Reuters / Alaa Al-Marjani RT News

The Iraqi government has informed the United Nations that it has lost control of a former chemical weapons depot to Islamist insurgents affiliated with ISIS, or IS, and cannot carry out its obligations to destroy what’s stored in the compound.

In a letter penned by Iraq’s UN Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim, it was revealed that “armed terrorist groups” took over the Muthanna complex on June 11. Located north of Baghdad, the facility was the main center for chemical weapons production prior to the 1991 Gulf War, and is still home to 2,500 rockets containing the lethal nerve agent sarin.   Continue reading “Iraq loses control of chemical weapons depot to ISIS militants”

Source: Obama Gives Murrieta Area ICE Agents Stand Down OrderInfowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement employee claims that the Obama administration has handed a number of ICE agents in the Murrieta/LA area paid temporary leave, a move that will exacerbate the mass influx of illegal immigrants into the region.

Liberty News’ Eric Odom, who is currently on the scene in the flashpoint town of Murrieta, says an ICE employee who lives in Orange County told him, “the Obama administration has furloughed Murrieta/LA area ICE agents full time until further notice,” but that the agents would continue to receive full pay.   Continue reading “Source: Obama Gives Murrieta Area Ice Agents Stand Down Order”

45345354NEO – by Tony Cartalucci

Unlike the terrorist offenses in Libya, Syria, and now Iraq, backed by the United States, the UK, the EU, members of NATO as well as regional collaborators such as Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Qatar, where any attempts to stop extremists from seizing entire nations is met by the West’s howling indignation and accusations of “human rights abuses,” the unmitigated brutality executed by literal Nazis in Ukraine against breakaway provinces in the east are accompanied by a hypocritical silence from the West. Refugees streaming away from encircled and bombarded populated centers tell tales of mass murder, indiscriminate targeting of civilians, and even grisly accounts of forced organ harvesting taking place from the bodies of those killed by Kiev’s combined arms offensive, or from those kidnapped by criminal gangs operating in the vacuum of impunity afforded by the West’s silence.   Continue reading “Organ Harvesting in Ukraine Goes Unreported”

 TPP secret negotiations happening here in OttawaElectronic Frontier Foundation – by Maira Sutton

EFF is in Ottawa this week for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, to influence the course of discussions over regressive digital policy provisions in this trade agreement that could lead to an increasingly restrictive Internet. But this round is different from the others—the secrecy around the talks is wholly unprecedented. The Canadian trade ministry, who is hosting this round of talks, has likely heightened the confidentiality due to the mass public opposition that is growing against this undemocratic, corporate-driven trade deal.    Continue reading “TPP Negotiations Go Further Underground with Unprecedented Secrecy Around Meetings in Canada”

Activist Post – by Bernie Suarez

Very recently I came across a scenario in the streets of Hollywood, California. The big scene seemed a bit striking to the average person walking by as it was the middle of the day in a crowded busy Hollywood street. A closer look caused me to be even more intrigued – there was a gentleman being arrested. He was in handcuffs and surrounded by three or four armed officers. Or were they really officers?

A closer look surprised me even more. The “officers” were not police. They were not Sheriffs department or California Highway Patrol (CHP). They all wore a logo on their sleeves and a logo on an otherwise unmarked car that read “Andrews International Security Services” nothing else. They otherwise had all black uniforms and all were armed like police officers, looking scary and aggressive. Continue reading “Why Are Armed “International Security” Personnel Now Arresting American Citizens?”

Breitbart – by William Bigelow

In San Francisco on Tuesday, 300 anti-Israel protesters allegedly threatened 30 peaceful, pro-Israel demonstrators, and called a third intifada and the destruction of the Jewish State.

One female protester screamed at the Jews videoing the event, “Take a picture. Take a f#@king poster picture. You see us? You see all of us? There’s f#@king ten of you. How many are there of all of us?…Take it, bitch. Take it…”   Continue reading “Anti-Israel Protesters Threaten Pro-Israel Demonstrators in SF”

Massive school of anchovies appears to be an oil slick. Photo from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Grind TV – by David Strege

From a distance, the ocean near Scripps Pier off La Jolla, California, appeared to be the site of a catastrophic oil spill on Tuesday. Initially, Robert Monroe thought it was a red tide.

But it was neither.

Making a long, dark cloud in the shallow water off San Diego County was a massive school of Northern anchovies the likes of which has not been seen hugging the coast in more than 30 years.   Continue reading “Massive school of anchovies looks like oil slick”

Washington Post – by Ed O’Keefe

Former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Tuesday joined a growing chorus of Republicans calling for the impeachment of Obama, writing in an op-ed that the influx of young illegal immigrants over the southern border “is the last straw that makes the battered wife say, ‘no mas.’ ”

“I disagree,” Boehner said when asked by reporters Wednesday morning. When a reporter pointed out that some House Republicans also are calling for impeachment, Boehner said again: “I disagree.” Continue reading “Boehner disagrees with Palin on impeaching Obama”

Breitbart – by Kristin Tate

HOUSTON, Texas–Breitbart Texas has learned that hospitals based in Southern Texas are being utilized to evaluate and treat illegal immigrants before they are sent to housing facilities around the country. The revelation could help justify claims that the tidal wave of Central Americans entering the U.S. illegally each day will clog up U.S. hospitals.

Margaret Althoff-Olivas, Director of Public Affairs for University Medical Center (UMC) of El Paso, told Breitbart Texas, “The U.S. Border Patrol (BP) has established a rotating schedule for area hospitals to medically evaluate detainees associated with the recent influx of Central American immigrants. According to the BP, all must be medically cleared before being transferred to detention centers.”   Continue reading “Feds Using Texas Hospitals to Evaluate Illegal Immigrants”

Breitbart- by Patrick Kane

The Texas Department of State Health Services confirmed the first ever human instance of Chikungunya in the state. A Williams County resident near Austin, Texas was diagnosed with the disease after returning home from a Caribbean vacation, reports the Dallas News.

While chikungunya is rarely fatal, it can cause high fever, muscle and head aches, joint swelling and severe joint pain.   Continue reading “Texas Confirms First Ever Chikungunya Disease Case Near Austin”

TJN 0706 earthquake file picENE News

Journal News, July 6, 2014 (emphasis added): People living in the Hudson Highlands were startled Saturday morning by an earthquake that […] was accompanied by a loud boom […] those near the epicenter were startled into the streets. […] The U.S. Geological Survey listed the event at a category 5 earthquake, which typically causes light shaking and no damage.   Continue reading “‘Puzzling’ quake hits next to NYC-area nuclear plant”

illegal minorsCNS News – by Penny Starr

The man who heads the federal agency responsible for many of the 50,000 unaccompanied alien children from Central America who have entered the U.S. illegally in recent months told a conference on Tuesday that those working with refugees should look to Jesus Christ as a role model.”

Jesus was a refugee, and that’s a very good reminder to all of us,” Eskinder Negash, director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), said at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) 2014 Migration Conference in Washington, D.C.   Continue reading “Administration Official on Illegal Aliens: ‘Jesus Was a Refugee’”

NBC News – by Julie Carey

The Prince William County, Virginia Board of Supervisors hopes to turn up the pressure on federal immigration officials to reveal more details about undocumented criminals referred by the county for action.

Chairman Corey Stewart helped lead a crackdown in 2007 on undocumented immigrants who committed crimes in the county, but he’s frustrated that U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) won’t reveal whether criminals sent to them by the county are deported or freed.   Continue reading “Virginia County Official Wants to Know Whereabouts of Undocumented Immigrant Criminals”

Townhall – by Katie Pavlich

Despite Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson vowing to “stem the tide” of unaccompanied illegal minors across the southern border with Mexico, thousands more are expected to enter the United States by the end of the year. With the system being overwhelmed, Border Patrol agents are concerned about minors who have admitted to being MS-13 members, a brutal street gang from El Salvador that has been successful in infiltrating American communities. Agents are also concerned about minors who have committed acts like torture and murder in their home countries before heading north to the United States.   Continue reading “Illegal Unaccompanied Minors Being Held For Placement in U.S. Admit to Engaging in Torture and Murder”

National Review – by Ryan Lovelace

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency has served one of its agents with a letter saying “you must immediately cease and desist” from issuing statements and press releases to the media with information that is “Law Enforcement sensitive,” according to the document, obtained byNational Review Online.  

Kathleen Scudder, assistant chief patrol agent of the San Diego Sector, sent the letter to agent Ron Zermeno, health and safety director of National Border Patrol Council Local 1613, notifying him of an investigation into his conduct and to “remind” him that no agent should make statements or issue press releases “without proper authorization.”     Continue reading “Border Patrol Tells Agent: ‘You Must Cease and Desist’ from Speaking with Media”

Breitbart  – by Bob Price

MISSION, Texas—Fourteen more illegal immigrants were captured in two separate groups in Anzalduas County Park near the city of Mission, Texas. One group of 11 immigrants was comprised of women and children from Honduras. The other group contained three adult males from Mexico.

Breitbart Texas spent a day with deputies from the Hidalgo County Precinct 3 Constable’s Office in Anzalduas Park, one of the hotspots of illegal immigrant entry into this region. The park is located just west of the Anzalduas International Bridge. Breitbart Texas has witnessed the capture of nearly 100 illegal immigrants on three separate visits to this area.   Continue reading “Breitbart Texas Witnesses 3-Year-Old, 13 Other Illegals Captured Near Border”

A wooden house collapsed during strong winds in Naha on Japan's southern island of Okinawa on July 8, 2014 (AFP Photo / Jiji Press)RT News

A super typhoon with destructive winds, towering waves and storm surges is heading to the Japanese island of Okinawa. Authorities have canceled flights and urged over 500,000 people to evacuate as meteorologists issued the highest storm warning.

One person has been reported dead in Typhoon Neoguri after his boat was swamped by high waves, reported NHK national television. Several people also sustained minor injuries from falls. Continue reading “Half-million people evacuated in Japan amid ‘worst-in-15-years’ typhoon”

Activist Post – by Nicolas West

The warp-speed developments in neuroscience have prompted recent warnings from human rights organizations and prominent scientists alike that the pace of development in robotics, artificial intelligence, and human brain study is outpacing ethical parameters.

Now it appears that even scientists inside the field which is receiving a massive influx of money into this type of research are calling to put on the brakes before the initiative is completely misdirected and mismanaged. Continue reading “Boycott Threatened Against Brain Mapping Project: Are Scientists Coming To Their Senses?”