North-Korean-leader-Kim-Jong-Un-reportedly-had-his-life-threatenedBefore It’s News – by Mort Amsel

Although the source – who is well-informed about North Korean affairs according to South Korean media reports – did not reveal the exact timing of the incident or who was behind the attack, he said the move appeared to be related to the recent fall and rise of a powerful general, Kim Yong-chol. “It appeared that disgruntled people inside the North moved before the time of the demotion of Kim Yong-chol,” the source said.   Continue reading “Kim Jong-Un Survives Assassination Attempt”

on September 28, 2010 in Washington, DC.Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

In a vote, 10-8, along party lines, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) ban on the sale and manufacture of more than 150 types of semi-automatic weapons on Thursday. However, the vote took place after the Cruz missile struck. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) lectured Feinstein on the United States Constitution.  Continue reading “Cruz & Feinstein Have It Out As Assault Weapons Ban Bill Passes Committee”

Lew Rockwell – by William Norman Grigg

“There are, in increasingly frightening numbers, cells of angry men in the United States preparing for combat,” warns an unusually strident house editorial by the Los Angeles Times. “They are usually heavily armed, blinded by an intractable hatred, often motivated by religious zeal.”

That description was not applied to the masked, armor-clad Berserkers who kick down doors in the early morning or late at night and terrorize families over non-violent “offenses.” Nor was it offered in reference to the militants who have purchased more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition – much of it hollow-point rounds unsuitable for military use – while distributing armored vehicles and other military hardware to their adherents in practically every city nation-wide.   Continue reading “Only an Incipient ‘Terrorist’ Denounces State Murder”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

The engineering of consent is the very essence of the democratic process, the freedom to persuade and suggest.
Edward Bernays, 1955

In his 1928 book Propaganda, Edward Bernays, the architect of modern day public relations and marketing, argues that manipulation of public opinion is necessary to overcome chaos and conflict in society. It’s a strategy that his been implemented for centuries, but most notably during the last hundred years. Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Hussein found propaganda to be an extremely effective mechanism of control over their populations, as have modern-day governments of the Western world where “freedom of the press” and government transparency are supposed to be a key tenet of an open society.   Continue reading “An Exercise In Propaganda: “Living On the Streets of Modern Day America””

Huffington Post – by LINDA DEUTSCH

LOS ANGELES — The city has agreed to give $40,000 to two women whose pickup was shot up by a Police Department protection detail that mistook their newspaper delivery vehicle for the truck driven by rogue ex-cop Christopher Dorner during his rampage, officials announced Thursday.

The tax-free settlement covering the pickup and other property came quickly after the women’s attorney, Glen Jonas, rejected Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck’s offer of a replacement truck because the women would have had to pay taxes. The deal specified no admission of liability.   Continue reading “LA compensates 2 for truck mistakenly shot by LAPD”

RT News

The Taser, the non-lethal law enforcement weapon that is meant to incapacitate criminals without causing great harm, has killed at least 500 people last decade. The real number of casualties might be even higher.

In the period between 2001 and early 2012, the stun-gun Taser devices used by law enforcement across America have claimed the lives of 500 people.   Continue reading “Tasers Have Killed at Least 500 Americans”

HandcuffsMilitant Libertarian – by William N. Grigg

There is no situation that cannot be made instantly and immeasurably worse through police intervention. A splendid illustration of this principle is found in a recent ruling from the the Arkansas Court of Appeals.

According to the court, police were entitled to arrest, taze, and beat a teenager who had done nothing more sinister than speak to his mother on the street in front of their home. A police officer accosted the young man – who, as a juvenile, is identified only by the initials “R.R.” — after he saw him approaching a woman who was walking a dog.   Continue reading ““For Your Own Protection””

monsantoprotectionact 322x201 New Monsanto Protection Act Gives Monsanto Power Over US GovernmentNatural Society – by Anthony Gucciardi

There truly is no rest for the wicked, and Monsanto is at war once again against health conscious consumers with the latest ‘Monsanto Protection Act‘, managing to sneak wording into the latest Senate legislation that would give them blanket immunity from any USDA action regarding the potential dangers of their genetically modified creations while under review. The USDA would be unable to act against any and all new GMO crops that were suspected to be wreaking havoc on either human health or the environment.   Continue reading “New ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ Gives Monsanto Power Over US Government”

Mayor Michael Bloomberg holding an AR-15 assault rifle like the one used in the Newtown shootings at a press conference announcing a gun trafficking bust last October. (Photo: Getty) Politicker – by Hunter Walker

When the smoke cleared at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., in the wee hours of a Friday morning last July, 12 people were dead, 58 were injured and Mayor Michael Bloomberg was in New York, readying an assault of his own.

The campaign that Mr. Bloomberg and his “gun team” came up with in the hours and days after Aurora involved carpet-bombing Washington with millions from the mayor’s immense fortune and a media blitz that would be deployed following the next massacre.   Continue reading “After Aurora: How Mayor Bloomberg Planned to Make the Next Massacre Count”

Sig Sauer .40 calThe Examiner – by Dave Gibson

On Monday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) posted details of a no bid contract with weapons manufacturer Sig Sauer, worth $4.5 million over the next five years.

The contract is identical to the one DHS announced last week with Heckler & Koch.

Both contracts are for $900,000 worth of “replacement parts” a year, for weapons used by DHS agents.  Continue reading “Stockpile: DHS announces second $4.5 million gun purchase in less than a week”

MeadowsThe Shark Tank – JAVIER MANJARRES

Freshman Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) sat down with the Shark Tank to discuss his recent introduces NRA-supported “Protect America’s Schools Act” that is aimed at securing schools after the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012.

Meadows said that he spoke to Sheriffs and other law enforcement personnel in his congressional district that told him that they would not be in favor of teachers arming themselves, simply because of lack of experience and training these teachers would have in knowing how to react to an imminent threat.   Continue reading “GOP Rep.- “Most Gun Violence Done With .22 Caliber Pistol””

concrete tentGlobal Post – by Kristen Deasy

An inflatable tent that turns into concrete when it gets wet has been developed by a pioneering British firm,according to the innovation company PSFK.

The new Concrete Canvas Shelter, as it is called, is easily erected by two people in less than an hour and hardens into a concrete structure once it’s been filled up with water and blown up, completely setting within a day, according to PSFK.    Continue reading “Inflatable Just-Add-Water Concrete Tent Invented”

Before It’s News – by Alton Parrish

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, SJ (born December 17, 1936) is an Argentine cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He has served as the Archbishop of Buenos Aires since 1998.  He is the first Jesuit to be named Pope.  He has chosen the name Francis, known in Spanish as Francisco.  He is the first Pope to be named Francis.

There are two saints named Francis,  St. Francis of  of Assisi and St. Francis Xavier.   Continue reading “New Pope Francis: First Prayer, First South American, First Francis, First Jesuit To Be Pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio Makes History”

Obama visits troopsFellowship of the Mind – by Dr. Eowyn

Daniel Halper reports for The Weekly Standard, Mar. 5, 2013, that a U.S. Army spokesman, Stephen D. Abney, the chief public affairs official for the Army’s Joint Munitions Command, recently sent an email to all 6,000 employees he speaks for, as well as civilian contractors.

The email details how our soldiers should deal with the press because of sequestration — the mandatory spending cuts to the military. But the email also tells our soldiers they are not to criticize the POS or any political party to members of the press.   Continue reading “U.S. Army tells soldiers don’t criticize Obama”

Christian Science Monitor – by Roshanak Taghavi

Iran announced today that it will sue Hollywood for creating films the Islamic Republic alleges intentionally “propagate fear of Iran throughout the world,” according to state media reports.

Citing director Ben Affleck’s Oscar-winning film “Argo” as “the most recent example of various fear-mongering tactics” used by Hollywood, the semi-official Fars News Agency said French lawyer Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, widely known for defending Venezuelan-born terrorist Ilich Ramírez Sánchez (“Carlos the Jackal”), is in Tehran for talks with Iranian government officials to determine where and how a lawsuit should be filed.    Continue reading “Iran to sue Hollywood for fear-mongering with ‘Argo’”