vaccineNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

The controversy regarding the continued use of mercury in some vaccines, despite the element’s proven toxicity, is coming to a head as the United Nations (UN) considers the passage of a new treaty that would outlaw the use of mercury in medicines worldwide. According to a recent report compiled by consumer advocate Tim Bolen, the vaccine industry is in a panic over this impending ban, as it could spell the end of the vaccine industry as we know it.   Continue reading “Vaccine industry in panic over global effort to remove all mercury from vaccines”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

According to this story from Phyllis Schlafly on the Eagle Forum, for the first time in  America’s history, all 18 year old women will be required to register for the draft. Soon, women who are still in high school and their first year of college will have to be ready to receive a letter from the Selective Service telling them they’re required to report for military duty. Soon, 18 year old women who have just begun their lives will have to kill real people and bleed real blood. Is this the way we indoctrinate the future into an endless war? Start with video games and then give young girls the taste for blood. What has America come to? Meanwhile, just days ago, Barack Obama signed the Violence Against Womens Act as shown on the whitehouse YouTube Channel in the video below. Where are Mr. Obama’s priorities? Don’t these two acts contradict each other? From Phyllis’s report with much more at link.   Continue reading “Obama’s War On Women: All 18 Year Old Women Will Now Have To Register For The Draft”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Intrade, the worlds largest prediction market, has shut down suddenly, leaving customers with a worrisome and cryptic message upon their website. What ‘circumstances’ has Intrade recently discovered that has IMMEDIATELY caused them to cease all trading activity? They’ve announced that they have ‘closed and settled all open contracts at fair market value as of March 10th, 2013’ to ‘mitigate any further risks to members accounts’. What in the world does the Board of Directors of InTrade know that you and I don’t? Did they have inside info on the next pope? Were mass bets placed on a date for WW3 kick-off or an attack by North Korea? First from NPR and then from the Intrade website with a video discussion from Bloomberg below.  Continue reading “Financial Doom? InTrade Shuts Down Suddenly Do To ‘Circumstances Recently Discovered’”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

North Korea has begun evacuating some citizens into tunnels with emergency provisions and putting military camouflage on buses and trucks, the South Korean Defense Ministry said Tuesday.

North Korea has dramatically increased the number of fighter jets in its skies over the last few days, an unnamed government official told South Korean-based news agency Yonhap, and may have closed access to its limited internet from the outside.   Continue reading “NK Fighter Jet Activity Increases Dramatically, Evacuating Civilians Into Tunnels, Camouflaging Transports”

Zen Gardner

A secret society is a club or organization whose activities and inner functioning are concealed from non-members. Secret Societies are organized conspiracies working in secret to achieve a hidden agenda. Members use secrecy to protect themselves and their movement. Critics view Secret Societies as malevolent organizations working against the general will of mankind. ‘ Members may be required to conceal or deny their membership, and they are often sworn to hold the society’s secrets by an oath. Violating the oath may result in the application of severe sanctions. Like the most successful forgeries, the most effective secret societies are unknown beyond their adherents. Members may be required to deny the organization itself exists.

Continue reading “Top 10 Occult Secret Societies”

Zombie Survival GunsAmmoLand – by Major Van Harl USAF Ret

Wisconsin –-(  It started with a book titled “The Zombie Survival Guide” that was sent to me by an old Air Force friend.

When he lived next door to me on Altus AFB, in Oklahoma I was always taking him to gun shows and helping him spend his grandkid’s inheritance on more firearms and ammo.  Continue reading “When SHTF Guns Are Gold”

SGT Report

This just in from a SGTreport reader“I just tried to access my online bank account, with Chase, and find that they are “suffering” an “outage”. As of 6:00pm CDT, they’re still offline.”

from American Banker:

JPMorgan Chase (JPM)’s online banking faltered on Tuesday afternoon, preventing customers from logging on to their accounts.  Continue reading “Cyber Banking False Flags Beginning? JPMorgan Chase Suffers “Online Banking Outage”, Confirms “Cyber-Attack””


WASHINGTON – Just as the United States undertakes a policy “pivot” toward Asia, which will move more American ships into the East and South China seas, Beijing is letting it be known that it is fielding its new DF-21D anti-ship missile as a threat against U.S. aircraft-carrier strike groups, according to report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

The move all of a sudden casts a shadow over the platforms – the U.S. aircraft carriers and their support groups – that have allowed the U.S. to maintain military superiority in the Asia-Pacific region for generations.   Continue reading “U.S. Ships Threatened By Secret China EMPs”

File:Bradley Manning US Army.jpgBefore It’s News – by Alton Parrish

Today Freedom of the Press Foundation released an audio recording of Bradley Manning’s statement to the military court. By releasing this audio recording, we wish to make sure that the voice of this generation’s most prolific whistleblower can be heard—literally—by the world. Please spread his words as far as you can: on your blog, in your videos, on Twitter and on Facebook writes Micah Lee Follow @micahflee

Follow the link to listen to and share Manning’s full statement as well as excerpts that may be of particular public interest. Transcript courtesy Alexa O’Brien.   Continue reading “Audio Bombshell: Leaked Bradley Manning Statement To Military Court Puts Feds In A Tizzy”

Infowars – by Kurt Nimmo

Dianne Feinstein’s assault weapon ban now appears to be a little more than decoy sent out to be shot down while the real work on gun control legislation is hammered out by Democrats, Republicans and the NRA behind closed doors.

According to sources cited by, the “NRA is cutting back room deals to centralize gun owner data collection into the Obama/Holder massive government data base.” Republicans are working with Democrats to pass legislation that will require records be kept on all gun sales and also move to streamline and improve the database.   Continue reading “Democrats, Republicans and NRA work together on gun confiscation”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Like a scene straight out of the cult classic Clockwork Orange, we learn today that a judge has ruled that James Holmes may be ordered to take ‘truth serum’ if he pleads not guilty by reason of insanity.

Is this the way mainstream America and the world find out that the Aurora shooting was a false flag, and James Holmes merely a drugged up CIA patsy? Or will we learn that Holmes was a part of a two or three-man hit team? Will Holmes under ‘truth serum’ finally answer the questions we’re all sitting on the edges of our seats waiting for or will they pull a ‘Breitbart’ on him before he’s allowed to talk?   Continue reading “Truth Serum For James Holmes? Judge Rules On ‘Batman Shooter’”

i38QFQrEMhqkBloomberg – by Michael B. Marois & James Nash

Wearing bulletproof vests and carrying 40-caliber Glock pistols, nine California Justice Department agents assembled outside a ranch-style house in a suburb east of Los Angeles. They were looking for a gun owner who’d recently spent two days in a mental hospital.

They knocked on the door and asked to come in. About 45 minutes later, they came away peacefully with three firearms.   Continue reading “California Seizes Guns As Owners Lose Right To Bear Arms”

The Vatic Project – by The Vatic Master

Vatic Note:  What shocked me, that I did not know, until this article, was that most cereal companies are owned by chemical companies and bioengineering companies.  No wonder its bad all over. How are we going to get around this problems?  Well, find local farmers who are still doing heritage or hybrid non GMO wheat, rice, and other grains, (or get heritage seeds yourself and grow your own grains) and then begin making our own cereals.   Continue reading “Cereal Killer Documentary – GMO and the Chemical Industry”

Fertility Destroying Chemical Added To Tap, Milk, SaltGreen Med Info – by Sayer Ji, Founder

Fluoride is promoted above good nutrition as a ‘therapeutic’ chemical necessary to prevent cavities, but it lowers IQ, calcifies the pineal gland and harms fertility, among a wide range of other adverse health effects.

There is no question remaining that fluoride lowers IQ, at least as far as high-quality epidemiological research published in peer-reviewed journals has shown.   Continue reading “Fertility Destroying Chemical Added To Tap, Milk, Salt”

Survival Sherpa -by Todd Walker

With spring break around the corner, MTV will be busy bleeping F-bombs. Drunk and delirious, foul-mouthed frat boys is NOT my subject matter here. Nope, the F-bomb you need to drop is…

Fructose. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) to be exact. Continue reading “How Dropping the F-bomb Can Save Your Life”

World Truth TV

One of the most ferocious insects you’ve ever heard of — it’s the size of a quarter  — is set to invade Florida this summer.

The Sunshine State, already home to man-eating sinkholes, invading Burmese pythons, swarming sharks, tropical storms and other disasters, can expect to see an explosion of shaggy-haired gallinippers:  Psorophora ciliata, a type of giant mosquito, according to entomologist Phil Kaufman of the University of Florida.   Continue reading “Mega Mosquitoes 20 Times The Size Of Regular Ones Set to Invade Florida”

Before It’s News – by Russia Today

Police intervened when more than a hundred people joined in a candlelit vigil in the East Flatbush neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, where 16-year-old Kimani Gray was shot 11 times by police on Saturday, according to RussiaToday

Brooklynites on Twitter reported that police followed the march and searched apartment buildings in the neighborhood without warrants, looking for children who had been seen throwing bottles at police from neighborhood rooftops.    Continue reading “Large Riot Breaks Out In Brooklyn During Vigil For Teen Shot 11 Times By Police”

21st Century Wire – by Patrick Henningsen

The evidence is now in, as list of state actors can now be seen openly conspiring to drive the Middle East into full-blown war.

It’s well known by now that NATO and the Gulf States initial plans to overturn the sovereign state of Syria has been running behind schedule since their operation was launched two years ago. They had hoped for the sort of slam dunk which they enjoyed in overturning the country of Libya in late 2011. Continue reading “Open War Crimes: US and British-Backed Weapons Airlift From Croatia to Terrorists in Syria”

The Survivalist Blog – by Mike R.

The wise prepper knows that his guns are the most important part of his survival gear. Guns are not only a means of taking meat, pelts and hides, they can be used for varmint control around a farm site with crops or farm animals and poultry. They also serve as an equalizer; guns give the owner threat protection against violent action taken by animals with two or four legs. A gun in the hands of someone who knows how to capably use it inspires confidence and reduces stress in turbulent times. It also becomes a important commodity in an unstable economy. Continue reading “More Bang For Your Buck–How to clean, lube, and protect your firearms easily and cheaply”

Darrell Steinberg,Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

The California Senate approved a $24-million expenditure on Thursday to speed the confiscation of guns from people who have been disqualified from owning firearms because of criminal convictions or serious mental illness.

Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) said budget cuts to the Department of Justice have hampered a program that targets people who purchased firearms legally but were later disqualified because of a subsequent conviction or determination of mental illness. Continue reading “California Approves $24 Million For Gun Confiscation Program”