article-0-18662F21000005DC-310_634x414Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Iron County, Utah is making a preemptive strike against the Federal government’s attempts to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of its citizens. According to a press release, “Laws that violate 2nd Amendment are null and void and have no effect in Iron County, Utah.”

Today in Southwest Utah, the Iron County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously in passing an Iron County Second Amendment Protection Resolution. This is the second Resolution passed in the county, the first being the Cedar City Second Amendment Resolution passed by the City Council.   Continue reading “Iron County Utah Tells Feds – Don’t Try to Enforce Gun Laws Here”

2013_13_2013-01-13T221942Z_1_CBRE90C1Q0W00_RTROPTP_3_USA-GUNSCowboy Byte

A youth baseball league in central Illinois is in desperate need of cash – so they’ve decided to auction off an AR-15 assault rifle.

Last year the Atwood-Hammond baseball league tried to raffle off half a hog. But they only raised $10 – and barely had enough to pay the local butcher.   Continue reading “Youth Baseball Team Raffling AR-15 Rifle”

Resistor in the Rockies – by Ironwill III

House Bill 1224, the Magazine Capacity Ban, was signed off by the House today. The bill is now on the Gov.’s desk. He has indicated he will sign it.

The bill will ‘allow’ you to keep your high capacity magazines if you owned them prior to the date this bill goes into effect. But even if you magazine complies with this bill, you may still be in violation.   Continue reading “Commierado Magazine Ban On Gov.’s Desk – We’re All Criminals”

Oklahoma House of Representatives Passes ObamaCare Nullification BillThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Standing as a bulwark of liberty, the Oklahoma House of Representatives passed a bill protecting citizens of the Sooner State from the unconstitutional provisions of ObamaCare.

By a vote of 72-20, the state House of Representatives passed House Bill 1021, a bill that if signed into law would stop the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (known as ObamaCare) at the borders of the sovereign state of Oklahoma.   Continue reading “Oklahoma House of Representatives Passes ObamaCare Nullification Bill”

Bob Owens

Chuck Schumer’s S. 374, the Orwellian “Protecting Responsible Gun Sellers Act of 2013,” has been an empty shell… until he slipped in Amendment ALB13180 (PDF) today, which shows the “teeth” of the bill.  It is an extremely aggressive attempt to destroy the Second Amendment by isolating and criminalizing extremely common behaviors among gun owners.

Doubt me?   Continue reading “Prelude to a revolution: Shumer’s gun transfer ban”

Gary Spence.Save America Foundation – by Fred Brownbill

The following excerpt comes from Gerry Spence’s From Freedom to Slavery, the Rebirth of Freedom in America (1996)(pp. 13-50).  It is reprinted here with the permission of the author.  It includes a letter that the Wyoming defense lawyer wrote to a friend who had urged that he withdraw from the Weaver case.

Spence’s friend, the Jewish former CEO of Columbia Pictures, expressed concern that Spence’s defense of Weaver would lend credibility to the “despicable” racist and neo-Nazi groups with which the Weaver family had been associated.   Continue reading “Gerry Spence On Why He Agreed to Defend Randy Weaver.”

New York Counties Work to Repeal State Gun Control LawsThe New American – by Christian Gomez

As Democrats and gun control advocates praise the New York State Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013, or NY SAFE Act as it is generally known, for being the first post-Newtown gun control legislation in the country, county after county in New York State has either introduced or passed resolutions calling for the law’s repeal.   Continue reading “New York Counties Work to Repeal State Gun Control Laws”

cops leadEric Peters Autos – by Eric

Sun Tzu counseled that it is madness – because pointless – to directly confront a superior foe. A costumed goon with a badge and a gun, for instance. You will lose (cue Dolph Lundgren voice from Rocky IV).

But that doesn’t mean you must cooperate with said goon.

In that spirit, here are some practical tips and things to keep in mind the next time you’re compelled to interact with one of America’s Swinest:   Continue reading “The Mantra: Practical Tips for Resisting the Police State”

Gun RalliesFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

The Idaho State House passed a bill on Monday by a vote of 55-13 which would make it a misdemeanor for law enforcement officials in Idaho to enforce any new federal firearm laws that restrict gun ownership or contain registration requirements. While some consider it to be only symbolic, the measure is a clear reaction to the Obama administration’s attacks on the Second Amendment.

The vote was along party lines and could bring fines up to $1,000 and jail time up to one year to sheriff’s deputies, police officers, and other government employees who would help federal agents who might attempt to confiscate newly banned firearms or ammunition.   Continue reading “Idaho Legislation Criminalizes Local Police Who Enforce New Federal Firearm Laws”

SPLCLOGO_SPOT_stacked copyFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

The Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC), an organization that claims to teach tolerance while attacking certain groups and people with whom they disagree, has sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano urging them to investigate alleged domestic terror threats posed by the likes of organizations and individuals such as the Constitution PartyLarry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, columnist Devvy Kidd, the Tyranny Response Team, and Oath Keepers. These thousands of people and organizations that the SPLC spews its hatred against by declaring them to be those that hate are, for the most part, people who simply are Americans who see a growing tyrannical Federal government and want to halt it in its tracks.   Continue reading “SPLC Letter To DOJ & DHS: Patriot Groups Pose Domestic Terror Threat”

Breitbart – by Joel B. Pollak

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a member of the Democratic Party’s leadership in the House of Representatives, suggested to Jason Mattera at a Feb. 13 women’s rights rally that plans for an assault weapons ban and private-sales background checks were only the beginning of a broader gun control agenda extending to handguns as well.

Schakowsky evidently did not recognize Mattera, a conservative video journalist and senior investigative reporter for Talk Radio Network, who infamously confronted Vice President Joe Biden in the Capitol. (Mattera introduced himself to Schakowsky by name but did not indicate that he was filming or that he is conservative.) She spoke to Mattera as if he were a fellow gun control enthusiast–and Mattera played along, eliciting answers about Schakowsky’s enthusiasm for gun control. Continue reading “Schakowsky: Assault Weapons Ban ‘Just the Beginning’”

Supreme CourtNatural News – by JD Heyes

When you hear some pundit or historian compare the loss of democratic republican rule currently taking place in the United States with how it happened in ancient Rome, you may be tempted to shrug it off as hyperbole or over dramatization.

When you hear a U.S. Supreme Court Justice and other top government officials use the comparison, it should alarm you tremendously because they are, in essence, firing a warning shot. Continue reading “America is veering towards dictatorship, Supreme court justices and top government officials warn”

Front Page Mag – by Daniel Greenfield

On December 7, 1941, 353 Japanese aircraft delivered a shocking blow to a complacent United States. The losses at Pearl Harbor were heavy, but heavier still was the loss of that sense of distance that had come with the American banishment of European empires from the hemisphere.

Japan had woken a giant and the events of that day led to a changed foreign policy and a changed nation. The impact of that attack would lead the United States to becoming a world power with bases around the world ready to meet any attack. The unspoken element of American foreign policy after that day was to prevent another Pearl Harbor from taking place. Continue reading “When Enemies Infiltrated the White House”

mp40i2 450x271 Dual Magazine MP40/IForgotten Weapons

From the first introduction of detachable magazines on firearms, people have been looking for ways to increase magazine capacity. Whether it is drum mags, longer box mags, jungle clips to connect multiple mags together, or other gimmicks, more ammo is always the goal. Well, the German army took a rather unusual approach to this issue in 1942, when it introduced an experimental double-magazine version of the MP40. Continue reading “Dual-Magazine MP40/I”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Along with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, leading conservative radio host Mark Levin reaches tens of millions of listeners weekly, and what he talked about recently on his nationally syndicated show has sent shivers down the spines of many of them.

A few years ago this was fringe theory, restricted only to the sphere of alternative (conspiracy) news.

Warnings of a massive economic collapse, government stockpiling of weaponry, and the idea that Americans could be broadly classified as terrorists and then detained indefinitely or killed often fell upon deaf ears. Continue reading “Mark Levin: Government Is “Simulating the Collapse of Our Financial System, the Collapse of Our Society and the Potential for Widespread Violence””

Insight on Freedom – by J.D. Longstreet

Back in my misspent youth, while a fearless young reporter, I was covering an appearance of a rather unpopular politician (A “Boss Hog” type local tyrant.) when a deputy sheriff threatened me with arrest… just for being there,  for doing my job.  Actually, that deputy knew my political leanings and I knew his — and I knew who kept him in his job  — and why.  He knew that I knew.  Continue reading “Pay Attention! … J. D. Longstreet”

New America Now – by Brandon Smith

When a group or organization seeks to establish any social policy, it helps tremendously if that group remains honest in their endeavor. If its members are forced to lie, tell half-truths or use manipulative tactics in order to fool the masses into accepting its initiative, then the initiative at its very core is not worth consideration. Propaganda is not simply political rhetoric or editorial fervor; it is the art of deceiving people into adopting the ideology you want them to espouse. It is not about convincing people of the truth; it is about convincing people that fallacy is truth. Continue reading “The Lies That Gun Grabbers Tell”

1Declaration-of-IndepFreedom Outpost – by Bradlee Dean

“We the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but the men who pervert the Constitution.” – Abraham Lincoln

In response to being called out on the carpet for his tyrannical methods, Obama stated publicly, “I am not a dictator.” Continue reading “Bradlee Dean: It’s Time to Emulate our Forefathers”

A fully armed MQ-9 Reaper taxis down a runway in Afghanistan.Air Force – by Brian Everstine and Aaron Mehta

As scrutiny and debate over the use of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) by the American military increased last month, the Air Force reversed a policy of sharing the number of airstrikes launched from RPAs in Afghanistan and quietly scrubbed those statistics from previous releases kept on their website. Continue reading “AF removes RPA airstrike number from summary”