gun shopThe Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

New York State is now offering $500 to people who snitch on gun owners.
Menrec has the story.

And, The Troy Record also has news on the tip line on their Facebook page – It is real. There is actually someone there to take your tips… So that state officials can come take your guns.   Continue reading “New York State Sets Up Gun Snitch Line With $500 Award”

Zero Hedge – by Gordon T. Long

As a young man, I voraciously read George Orwell’s “1984”,  Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” and Alvin Toffler’s trilogy which included “Future Shock”‘, “The Third Wave” and “Power Shift”. During the era of the Vietnam War, I wondered seriously about the future and how it was destined to unfold. Now being considerably older, I have the vantage point to reflect back on my early ruminations and expectations. Unfortunately, I am too old to alter the lessons that are now so painfully obvious. Instead, I pass the gauntlet to those who can understand and take action on what I have unavoidably come to expect for America.   Continue reading “An Orwellian America”

Free North Carolina

Magpul Industries Corp.

Apparently Gov Hickenlooper has announced that he will sign HB 1224 on Wednesday. We were asked for our reaction, and here is what we said:

We have said all along that based on the legal problems and uncertainties in the bill, as well as general principle, we will have no choice but to leave if the Governor signs this into law.   Continue reading “Magpul Confirms Plan To Immediately Leave Colorado”

APFree Beacon – by Bill McMorris

The Department of Justice whistleblower who resigned over the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case said President Barack Obama’s labor secretary nominee Thomas Perez is the “most extreme cabinet nominee in 70 years.”

J. Christian Adams, who worked for Perez at the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, sent a stern warning to the U.S. Senate about Perez’s policies.   Continue reading “Justice Whistleblower Warns Senate on Labor Pick”

gun_rack_pickupWND – by Bob Unruh

A new poll indicates only 1 in 5 gun owners would be willing to give up their firearms if the government demanded it.

“In other words, the government has a huge fight on its hands if it tries to implement a gun confiscation program,” said pollster Fritz Wenzel of Wenzel Strategies.   Continue reading “Poll: Only 1 in 5 would allow gun confiscation”

Jon Rappoport

In 2002, author Martin Lee wrote an article for Common Dreams: “Truth Serum and Torture.”

It could have been written yesterday, because now a Colorado judge has stated that, if James Holmes pleads not guilty by reason of insanity to the Aurora murders, state psychiatrists can subject him to drugs that will “help him remember his state of mind” at the time of the shootings. The drugging will reveal whether he really was insane that night last summer at the Aurora theater.   Continue reading “The CIA, James Holmes, MKULTRA, and truth-serum torture”

Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez is scheduled to be nominated as Secretary of Labor on Monday.Examiner – by JIM KOURI

In an effort to fill another second-term Cabinet vacancy with someone who is loyal to his agenda, President Barack Obama on Monday will nominate Thomas Perez, the current assistant attorney general for civil rights, to be the next secretary of labor, according to a White House source. But several Justice Department co-workers and citizens groups believe Perez is a fanatic with a radical agenda that was on display during the Justice Department’s inaction against the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation.   Continue reading “Obama to elevate alleged Black Panther sympathizer to cabinet post: Critics”

The Liberty Beacon

Poison On The Platter looks at the GM issue through the lens of activists, scientists and ordinary citizens. It brings alive the various shades of the GM issue such as the scientific evidences against GM food from lab rat studies, the GM disasters such as L-Tryptothan, the story of Bt Cotton and farmer suicides in India and protests across the world against GM food.   Continue reading “Poison on the Platter”

Front Page Mag – by Mark Hendrickson

The sequester deadline came and, lo and behold, the United States did not turn into a pumpkin or suffer an economic collapse. That isn’t surprising to those who know history and economics: Reductions in federal spending (real reductions, that is, not just smaller-than-planned increases such as we debate today) unleashed powerful economic growth in the 1920s and then again in the late 1940s. Both of those periods featured reductions in federal spending that were far more radical than anything even being proposed today. The booms that followed those shrinkages of government illustrate the basic principle, confirmed time after time both here and abroad, that economic growth is far more robust when government gets out of the way than when it intervenes in and interferes with the private sector.   Continue reading “Obama’s Disturbing Spending Priorities”

Panic Grips Europe as Cyprus, EU, and IMF Confiscate SavingsThe New American – by Alex Newman

Panic-stricken bank depositors in Cyprus emptied ATM machines across the nation after the surprise announcement Saturday that, as part of an extremely controversial European Union and International Monetary Fund bailout deal, authorities would seize up to 15 percent of all savings deposited in Cypriot banks. Markets across Europe plunged as fears of contagion or even a large-scale bank run in the region plagued investors, with the single euro currency falling to multi-month lows and gold rising back above $1,600 following news of the $13 billion scheme.    Continue reading “Panic Grips Europe as Cyprus, EU, and IMF Confiscate Savings”

U.S. President Obama speaks to National Governors Association in the State Dining Room of the White House in WashingtonOccupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

James Clapper, director of National Intelligence spoketo the Senate Intelligence Committee this week on the assessment that the federal budget cuts will “jeopardize our nation’s safety and security.”

Clapper says that the loss of “thousands of FBI employees” and thousands of analysts “may risk missing an early sign of an attack.”   Continue reading “The Sequester Scam Disguises Federal Gov Preparation for Totalitarian Coup”

The American Thinker – by Tara Servatius

Less than two weeks ago, Sen. Rand Paul’s demanded to know whether the president believed he had a right to kill an American citizen on American soil with a drone, finally getting an answer that had to be dragged out Attorney General Eric Holder.  An equally important, but still unasked question is whether the president intends to build a federal, drone-based “public safety” force to police local communities.

Somebody had better ask the president about this quickly, because it appears that his administration intends to use drones to actively usurp what were once local police and sheriff’s department functions.   Continue reading “The Other Drone Question: Is Obama Building A Federal Police Force?”

ImageFree North Carolina – by Delaware Open Carry

Last night I was out with a buddy of mine. I got a text from my wife that the cops and dyfs are at the house and they wanna check out my guns and needed me to open my safe.

I’m instantly on my way. I get in contact with Evan Nappen on the way. I explain the situation. I walk in my house and hand the phone to the first cop I see. Then direct all of them outside. Continue reading “The fight has officially been brought to my front door”

Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner speaks next to Economy Minister Carlos Fernandez (R) at the National Social Security Administration in Buenos Aires on Monday.Wall Street Journal – by MATT MOFFETT, October 22, 2008

BUENOS AIRES — Hemmed in by the global financial squeeze and commodities slump, Argentina’s leftist government has seemingly found a novel way to find the money to stay afloat: cracking open the piggybank of the nation’s private pension system.

Argentina’s President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner speaks next to Economy Minister Carlos Fernandez (right) at the National Social Security Administration in Buenos Aires on Monday.   Continue reading “Argentina Makes Grab for Pensions Amid Crisis”

backwardsThe Tenth Amendment Center – by Bob Greenslade

While observing the proceedings in a federal District Court, I was taken-back by the blatant arrogance of the judge masquerading as a constitutional officer. The case involved a civil dispute between two corporations. After setting a briefing schedule and reading the opposing attorneys the riot act concerning the conduct of his courtroom, the judge did something that illustrates the extent of the usurpation of power being perpetrated by the federal government.   Continue reading “Is the Federal Government Supreme?”

The Liberty Beacon – by Ken LaRive

Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they’re in the game.” Paul Rodriguez, and I tend to believe that too.

What hunting is, is practice. Hunting is learning your own heart. It is an education gleaned from experience and knowledge where we can gauge both strengths and limitations, with that of our quarry. The need to hunt is ingrained, hard wired into the minds of all men by eons of survival. It is a complex endurance technique instilled by both hungry woman, children, and your own, and is the place where love and responsibility are born.   Continue reading “The Well-Dressed AR-15 for Green-Light Critter Hunting”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

What happened in Europe today is yet further proof that nothing they’ve done has fixed the underlying fundamental issues surrounding the events that led to the crash of 2008.

For those who don’t believe the government is prepared to take extreme measures that may include the seizing of retirement accounts, cash savings or even gold, look no further than Cyprus, the latest recipient of bank bailouts.   Continue reading “CONFISCATION: Panicked Europeans Rush ATMs as Leaders Move To Seize Funds Directly From Bank Account Holders”

obama-commie-faceOccupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

In 1963, the Communist Goals were introduced into the Congressional Record under Appendix, pp. A34-A35.
Albert Herlong, House Representative from Florida, brought the “Current Communist Goals” that are outlined by Cleon Skousen in the book entitled “The Naked Communist”.

The 45 goals that were supposed in Congressional presentation by Herlong have either come to pass or in the process of being implemented. Without the knowledge of the American public, these ideals were introduced to our US government to alter the perspective of our Constitutional Republic to incrementally turn the tide from freedom to Communism.   Continue reading “How Communist Ideology Has Shaped American Perspective on Gun Ownership”

constitution-burning-340x225Occupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

The recent advent of demonization of patriots, constitutionalists and “conspiracy theorists” would not be complete without an all-out attack on the founding document that defines our Constitutional Republic – the US Constitution.

Earlier this year, Louis Michael Seidman, professor of Constitutional Law at Georgetown University, suggested that Americans give on adhering to the US Constitution because the document is largely outdated.   Continue reading “MSM Propaganda Wants Americans to Think US Constitution is Outdated”