Sipsey Street Irregulars

As I wrote here, The Siege of Bundy Ranch goes on. So does the need for volunteers, money and supplies. I have dubbed the Three Percenters in the desert the “Virgin River Volunteers.” “The Virgins” and the Oath Keepers have a particular need at the moment for camouflage netting to provide shade for the troop and operations areas as well as fighting positions. I have a feeling that there’s a lot of that sort of thing out there in barns and garages left over from the 90s that is surplus to us aging old fart’s needs. You might have netting but no poles and spreaders or poles and spreaders but ne netting. That’s all right. If you will drop me an email if you have anything you wish to donate, I will see that it gets matched up with needs on the ground, transportation assets to move it there, etc. The Oath Keepers intends to use such assets and equipment after the Bundy operation is concluded for other such needs as they arise. No one is going to profit from your generosity except the prospective victims of federal violence and the volunteers who desperately need the shade.   Continue reading “The Siege of Bundy Ranch goes on, and so does the need for volunteers, money and supplies, especially — at the moment — camo netting.”

NavyNatural News – by J. D. Heyes

Highly destructive weapons that were once the subject of science fiction movies are fast becoming reality in today’s high-tech world, and that’s not necessarily a good thing for the survival of Mankind.

One of the technologies that the U.S. Defense Department has been working to develop, along with the militaries of a few other great powers, is laser weaponry; currently, the U.S. is leading that race with defensive systems mostly aimed at knocking out incoming ballistic missiles like the Army’s THEL — Tactical High-Energy Laser — and systems that have been developed and deployed on U.S. Navy warships. Continue reading “U.S. Navy unveils railgun that can launch low-cost projectiles at Mach 7 with range of 100 miles”

edibleNatural News – by Carolanne Wright

Imagine strolling through your town and finding the post office surrounded by raised beds, lush with produce that is free for the taking, 24/7. Or a police department with a gratis community vegetable garden, complete with curly kale, carrots, lettuces and onions. And orchards, as well as berry bushes, lining public walkways that offer up fresh fruit — on the house. Sound too good to be true? Not in one innovative hamlet where a veritable paradise of edible landscaping has taken root. What’s more, the community is working towards absolute food self-sufficiency by 2018.  
Continue reading “Enterprising community aims for total food self-sufficiency with free edible landscapes”

Breitbart – by Bob Price

After Breitbart Texas reported on the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) intent to seize 90,000 acres belonging to Texas landholders along the Texas/Oklahoma line, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott questioned the BLM’s authority to take such action.

“I am about ready,” General Abbott told Breitbart Texas, “to go to the Red River and raise a ‘Come and Take It’ flag to tell the feds to stay out of Texas.”   Continue reading “Texas AG Abbott to BLM: ‘Come and Take it’”

BHO Communist 1The Liberty Beacon

Have you noticed the similarities between Barack Obama’s platform and that of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA)? The correlations are undeniable to anyone who is being honest.

Americans voted for this man not once, but twice! Al Sharpton did say that the American people knew they were voting for socialism when they voted for Barack Obama.   Continue reading “Obama’s Platform Is Eerily Similar to the Communist Party USA’s”

174a01d9d86771384a58148924cf74d8_MThe New American – by Warren Mass

April 15 was the deadline for residents of New York to register “assault weapons” that they owned before the passage of the state’s SAFE Act gun control law. But on the day of the deadline, pro-Second Amendment advocates, in an act of protest, gathered in downtown Buffalo to shred gun registration forms.

“They have been shredding the Constitution for years,” Russ Thompson, the leader of the April 15 rally was quoted by the Buffalo News as saying.     Continue reading “New Yorkers Protest “Assault Weapon” Registration Law”

SPLC Launches Hysterical Attack on Critics of UN Agenda 21The New American – by Alex Newman

The self-styled “civil rights” organization Southern Poverty Law Center, which despite mounting controversy maintains some links to government agencies, released a bizarre and factually challenged screed attacking critics and opponents of the deeply controversial United Nations plot known as Agenda 21. Apparently unfamiliar with the definition of basic words such as “conspiracy” and “theory,” or with the UN plan itself, the SPLC also lashed out at “activist groups,” “mainstream politicians,” voters, “extremists,” and others who question or oppose the UN agenda for what it calls “sustainable development” in the United States.   Continue reading “SPLC Launches Hysterical Attack on Critics of UN Agenda 21”

American oligarchyMilitia News – by Steve Watson

A recent scientific study by Princeton and Northwestern universities, which has gone somewhat under reported in the mainstream media, concludes that the US is now a fully fledged oligarchy.

The paper, entitled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups and Average Citizens, notes that America is no longer even a Democracy, which begs the question, how far removed is the country from being the Republic envisioned and painstakingly established by Benjamin Franklin and the founding fathers.   Continue reading “US Political System Has Been Almost Completely Usurped”

download (5)KFOR News Channel 4 – by Andrew Donley

OKLAHOMA CITY  – A land dispute in Nevada  between rancher Cliven Bundy and the federal government began decades ago.

The Bureau of Land Management says Bundy was allowing his cattle to graze illegally, which triggered a round-up of about 400 head of cattle last week.

Bundy claims his family’s cattle have grazed on the land since 1870 without interference from the government.   Continue reading “‘I blame both sides,’ Oklahoma militia members join fight with feds”

Vietnam veterans memorial on Sargents mesaMilitary Video Center

“Cycle ride from Tomichi Creek off of Highway 50 near Gunnison, CO up to the Continental Divide, where we found this war memorial tucked away in seclusion. You won’t find it on any maps. An old local at the Tomichi Trading Post said the Park Rangers keep it off maps…the story is that a Vietnam Vet somehow used a chopper to sneak the pieces in. If anyone knows the true story, I’d love to hear it.”   Continue reading “‘Mysterious’ Vietnam War Memorial”

cell-alarm-titleSurvival Life – by Alex Miklovic

Can’t afford expensive home security systems? Ever wanted to know how to make your own DIY alarm system? Believe it or not, you can make your own wireless home security system for about $10 with a few simple hacks to a prepaid cellphone. You can easily catch intruders who set off the tripwire, because this neat little gadget calls your cellphone right when it happens.

Imagine this… Continue reading “$10 DIY Alarm System That Calls Your Cellphone | Home Security Systems”

A slide from the National Security Agency powerpoint presentation on the PRISM program. (Image: Washington Post)Mondowiess – by Nancy Murry

If the Israeli government has indeed ordered its spies “to dig up intelligence” showing links between the supporters of BDS and “terrorists and enemy states” asreported in the February 11, 2014 London Times, it may find that it already has as much information as it needs in its data banks.

As described in the UK Guardian by Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras and Ewen MacAskill, a 2008 document obtained by whistleblower Edward Snowden states that “one of the NSA’s biggest threats is actually from friendly intelligence services, like Israel. There are parameters on what NSA shares with them, but the exchange is so robust, we sometimes share more than we intended.”   Continue reading “It’s time to reveal the Israeli role in the US surveillance machine”

download (3)“Since 9/11, the feds have issued a plethora of homeland-security grants that encourage local police departments to buy surplus military hardware and form their own SWAT units.

By 2005, at least 80 percent of towns with a population between 25,000 and 50,000 people had their own SWAT team. The number of raids conducted by local police SWAT teams has gone from 3,000 a year in the 1980s to over 50,000 a year today.”    Continue reading “Stats To Prove Government Terrorism”

download (2)Freedom Outpost – by William Lafferty

Government officials are only people, subject to all the infirmities and limitations involved with being human.  Some are insane, others myopic, others power hungry, and a few are men and women of good purpose.  The problem with government officials being fallible is that, in the case of the United States, 300 million people depend upon them always doing the right thing.   Continue reading “Obama & Holder Demonstrate the Need for Having an Autoloading Rifle in the Closet”

NIJ-ThroughWallSensorsPublic Intelligence

The following report was released in April 3, 2014 by the National Institute for Justice and was produced under contract by ManTech Advanced Systems International.

Through-the-Wall Sensors for Law Enforcement: Best Practices   Continue reading “National Institute of Justice Through-the-Wall Sensors Best Practices for Law Enforcement”

GOP The Daily Dose – by Rick Wells

The EPA is in the process, right this very minute, of seizing control over all private land in the United States. They are following the United Nations blueprint, their minion Gina McCarthy is implementing it, and B. Hussein Obama is facilitating it.

Anywhere in America where it rains or where water collects or through which water moves will now, according to this new rule change they are implementing, be under their control. Not because Congress or the people give them that authority or jurisdiction, but simply because they are seizing the power. It is just another component of the illegitimate tyranny which is oppressing the American people.   Continue reading “New EPA Land Grab, Complete Control Over All Private Land in America”

milkNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

You’ve probably seen it on milk cartons, yogurt containers and cheese packaging if you live in the U.S. — that little asterisk followed by a claim that the milk used in the product does not contain rBST, rBGH or other artificial growth hormones. But a series of studies conducted by researchers at Harvard University has revealed that, despite this claim, many commercial dairy products still contain high levels of growth hormones, particularly the feminizing hormone estrogen.   Continue reading “Supposedly hormone-free commercial milk found to be full of ‘girlie hormones’ says Mother Jones”