LA Times – by Joshua Emerson Smith

A massive sewage spill in Tijuana that polluted beaches in San Diego County this month may have been no accident, according to state and local officials.

In a preliminary estimate, officials said about 143 million gallons of raw sewage spewed into the Tijuana River during a period of more than two weeks that ended Thursday. While cross-border sewage spills of a few million gallons are routine for the region, this is one of the largest such events in the last two decades, according to water quality experts in San Diego.   Continue reading “‘Tsunami of sewage spills’ in Tijuana fouls U.S. beaches, may have been intentional”

SHTF Plan – by Daniel Lang

Earlier this month, we all heard the news that the Oroville Dam was damaged, and that thousands of residents living in its shadow would have to be evacuated. Fortunately the dam held, and the residents of Oroville were able to return to their homes. For the most part the story has since faded from the news. However, the damage remains.

When the crisis was at its peak, you may have heard about what specifically went wrong with the dam. The main spillway was damaged when the dam operators attempted to release some water to control the depth of Lake Oroville. Essentially, a crater unexpectedly emerged in the middle of the spillway, and when the water flowed through that hole, it eroded the soil beneath. So the dam operators decided to let the water flow over an emergency spillway instead. But as the emergency spillway began to erode as well, an evacuation order was issued.   Continue reading “Dramatic Aerial Footage Shows What The Oroville Dam Looks Like Now”


A federal audit of Indiana law enforcement found nearly $400,000 in federal asset forfeiture funds went to pay the salaries, overtime, and benefits for its officers, which the law does not allow.

The audit of the Henry County Sheriff’s Office’s “equitable sharing program” released last week was conducted by the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Audit Division.   Continue reading “Indiana police used $400k in asset forfeiture funds to boost their own pay & benefits, audit finds”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

While Trump may claim he’s for states rights, Attorney General Jeff Sessions just pissed on the opinions of about 71% of Americans who do not believe the federal government should attempt to ram federal laws down the throats of states where voters have legalized marijuana.

After Press Secretary Sean Spicer essentially warned everyone last week that the Trump administration plans to crack down on states with recreational marijuana laws, AG Sessions backed that up on Monday with some bizarre statements that prove the guy actually believes Refer Madness was a documentary.   Continue reading “Jeff Sessions Just Confirmed He’s Going After States With Legalized Marijuana, Claims It Causes “Violence””

The Daily Beast – by Betsy Woodruff

The nation’s second largest private prison company is facing some serious legal challenges—and other companies may soon be in the same situation.

On Monday, a federal judge ruled that current and former detainees held at an immigrant detention center in Colorado can join a class-action lawsuit against GEO Group, a private prison company. The plaintiffs allege that the GEO Group forced detainees to work for extremely low wages or for no wages at all, and in some cases threatened detainees with solitary confinement as punishment if they refused to work. The center holds undocumented immigrants facing deportation.

Continue reading “Detainees Sue Private Prison for ‘Forced Labor’”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Two weeks after David Stockman warned that “the market is apparently pricing in a huge Trump stimulus. But if you just look at the real world out there, the only thing that’s going to happen is a fiscal bloodbath and a White House train wreck like never before in U.S. history” and exclaimed that, when looking at markets, “what’s going on today is complete insanity” he is back with another interview, this time with Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog in which he, once again warns, that a giant fiscal bloodbatch is coming soon, and urges listeners to pay especially close attention to the March 15, 2017 debt ceiling deadling, at which point everything could “grind to a halt.”
Continue reading “Stockman: “After March 15 Everything Will Grind To A Halt””

Campus Reform – by Amber Athey

California Governor Jerry Brown is proposing cuts to higher education scholarships for middle class students while increasing scholarship funding for illegal immigrant students.

A budget deficit that is projected to hit $1.9 billion by the summer of 2017 has forced Brown to recommit to balancing the state’s budget, and one area facing cuts is financial aid for middle income college students, reports KCRA.   Continue reading “CA budget guts middle-class aid, keeps scholarships for illegals”

Outsports – by Cyd Zeigler

When you look at the picture below of Mack Beggs, What do you see?

I know what I see. A wrestler. An athlete. A champion. A boy.

Yet the State of Texas demands that you see a girl. The state demands that Beggs see a girl in the mirror. The high school athletic associations try to force him to be a girl.   Continue reading “Transgender boy wins girls wrestling title as Texas struggles with transphobic laws”

LifeZette – by Brendan Kirby

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Friday showed no sign of backing down in his high-profile battle with the sheriff of Travis County over her “sanctuary” policy. He aims to hit recalcitrant officials on multiple fronts.

Abbott said on “The Laura Ingraham Show” that state legislation would hit local law enforcement officials in the pocketbook and even threaten their personal freedom for refusing to comply with federal immigration law.   Continue reading “Texas Governor Threatens Jail for ‘Sanctuary’ Sheriff”

News Corp Australia Network – by Ian Horswill

A FORMER judge has pleaded guilty to abusing his position to reduce a fine in exchange for sexual favours.

New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said in a statement that 49-year-old Delmar House, the former Village Justice for the Village of West Carthage Court in Jefferson County, reduced a fine for a defendant who appeared before him in exchange for sexual favours.   Continue reading “New York State judge Delmar House admits reducing fine for sexual favours”

Yahoo News

Starbucks’ brand has taken a beating since the company announced plans to hire 10,000 refugees worldwide in the next five years in response to Donald Trump’s executive order intended to prevent refugees from entering the US.

The coffee giant’s consumer perception levels have fallen by two-thirds since late January, according to YouGov BrandIndex.   Continue reading “Starbucks’ brand perception has plummeted since it announced plan to hire refugees”

Press TV

More than 200 protesters arrested during the inauguration of US President Donald Trump have been indicted on felony rioting charges.

A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, indicted a total of 214 people Tuesday in connection with the January 20 demonstration which drew thousands of protesters to downtown Washington as Trump was being sworn in.     Continue reading “More than 200 Inauguration Day protesters indicted for rioting”

New York Times – by Matt Apuzzo

WASHINGTON — Working from an office suite behind a Burger King in southern Virginia, operatives used a web of shadowy cigarette sales to funnel tens of millions of dollars into a secret bank account. They weren’t known smugglers, but rather agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The operation, not authorized under Justice Department rules, gave agents an off-the-books way to finance undercover investigations and pay informants without the usual cumbersome paperwork and close oversight, according to court records and people close to the operation.

Continue reading “A.T.F. Filled Secret Bank Account With Millions From Shadowy Cigarette Sales”

Judicial Watch

An average of 400 “criminal illegal immigrants” are being released every 10 days by the newly elected sheriff in Arizona’s most populous county, federal law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch, many of them violent offenders. It’s part of Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone’s new policy to protect illegal aliens, even those who have committed serious state crimes, from deportation. Under a longtime partnership between the county and the feds, the Phoenix field office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was notified when “aliens unlawfully present with additional Arizona charges” were released from the Maricopa County Jail, which is one of the nation’s largest with a population of about 8,000. That ended when Penzone, who refers to illegal immigrants as “guests,” took office this year and, though he formally announced the change last week, it was put into practice much earlier.   Continue reading “Arizona Sheriff Releasing 400 “Criminal Illegal Immigrants” Every 10 Days”

The Federalist Papers – by Robert Gehl

The Social Security Administration managed to pay out $1 million in benefits to individuals who do not have a Social Security Number, meaning it should be impossible for them to get benefits.

A new audit from the inspector general found massive errors in the government’s documentation for “representative payees,” a term that means people who receive payments on behalf of someone else who is incapable of managing their own affairs.   Continue reading “Feds Screw Up Over $1 Billion In Social Security Payments; It’s VERY Bad”

Fox Nation – by Stephen Dinan, The Washington Times

The IRS has discovered more than 1 million Americans whose Social Security numbers were stolen by illegal immigrants, but officials never bothered to tell the taxpayers themselves, the agency’s inspector general said in a withering new report released Tuesday.

Investigators first alerted the IRS to the problem five years ago, but it’s still not fixed, the inspector general said, and a pilot program meant to test a solution was canceled — and fell woefully short anyway.   Continue reading “IRS Doesn’t Tell 1 Million Taxpayers That Illegals Stole Their Social Security Numbers”

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

Despite media reports of a massive crackdown by President Trump on illegal immigrants, just a tiny percentage of the nearly 1 million on the government’s deportation list have been arrested, according to statistics provided to Congress.

The 680 seized in recent sweeps by U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement agents represent just .07 percent of the 950,062 with deportation orders as of May 21, 2016.   Continue reading “ICE: 950,000 illegals with ‘removal orders’ free, raids get just a sliver”

New York Times – by Jennifer Medina

LOS ANGELES — First came the anxious calls in the days after the election of President Trump. Now, people begin lining up before 8 a.m. and crowd the waiting rooms inside the Mexican Consulate here.

Mexican citizens come to renew passports that have been unused for more than a decade. They desperately ask lawyers if they can do anything to help them stay in the United States. They register their children for Mexican citizenship, just in case they are sent back and decide to move their whole family with them.   Continue reading “Mexican Consulates Flooded With Fearful Immigrants”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

After nearly a year since the first protest camp sprung up in opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline, it looks as if the Governor of North Dakota, Doug Burgum, has finally had enough and has signed an executive order demanding that protesters evacuate by February 22nd.   Continue reading “North Dakota Governor Signs Executive Order Evicting Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters”

Seattle Times – by Daniel Beekman

King County may allocate $750,000 to help immigrants become U.S. citizens, fight deportation and educate them about their rights.

County Executive Dow Constantine plans to propose legislation to make the money available. Metropolitan King County Council Chair Joe McDermott plans to sponsor it.    Continue reading “King County seeks to allocate $750,000 to help immigrants”