Freedom Outpost – by David Risselada

I want to talk about the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. I have written a couple of articles about it before, but in light of some recent developments, like the European Union calling for the ratification of the treaty among European Union states, it may be time to discuss it again. Also, let’s not forget the UN just issued resolution 2117, which calls for member states to collect civilian arms and destroy them. My friends, you only need to look at Australia, Canada and Britain to see that civilian disarmament is their goal.   Continue reading “UN Small Arms Treaty: Eighty Million Determined Gun Owners Should be Quite an Obstacle To Its Enforcement”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Ever since September 2013, the day Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, it has bothered me the complete disingenuousness and outright lies he told to those gathered to witness the signing and the American people. Here’s the video of the signing and his remarks.   Continue reading “Kerry Lies to The American People – National Gun Registration Will be Part of the UN Small Arms Treaty”


[July 18, 1774]

At a general Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the County of Fairfax on Monday the 18th day of July 1774, at the Court House, George Washington Esquire Chairman, and Robert Harrison Gent. Clerk of the said Meeting —

1. Resolved that this Colony and Dominion of Virginia can not be considered as a conquered Country; and if it was, that the present Inhabitants are the Descendants not of the Conquered, but of the Conquerors.   Continue reading “Fairfax County Resolves”

The New Boston Tea Party

“Global warming is a weapon of mass destruction.” so says  John Kerry. The NBTP has a message for you: while in Jakarta please a shrink.

Your fanaticism is destroying the only reputation you have left, which to tell you the truth, is not much. Messianic dreams are hard to conquer, they will wreck havoc with reality.    Continue reading “Kerry In Indonesia Spreading the Global Warming Gospel”

Weaver is a leading authority on Civil government. You WILL find it real fascinating, and educational. Extremely well researched and laid out.

Sermon Audio

As you listen to this series of sermons you will understand why Pastor Weaver is considered by many to be the leading expositor today on the subject of the Christian and civil government. This is a masterful study of both the scriptures and history as they relate to this subject. You will most certainly be blessed. Continue reading “Christian & Civil Government”

President George WashingtonMilitia News – by David “Dave” Huntwork

One can reasonably presume how today’s Left would characterize and attack the person I am about to describe to you. Without a doubt, he would be characterized as some sort of dangerous, right-wing, tea-bagging, homophobic, Christian Neanderthal who should be maligned, attacked, marginalized, silenced, and driven from power.

Character assassination has become the weapon of choice for those who so forcefully peddle the liberal/progressive ideology. It is relentlessly used to silence all those who stand in opposition to the myriad of ‘isms’ they champion as they seek to “fundamentally transform” the country and society. I sincerely doubt they would spare him.   Continue reading “The Original, Right-Wing Extremist”

Yahoo News – by RODRIQUE NGOWI

NATICK, Mass. (AP) — They call it the holy grail of ready-to-eat meals for soldiers: a pizza that can stay on the shelf for up to three years and still remain good to eat.

Soldiers have been asking for pizza since lightweight individual field rations — known as meals ready to eat, or MREs — replaced canned food in 1981 for soldiers in combat zones or areas where field kitchens cannot be set up.   Continue reading “Military nears holy grail: Pizza that lasts years”

dod image REM weaponsMilitary Times – by Ray Locker, USA Today

WASHINGTON — Western militaries may lose access to critical materials needed for weapons and other systems, because of the growing demand for new technologies, questionable supply lines and production in unfriendly or dangerous countries, NATO documents show.

“Key strategic materials are those that are crucial in the manufacture of sophisticated military hardware or components such as airframes, gas turbines, rocket motors, munitions, armor and electronics,” according to a newly released NATO request for information. “These materials are becoming increasingly scarce.”   Continue reading “NATO: West may lose access to crucial military materials”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

An United States Veteran witnessed a business flying a Mexican flag above the American flag in downtown Reno. Many people have seen the video from 2007, but many people have not (thus the reason for this post). The activity, which is illegal, was confronted by the veteran, Jim Brossard, who courageously walked up in front of the business with onlookers standing by and was videoed taking the flags down, cutting loose the American flag and declaring, “I’m Jim Brossard, and I took this flag down in honor of my country with a knife from the United States Army.”   Continue reading “Veteran Cuts Down US Flag Flown Under Mexican Flag in Reno: “I Took This Flag Down in Honor of My Country””

FILE - In this Jan. 27, 2014, file photo, former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin arrives at the Hale Boggs Federal Building in New Orleans. Federal...Yahoo News – by KEVIN McGILL

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A June 11 sentencing date has been set for former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin who has been convicted of bribery, fraud and money laundering..

A jury convicted Nagin on Wednesday on 20 federal criminal counts. The bribes came in his two terms as mayor from 2002-2010.   Continue reading “Ex-New Orleans mayor convicted of taking bribes”

Mainstream Media Silent on Dangerous Trans-Pacific PartnershipThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Despite the many unconstitutional provisions purportedly contained in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, the mainstream media has ignored the subject almost entirely.

survey of television news coverage of the TPP reveals that a:     Continue reading “Mainstream Media Silent on Dangerous Trans-Pacific Partnership”

How-to-reload-40mm-Nylon-Casings-US Crow

We are not liable for the unsafe or unlawful use of the enclosed materials. You assume all risks in the use of the materials and understand that these materials may be unlawful to use in certain configurations in some local, state, or federal jurisdictions. You shall hold us harmless for any claims that might be alleged or proven to be caused or contributed to person or property by the use of the materials and further, hold us harmless from any and all costs, losses, or expenses in defense of such claim.   Continue reading “How to reload 40mm Nylon Cases”

Fortify Your Home Against Attack in Five StepsUS Crow

You’ve decided to shelter in place, either of your own free will or under the advice of emergency management personnel (insert ad hominem here). While we strongly recommend bugging out to a secure location outside metropolitan and rural areas the reality is – not everyone has the bankroll for that. So sheltering in place is the only option for some of us.

More than 2 million Americans are burglarized a year. If two million homes are getting robbed in the presence of ‘civilization‘, what do you think is going to happen when civilization ceases to exist? Even worse, what if a member of your family spilled the beans and word gets out the Andersons have two years worth of food and water? You had better hope your home has been fortified against the human element when the shit hits the fan.   Continue reading “Fortify your home against attack in five simple steps”

Keep your cool and survive being mentally prepared for disasterUS Crow

You will never face an environment like that of a battlefield, and when the shit hits the fan you better be mentally prepared to survive any disaster.  Whether your group is under heavy enemy fire or just trying to survive in a barren wasteland – lives are at risk.  Any survival situation will seriously test your will to live.

Post incident survival situations involving combat will subject you to intense physical, mental and spiritual stress.  Those unwilling to fight will not survive.  You must be mentally prepared to take a life to protect you and yours. We all hope for the best out of humanity.  When you take into account over 3 million crimes were committed during 2012 in the presence of a militarized police force – it might be time to start planning for the worse.   Continue reading “Keep your cool and survive disaster with mental preparedness”