Freedom Outpost – by Michael Peroutka

If you are a lover of liberty in America today, you probably have gotten used to hearing and seeing “bad news.”

I’m sure that you would agree that we live in an age of lawlessness and corruption. We have a central government that has become everything that our Founders feared. Indeed, Washington, D.C. has become a black hole of consolidated power that is bent on enslaving, impoverishing and destroying the very people it is duty bound, before the Almighty, to protect.   Continue reading “Constitutional Sheriffs Are Liberty’s Brightest Light”

Christian Mercenary – by T.L. Davis

As Americans we have wanted the system to work. When the government and the bankers wrecked the economy and looted trillions of dollars in private IRAs, 401ks, home equity and business equity,  we waited for the economy to stabilize to where those funds would return. Instead, the government took trillions more in debt to pay off the bankers and government agencies that wrecked the economy in the first place.

When they passed Obamacare through back-door deals and open government bribes in the form of the Cornhusker Kickback and other sweetheart deals to key senators and House members, we waited for the Supreme Court to rule this monstrosity unconstitutional, as logic would dictate that it was.    Continue reading “Force, Open Raw and Cruel”

S.C. Gov. Haley backs carrying firearms without permits, trainingYahoo News – by Dylan Stableford

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says she supports a proposed bill that would make it legal to carry guns without a permit or training, The State newspaper reports.

The proposed Constitutional Carry Act (S. 115) would decriminalize carrying a firearm without a permit — effectively eliminating the need for a concealed weapons license and related training — and would allow people to carry firearms either concealed or out in the open.   Continue reading “S.C. Gov. Haley backs carrying firearms without permits, training”

communismThe Last Resistance – by Frank Camp

Communism is the exploitation of the strong by the weak. In Communism, inequality comes from placing mediocrity on a level with excellence.” – Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

Communism is the death of nations. Moreover, it is the process by which nations rot from the inside out, becoming nothing more than an outer layer, filled with disease. It’s central conceit—which is equality—is undermined by its own philosophy. By ginning up the desire for equality—at least in terms of economic equality, which is the main goal of communism–one creates a hostile nation in which numerous factions are pitted against one another. The rich are vilified, and the poor are placed on a pedestal. The poor are taught to resent the rich, not because the rich have done anything treacherous, but simply because of their success.   Continue reading “NBC Refuses To Speak Ill of Communism, Despite Millions Killed”

War on Drugs Claims SWAT Team Member Using No-Knock WarrantThe New American – by Bob Adelmann

Hank McGee should be thankful that he didn’t wind up dead or dreadfully disabled in the no-knock raid that took place on his trailer house in Texas early Thursday morning, December 19. Instead, reacting in fear that he was being robbed, he grabbed his pistol and shot and killed a SWAT team member. On Thursday, February 6, a grand jury in Burleson County declined to indict him for murder, the first time in recent memory such a verdict had been handed down, according to McGee’s attorney, Dick DeGuerin.   Continue reading “War on Drugs Claims SWAT Team Member Using No-Knock Warrant”

Web Commentary – by Sher Zieve

While Obama’s personal US Attorney General Eric Holder continues with his latest assault on US States’ laws and Constitutional rights–he’s decided gay marriages must be recognized in all States…regardless of what States’ laws contain–his partner in multiple crimes, Obama and his syndicate, has come up with the new Democrat talking points which extol poverty and lack of work and/or work hours; but, only for the “masses.”   Continue reading “Obama, Dems and Media: No Jobs and Poverty are Good for you!”

organicNatural News – by S. D. Wells

So many people make good health a complicated matter by polluting their bodies with processed foods, irradiated foods, genetically modified foods, gluten, bleached foods, hormone-laden meats and milk, and a host of other toxic products that punish the body instead of rewarding it for doing work for you. Your body wakes up in the morning and your organs want food. They do not want food that comes from laboratories or factories that cook it to death and plug in additives and cell-choking preservatives. Your body is a machine, and it needs clean oil, meaning organic fuel, to run smoothly.   Continue reading “Fight cancer with organic green shakes every day”

New America Now – by Michel Chossudovsky

The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. This “war without borders” is being carried out at the crossroads of the most serious economic crisis in World history, which has been conducive to the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population.    Continue reading “The History of the Rise of American Imperialism and March Toward Self Destruction”

fluNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

More than 100 Americans will be deliberately infected with live influenza viruses this year as part of a devious government medical experiment designed to help the pharmaceutical industry develop new flu vaccines. The Associated Press (AP) reports that the experiment, which is taking place at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Maryland, will involve injecting live viruses into the noses of human guinea pigs, who will then receive $3,000 in compensation for their participation.   Continue reading “US government using humans as guinea pigs in flu virus medical experiments”