hundreds of thousands will take to the streets in peaceful protest against the Monsanto Company.   Continue reading “Third Annual March Against Monsanto Gains Massive International Support”

IMG_1300.jpgAll News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

Yesterday, All News Pipeline published a story detailing the ‘Raider Focus’ war games in Colorado and what is being called the largest military convoy since World War 2 in the Colorado area. While the convoy officially does not begin moving men and equipment until the 26th-30th of May, a massive amount of military movement is ALREADY taking place near the Wyoming/Colorado state line as shown in these outstanding brand new pictures just sent to ANP by a reader. We also learn below of a Colorado man who was visited by the FBI recently for calling in questions about Jade Helm 15 while we’re witnessing more preparation across the nation continuing for a ‘massive event’ – and everything is beginning to come together now.      Continue reading “Colorado/Wyoming In Jade Helm Bullseye – 1/4 Mile Long Military Train Completely Loaded Down”

Photo - (Image via screen shot)Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

Jorge Ramos, the influential host of Univision’s Noticiero Univision, said the Latino vote will decide the 2016 presidential election and that Hispanics could see a reward for providing the margin of victory.

In an interview with Harvard University’s Institute of Politics following a speech to students, Ramos predicted that about 16 million Hispanics will go to the polls, likely to vote Democratic based on past trends.   Continue reading “Univision host: Hispanic vote to jump from 12 million to 16 million, will decide presidency”

bou-bouThe Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

Nearly a year has passed since a Habersham County SWAT team stormed into the Phonesavanh residence, and very nearly killed their 19 month old child. The no-knock raid was prompted by an anonymous tip which suggested there were drugs in the house. As the officers forced their way into the home, they lobbed a flash grenade which wound up landing in the crib where baby “bou-bou” was sleeping. As it erupted, the infant suffered severe burns and had to be taken to the hospital, and placed in a medically induced coma.   Continue reading “Cops Who Flash Banged Infant’s Crib Are Blaming the Baby”


WACO, Tex. — The deadly shootout here on Sunday between rival motorcycle gangs has led to what appears to be the largest roundup and mass arrest of bikers in recent American history, experts said. As the roughly 170 people facing organized-crime charges in the case continued to clog up the local court system on Tuesday, new details emerged about the disputes that led to the violence.

“Out of 32 years working biker cases, this is the biggest one I have seen in the United States,” said Steve Trethewy, who works in the intelligence unit of the Arizona Department of Public Safety. “The case will be a challenge for law enforcement. I am glad I am not the investigator. It is huge.”   Continue reading “Mass Roundup of Bikers in Waco Shootout Tests Limits of Court System”