SHTF School

In most survival situations, a good knife can make a huge difference. Some of us remember the “Rambo” knives with hollowed out handles and small survival kits inside. The cheap ones were as sharp as  spoons and fell apart quickly. This is obviously not something you want to happen when your life depends on it.

Selecting the right knife is a matter of personal preference, availability and your budget. Good knives don’t have to be expensive.    Continue reading “Selecting the Right Survival Knife”

dist 1The National Patriot – by Craig Andresen

Things are happening. Many things, stupid things, nonsense things and they’re happening at a rapid pace. Note of these things needs to be taken.

The BLM standoff at Bunkerville from which the BLM and this absurd federal administration had to retreat with their collective tails between their legs.

Harry Reid calling those who stood to defend a rancher…”Domestic terrorists.”   Continue reading “Is Obama’s Criminal Regime Facing Collapse?”

protected-by-guns-2SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

As anti-gun lawmakers the country over work towards achieving a Utopic society without the Second Amendment, the fact is that those who would do harm to innocent people will not go away. Not only will they never give up their guns should they become illegal, but they’ll happily commit their crimes with knives, blunt weapons or even cars if that’s what it takes to get what they want.

The great equalizer since its invention in the 14th century has been the gun and as shown in the video report below, it still is.   Continue reading “This Is What Happens When the Good Guy Has a Gun”

Canada Free Press – by Alan Caruba

April seems to be the month in which the Supreme Court devotes itself to decisions that have no basis in real science and can do maximum damage to the economy. Invariably, the cases are brought against the Environmental Protection Agency and are decided in its favor.

In April 2007, the Court decided that carbon dioxide, the second most essential gas for all life on the planet was “a pollutant”, the definition the EPA had applied to it in order to regulate it. Now comes word that the Court had concluded that the EPA may regulate power-plant emissions that blow across state lines as per a 2011 regulation, the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule. Not content having put nearly 150 or more coal-fired power plants out of commission, the Court’s rule now gives them the authority to do the same thing to about a thousand power plants in the eastern and western regions of the U.S. that will have to adopt new pollution controls or reduce operations.

Continue reading “The Supreme Court Helps the EPA Shut Off Electricity in America”

PJ Media

I didn’t know how right I was when I wrote on September 29, 2012 “Benghazi Worse then Watergate.”

With the release of new emails it is spectacularly worse — so bad in fact that it has made a full investigation with an impeachment trial necessary for the protection of our republic.   Continue reading “New Benghazi Emails Mean Obama Impeachment Trial Must Be Launched”

As Globalists Centralize, Secession Fever Grows WorldwideThe New American – by Alex Newman

Much has been written about the ongoing efforts by globalists and the international establishment to centralize political and economic power. From the European Union, the African Union, and the Union of South American States all the way to the United Nations, would-be transnational authorities are fervently seeking to consolidate and expand their power over increasingly large swaths of humanity. At the same time, though, with citizens becoming increasingly weary of being ruled by far-away, unaccountable forces, secession movements around the world are exploding.   Continue reading “As Globalists Centralize, Secession Fever Grows Worldwide”

Black-Bird-490x331.jpgFox News

If you’ve ever wanted to get a close-up look in the cockpit of a World War II bomber or fighter, or the CIA’s M-21 Blackbird, then Lyle Jansma has an app for you.

AeroCapture Images Cockpit 360 provides an interactive tour of more than 40 historic aircraft – U.S., allied and enemy. And those are in addition to non-combat planes such as the Boeing 40C – a 1920s mail carrier – and the Apollo Command Module 007, which was used for astronaut training.   Continue reading “App gains you entry into cockpits of military aircraft”

naturalNatural News – by Raw Michelle

By now, people are well aware of the dangers behind eating foods that have been treated with pesticides. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that approximately 1.1 billion pounds of pesticide active ingredients are used annually in the U.S., and the EPA says up to 20,000 U.S. agricultural workers are diagnosed with pesticide poisonings annually.

Choosing organic produce at the market and even growing fruits and vegetables in the backyard are safe and favorable options. However, when growing foods in the yard, there’s often the matter of having to fend off pesky intruders that chomp away at foods and even harm the entire crop with disease.
Continue reading “Top natural pest control methods for a healthy garden”

Canada Free Press – by Timothy Birdnow

The internet has been buzzing for the last few days with hysterical hypocrisy from the Left over some remarks made by Clive Bundy, the Nevada Rancher who recently staved off a paramilitary assault by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Bundy made a comment that perhaps black people were better off slaves (as opposed to the neo-slavery of benevolent government.) He was roundly thrashed for his remarks.   Continue reading “Saul Alinsky Tactics and the BLM War”

WND – by Patrice Lewis

The horrifying headlines were coming so thick and fast this month it was hard to keep up:

Continue reading “So When’s the Revolution?”

Christian Mercenary – by T.L. Davis

Liberty is not about Cliven Bundy, it never was. The support Bundy received was in direct proportion to his request for such help. I have nowhere else seen a rancher or land owner asking for the help of the patriot/liberty community. Nowhere else have I seen an aggrieved individual requesting the help of militias to defend their liberties. We are here, we are available.

This is a necessary step in the process.
Continue reading “Blood of Patriots”

resisttyranny-handshake1Western Rifle Shooters

What are the motivations of insurgents? What the motivations of the Counter-insurgents? Has violence become necessary? Why or why not?

It is these questions that guarantees that no two situations will be the same. That’s not to say that lessons cant be learned or that strategies cant be applied with equal or better success, however one shouldn’t forget that they can also be applied with a negative impact to the mission or to the entire campaign. Insurgency and counter insurgency are very fluid. Song and dance. It is a chess game played by the higher in command, and a checkers game played by the ground level soldiers, rebels, police, etc.   Continue reading “More Thinking On The Coming Excitement”


The new head of the U.S. pardon office is not only deeply tied to former Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers – as WND exclusively reported Wednesday – but also to Ayers’ wife, Bernardine Dohrn, a co-founder with him of the domestic terrorist group.

The Justice Department announced Wednesday that Deborah Leff, currently a senior adviser to Attorney General Eric Holder, will take over the Office of the Pardon Attorney, where she will oversee vetting federal inmate applicants for presidential grants of clemency.   Continue reading “New Obama pardon chief tied to ex-domestic terrorist Dohrn”

American ResistanceMilitia News

When resistance becomes duty! We do not need those who want to refuse action! We need those who insist on it! Our Contitutution tells us this is OUR Country and not the governments!

Clearly you already know something is horribly wrong. A storm is on the horizon, and each of us must decide weather to face it head on or shelter away from it. So I ask, at what point do you intend to do something about it?   Continue reading “When Resistance Becomes Duty”

declarationBullets First

At what point in the course of human events when it becomes necessary to dissolve the political bands and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, do we leave the notion of treason behind and embrace the liberty of revolution?

Last week a man, Cliven Bundy made a stand.  He would not let the federal government illegally seize his property in a bid to have his livelihood and thereby his land stripped from him.   Continue reading “Is this treason?”

nathandealFreedom Outpost – by Fred DeRuvo

Earlier today, Gov. Nathan Deal signed into law the latest “controversial” gun bill that removes restrictions for law-abiding gun owners who legally own guns. Of course, this has the left in an uproar, but they’ll only be happy when no law-abiding citizen owns guns and only criminals do. They’ll still blame that on the right though.

In Elijay, GA, the governor was surrounding by law-abiding gun owners who were there to mark the day that he signed the Safe Carry Protection Act into law. This removes restrictions that had been on law-abiding gun owners by increasing the places where guns can be legally carried. New York State has its so-called NY Safe Act, which essentially further restricts gun-owners’ rights. The new Safe Carry Protection Act is designed to treat adults as adults.   Continue reading “Georgia Just Became a Safer State for Law-Abiding Gun Owners & Everyone Else”