From the cover of "International Merger by Foreign Entanglements," a new book by Art Thompson (available from after February 1)John Birch Society – by Art Thomson

In this week’s analysis behind the news video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses several threats to the United States Constitution, primarily those from sovereignty-destroying free trade agreements and the growing calls for an Article V constitutional convention; how multilateral free trade agreements and partnerships, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement and the upcoming Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), all violate the U.S. Constitution; how with the growing calls for a constitutional convention, the danger of Americans losing their God-given rights has never been higher; and how everyone is encouraged to read Art’s new book, International Merger by Foreign Entanglements (available from after February 1).   Continue reading “Growing Threats Against the U.S. Constitution”

Convention of the States: Scholars Ignore HistoryThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

For as much as the “Convention of the States” (COS) supporters like to talk about constitutional articles with Roman numerals, there’s one they refuse to mention: Article XIII.

In 1787, the document known as the Articles of Confederation was the constitution of the United States. ItsArticle XIII mandated that regarding any changes to the Articles: “Nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every State.”   Continue reading “Convention of the States: Scholars Ignore History”

Laying the Groundwork for Global Wealth ConfiscationJohn Birch Society – by Art Thomson

In this week’s analysis behind the news video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses how the myRA program mentioned by President Obama in his State of the Union Address last week is reminiscent of the Social Security program introduced by another president in the 1930s; how the IMF is laying the groundwork for global wealth confiscation; how the voters must insist that their representatives uphold the Constitution rather than support changing the Constitution with a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA), which won’t solve the fiscal problems we have anyway; how anyone wanting to change the Constitution can’t do so without taking into account the vast numbers of treaties, trade agreements, partnerships, and other foreign entanglements our nation has committed to; and how come the people who want a convention to change the Constitution don’t talk about these issues — which points to a hidden agenda.   Continue reading “Laying the Groundwork for Global Wealth Confiscation”

China Daily USA – by Michael Barris

The World Bank’s former chief economist wants to replace the US dollar with a single global super-currency, saying it will create a more stable global financial system.

“The dominance of the greenback is the root cause of global financial and economic crises,” Justin Yifu Lin told Bruegel, a Brussels-based policy-research think tank. “The solution to this is to replace the national currency with a global currency.”    Continue reading “Replace dollar with super currency: economist”

WND – by Jerome R. Corsi

Editor’s note: This is third part of a three-part series based on an interview with former Weather Underground founder Bill Ayers after his debate with Dinesh D’Souza. In the first part, Ayers suggest Dinesh D’Souza would take a plea bargain on his indictment for alleged violations of election laws. In the second part, Ayers affirmed he wrote Obama’s “Dreams from My Father” before denying it.  

HANOVER, N.H. – In a wide-ranging, exclusive interview with WND, former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers insisted Barack Obama is a moderate politician whom he barely knew as a resident of his Chicago neighborhood.   Continue reading “Ayers dishes details on relationship with Obama”

foodNatural News – by S. D. Wells

It is as if we are living in total “idiocracy” – that any human being would even consider any medication advertised on television with all those crazy side effects, like internal bleeding, loss of vision, coma, feelings of suicide and death. It’s literally insulting to intelligence, yet millions of Americans still run to their doctors with health problems and take whatever the doctor prescribes, without question, and then wonder what went wrong. If food commercials had to list the side effects, including the short- and long-term adverse health effects of eating the “garbage” that’s served up like it’s actual food with nutritive value, then maybe people would start waking up and realize that the medicine they take is prescribed to cover up the symptoms of the disorders and diseases that they get from eating “idiotic” junk science food and synthetic, processed, genetically mutated trash.   Continue reading “What if food ads had to list the side effects like prescription drugs on TV?”

Freedom Outpost – by David Risselada

Over the past few years, several authors have taken up the mantle writing articles exposing the connection between Saul Alinsky and Barack Hussein Obama. As a community organizer, Obama was schooled in the “Alinsky” method, and as we all know, Saul Alinsky authored a book that might as well be considered the golden rule book of the left, “Rules for Radicals.” The Alinsky method of community organizing, which is a gentler way of saying communist agitating, was based on the idea of creating hate and discontent in order to create a power base in which to push a socialist agenda (Think Occupy Wall Street). Barack is well schooled in this method, as his entire presidency has been referred to by many commentators as one continuous campaign. President Obama has been the master of creating discontent among his base as his entire presidency revolves around accusing white Republicans of being racist, greedy and wanting to push grandma off a cliff. In his recent interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Riley, he even went so far as blaming Fox News for his low popularity ratings. If only they would stop bringing up those scandals everyone would love him, right?   Continue reading “Barack Hussein Obama Only Has Whatever Power You Think He Has”

Creationism DebateLast Resistance – by Michael Minkoff

Last night, Bill Nye the Science Guy and Ken Ham the Creation Man debated the question, “Is creationism a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific era?” I was happy the “great creationism debate” happened, but I have mixed feelings about how it turned out.1

First, it wasn’t really much of a debate. Both sides had important points to emphasize and ideas to present, but there was little dialogue between the two worldviews. Questions asked by one side to the other were left unanswered, and all in all the debate afforded ample fodder for confirmation bias—and little else.   Continue reading “Thoughts on the Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham Creationism Debate”

kristin_story_heldLast Resistance – by Dave Jolly

Dr. Kristin Held of San Antonio, Texas discovered that at least one insurance company she had contracted with was following President Obama’s example and changing the terms of her contract without notifying her or obtaining her consent.

Held is an ophthalmologist who has taught at the University of Texas Health Science Center and served as the director of the Ophthalmology Clinic at the Brady Green Community Health Center.  Currently she works in private practice at the Stone Oak Ophthalmology Center in San Antonio.   Continue reading “Texas Doctor Rebels against Obamacare – Calls it Socialism”

Personal Liberty Digest – by Sam Rolley

During a press conference on Wednesday, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the unilateral creation of new “climate action hubs” that will be placed in seven locations around the country.

“On the heels of passage of the farm bill, the administration will take executive action to help farmers, ranchers and rural communities combat climate change and adapt to extreme weather and other damage it causes,” a White House official said in an email ahead of Wednesday’s announcement.   Continue reading “Agriculture Secretary: Government Will Not Wait For Congress, Laws In Implementing Obama Climate Plan”

Canada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

If the entire Congress is willing to give President Barack Obama a pass on being a Marxist/Socialist,  why shouldn’t the allegedly right-of-centre Fox News Corp. comfortably do the same thing?

Whitewashing the fact that top Fox guy Bill O’Reilly said of Marxist Obama:  “He is not a bad guy.  I think people misread him”, Fox News followed O’Reilly February 2nd interview by heaping praise on him for “asking the right questions”.

If there was any chance of Obama answering the “right questions”, he would never have shown up for the Fox interview.    Continue reading “Can a Marxist who wants to take down the Free West really be “not a bad guy”?”

Freedom Outpost – by Joshua Cook

Activists in the Horry County Republican Party wanted to become the 8th county to censure Sen. Lindsey Graham for his liberal voting record, but entrenched members of the Party’s establishment stopped their plans by launching a campaign to protect the two-time incumbent Senator.

South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Matt Moore, who recently defended Graham by calling him a “traditional conservative” on MSNBC, took sides and condemned the censure movement in an email. He stated that a censure shouldn’t be used as a mechanism to voice disagreement for one’s voting record. He noted that there were no provisions in the Party rules that allowed censures and stated that they do not promote Party unity.   Continue reading “Is Lindsey Graham Losing Power Hold on SC?”

Obama IRS to Share Private Financial Data With Russia’s PutinThe New American – by Alex Newman

As uncertainty grows surrounding a radical and deeply controversial addition to the sprawling U.S. tax regime, the Obama administration is now reportedly in negotiations with Moscow to share financial information with Vladimir Putin’s Russian government. The U.S. Treasury’s effort to secure a pseudo-treaty on data exchange with the Kremlin is part of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA, a scheme passed in 2010 aiming to obliterate privacy worldwide under the guise of collecting about an extra billion dollars per year in revenue.   Continue reading “Obama IRS to Share Private Financial Data With Russia’s Putin”

Sixteen Children Rescued From Sex Trade in Super Bowl StingThe New American – by Raven Clabough

As Americans gathered around their televisions Sunday night to watch the showdown between the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks, an FBI sting operation had already successfully rescued from the sex trade 16 juveniles, some as young as 13, who were brought to New Jersey by their pimps in the weeks before the Super Bowl.

Nearly 50 pimps and their associates were arrested in the operation, FBI officials announced on Tuesday. Some of the traffickers admitted to having traveled to New Jersey from various other states in order to force women and children to engage in sexual acts with Super Bowl tourists for money.   Continue reading “Sixteen Children Rescued From Sex Trade in Super Bowl Sting”

Answers in Genesis

Live Streaming FREE on Feb. 4 at 7 PM ET

Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern, scientific era? Leading creation apologist and bestselling Christian author Ken Ham is joined at the Creation Museum by Emmy Award-winning science educator and CEO of the Planetary Society Bill Nye.   Continue reading “Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham”

Canada Free Press – by Sarge

I don’t watch Obama when he speaks. I read the transcripts after the fact. I do this because there’s always the possibility a person such as Obama has the charisma to twist words in a mercurial and slick manner so it seems ingenious as opposed to disingenuous. The guy has the ability to advertise dog crap as smelling good in comparison to the reality. This is a characteristic of many great politicians: Hitler, Mussolini, Lenin, Mao, Nixon and others.   Continue reading “Camouflage is his favorite color”

Infidel Strong Body ArmorMilitia News – by Chad Cooper

The Second Amendment (Amendment II) of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights says, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

Apparently, the Connecticut legislature does not include body armor as a type of “arms” or if they do, they just don’t care about the Constitution. You see, Public Act 98-127 criminalizes the transaction of body armor unless done face to face. In other words, if you live in Connecticut, you can’t buy body armor online or via a catalog (Military members, Law Enforcement, Judges excepted). New York is following suit and has legislation drafted to prohibit armor as well. New Jersey? Virginia? California? Texas? Who’s next?   Continue reading “Is Body Armor Legal In Your State?”

Public Intelligence

The following documents were obtained via a public records request made by members of Occupy Oakland.  The documents concern the Oakland Police Department response to protests against the 2013 Urban Shield homeland security exercise held in Alameda County.  Urban Shield is an annual exercise event that features nearly fifty different training scenarios for law enforcement ranging from simulated terrorist attacks conducted by “homegrown extremists” to hostage situations, fires and even natural disasters.   Continue reading “Oakland Police Department Urban Shield 2013 Protest Documentation”