American Armed RebellionMilitia News

Nearly one-third of Americans say an armed revolution might need to occur in the next few years to prevent an escalating war against constitutional liberties.

Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind surveyed 863 US residents randomly and found that 29 percent of those polled believe a revolution isn’t just imminent but imperative.   Continue reading “Nearly 30% of Americans advocate for an Armed Rebellion”

George Will Promotes Plan to Grant President Legislative PowersThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

In an April 9 opinion piece published in the Washington Post, commentator George Will praises the Goldwater Institute’s Compact for America and its component calling for an Article V constitutional convention.

Will points out a few of the proposal’s “benefits,” insisting that the balanced budget amendment (BBA) that it aims to enact “delivers immediate benefits to constituents.” Unfortunately, Will’s analysis of the Compact for America ignores several of its distinctly unconstitutional provisions.   Continue reading “George Will Promotes Plan to Grant President Legislative Powers”

Questions Raised About Senator Reid’s Connection to Bundy Ranch DisputeThe New American – by Warren Mass

The standoff between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) deescalated on April 12, when the bureau announced that it will stop its operation to confiscate Bundy’s cattle.

But another aspect to this ongoing story is jumping: The blogosphere is alive with allegations that Senator Harry Reid (pictured), and his son, Rory, have motivations of their own for wanting Bundy’s cattle off the disputed lands.   Continue reading “Questions Raised About Senator Reid’s Connection to Bundy Ranch Dispute”

zombieHammerhead Combat Systems

All of us CO’s worth our salt have our “BUG-OUT” or “GO-BAGS” packed and ready to roll at this very minute, but how many of us have our “GO-RIGS” ready?

“GO-RIG” is another name for your fighting rig. This is the rig you transport mags & ammo for your Main Fighting Rifle and Sidearm. It will also have your blowout/trauma kit, spare weapon parts for field repairs and maybe some weapon cleaning gear. I have discussed one of these rigs, the“Mad Max” Chest Rig in a previous article.  We will discuss some others such as the Rifleman’s Belt, MOLLE Tac-Vest and the Bandolier (Sneaky Bag) as other options.   Continue reading “Outfitting your GO-RIG’s”

Freedom Outpost – by Michael Lotfi

Turtles and cows have absolutely no relevance to the situation in Nevada. Does the Constitution make provision for the federal government to own and control “public land”? This is the only question we need to consider. Currently, the federal government “owns” approximately 30% of the United States territory. The majority of this federally owned land is in the West. For example, the feds control more than 80% of Nevada and more than 55% of Utah. The question has been long debated. At the debate’s soul is Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution, which is know as the “Property Clause”. Proponents of federal expansion on both sides of the political aisle argue that this clause provides warrant for the federal government to control land throughout the United States.   Continue reading “Bundy Ranch Crisis is Reason to Ask “Who Actually owns America’s Land?””

General George Patton - P 2014The Hollywood Reporter – by Paul Bond

“Silence Patton: First Victim of the Cold War” aims to “prove to the viewer that he was silenced because his views didn’t go along with the status quo,” says the filmmaker.

A film in the works now and aiming for a release date next year makes the case that Gen. George Patton, who died three months after the end of World War II, was assassinated, perhaps by the KGB, due to his outspoken opposition to Communism and the former USSR.   Continue reading “George Patton Film Suggests the WWII General Was Assassinated by Russians”

hagmann041114Northeast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J. Hagmann

By now most people are familiar with the potentially deadly situation emerging at the Bundy ranch in Nevada. Right now, the back-story is not nearly as important as the immediate necessity to de-escalate this life-and liberty threatening situation, although it does play an important role and must be addressed. The fact that this situation could have been pulled from the script of the 1974 movie Chinatown or any of the Godfather movies is well known and must be exposed, but not before immediate action is taken to assure the preservation of life and liberty.   Continue reading “Governor Sandoval: Send in the Guard”

Freedom Outpost – by David Risselada

“We need to have a civilian national security force that is just as well trained, just as well funded as the military to meet the national security objectives that we have set.” Presidential candidate Barrack Hussein Obama, 2008

America, President Obama has succeeded in the creation of this national security force, and it is the goons of the Bureau of Land Management that are armed to the teeth, surrounding one farmers grazing land. These people are not loyal to the U.S. Constitution, for they have taken no loyalty oath to any ideal that we cherish. They are loyal to their masters, the monstrous leviathan that we call the federal government. If 200 armed agents surrounding one farmer’s land aren’t enough to snap the eternally asleep into full awareness of the dire situation we face in this nation, then I don’t know what is. If you are one of the “aware” but choose to say nothing, you may as well go to sleep because if you say nothing now, you will remain silent later.   Continue reading “Nevada: A Crisis not going to Waste as UN Small Arms Treaty Advances”

The Week

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and his family are featured in a worshipful profile in this month’s Washingtonian magazine.

It’s the sort of adoring journalistic exercise reserved for only the most handsome of the power elite. In it you can find out details about the Carney dog (a cousin to presidential pooch Sonny!), and how much the press secretary’s tie costs ($135).   Continue reading “Obama’s press secretary decorates home with Soviet propaganda”

Canada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

History is repeating itself on the Bundy Ranch, near Bunkerville, Nevada, where the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) spends its time and resources on “trespassing” cows.

Hardworking generation rancher Cliven Bundy—the last remaining rancher in the Southern Nevada county—is not the first and tragically won’t be the last American harassed by an overbearing, invading BLM.   Continue reading “Federal Government seizing “trespassing” cows from hard-working ranchers”

NIJ-ThroughWallSensorsPublic Intelligence

The following report was released in April 3, 2014 by the National Institute for Justice and was produced under contract by ManTech Advanced Systems International.

Through-the-Wall Sensors for Law Enforcement: Best Practices

Obama, Froman Use Ukraine to Push U.S.-EU MergerThe New American – by William F. Jasper

President Barack Obama and leaders of the European Union (EU) issued a Joint Statement at their March 26 meeting in Brussels declaring, among other things, their coordinated position on assistance to the Ukraine, as well as their continued flogging of the discredited “climate change” alarmism, and commitment to conclude the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement between the EU and the United States.   Continue reading “Obama, Froman Use Ukraine to Push U.S.-EU Merger”