Infowars – by Steve Watson

Political prankster Mark Dice has once again documented how many young Americans are completely disconnected from reality, capturing California college students signing a fake petition to imprison all legal gun owners in concentration camps and even to have them executed.

“We just want to make sure we disarm the citizens. We can trust the government to be the only ones with guns.” Dice said to students on campus in San Diego, while they unquestioningly signed the petition to “repeal the Second Amendment.”   Continue reading “Students Sign Petition To Have Gun Owners Executed In Concentration Camps”

Defense One – by Kedar Pavgi

naturalNatural News – by Sandeep Godiyal

Everyone knows that natural and organic foods are far more healthier than their processed counterparts. Unfortunately, many people don’t take to heart this valuable piece of information, and they continue to consume food products that are completely unhealthy for them. In doing this, they often develop a wide array of preventable health conditions. The road to getting healthier can begin today, and it can start by incorporating natural olive oil into one’s diet. In fact, let’s go ahead and take a quick look at five healthy benefits of natural and organic olive oil.   Continue reading “Understanding the benefits of natural olive oil”

MichiganNatural News – by J. D. Heyes

A Michigan farmer says he could be facing an armed raid by government agents soon, following a lengthy disagreement with state Department of Natural Resources officials over his refusal to obey an order to kill his feral pigs.

Mark Baker, owner of Baker’s Green Acres, told Natural News in an interview that he was informed recently by a former business associate that local state and federal agriculture officials have been forbidden from contacting him because he is potentially dangerous.   Continue reading “Feds threatening Michigan family farm with armed raid”

Freedom Outpost – by Leon Puissegur

In the previous article, we looked at 8 rules that Saul Alinsky laid out in his book Rules for Radicals. Barack Obama has been following those rules one by one. However, there are other rules that follow in the book. One rule, mentioned by Glenn Beck, was rule 12 and that one rule seems to be one of the most workable rules that President Obama has used to the max! That rule is as follows:   Continue reading “Obama: The Disciple of Saul Alinsky Leads America Towards Full Blown Socialism”

Local Police Adopt Military Technology and TacticsThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Robots, facial recognition, and drones. These are the technologically advanced tools that used to belong to the military, but are now commonplace in local police departments.

As The New American has reported, police departments and sheriff’s offices around the country every day look less like peace officers and more like warfighters.   Continue reading “Local Police Adopt Military Technology and Tactics”

America Rejects Rule by Decree as Critics Lambaste Obama SpeechThe New American – by Alex Newman

Americans overwhelmingly rejected bizarre threats from an increasingly unpopular Obama to rule by decree, surveys revealed after his State of the Union speech. Despite trying to artificially divide America into different collectivist classes in need of his supposedly benevolent protection and assistance — an age-old ploy used by statists sometimes referred to as “divide and conquer” — women, black leaders, Hispanic activists, small-business owners, and other members of collectivist categories rejected the narrative, too.   Continue reading “America Rejects Rule by Decree as Critics Lambaste Obama Speech”

saltNatural News – by Michael Ravensthorpe

Salt is an essential nutrient that our bodies require for transporting nutrients into and out of our cells, regulating blood pressure, exchanging ions and much more. However, not all salts are equal. Table salt, which has been stripped of all its minerals except sodium and chloride, for instance, will not have the same positive biological impact upon our bodies as pure, unrefined salt that boasts a robust mineral profile.   Continue reading “Himalayan salt can help mineralize and detoxify the body”

Freedom Outpost – by Leon Puissegur

The “former” United States and Obama all in one title? What is going on here? Have we seen something very few others have seen? Have we found something others have over looked? Have we discovered the real plan of Obama’s ideology based upon his “radical” ideas? Have we asked the question thousands of other so-called reporters have just refused to ask or even consider? What do we mean here? How can we make such a statement about the President? How could we even state, “former” United States? Follow this article and the following article closely, and at the end we will show you Obama’s plans as they have been laid out for him and all Socialists, Marxists and Communists that wish to ruin the United States once and for all.   Continue reading “Obama is Making Plans for the Former United States”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina dropped a bombshell after Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech by declaring that ‘the world is literally about to blow up’. We think that Senator Graham’s warning should be taken very seriously and should send out a very strong false flag warning to ALL Americans. Considering Iranian ships are now approaching America, we strongly suggest keeping our eyes and ears open, especially considering Senator Graham’s prior warning of a nuclear attack upon America as shared in the videos below.   Continue reading “Senator: The World’s About To Blow Up, Literally”

Christian Mercenary – by T. L. Davis

Anyone who has ever loved something and had to let it go understands the situation in America today. I don’t care if it was a beloved Teddy Bear patched over and over again, the material so thin that it can no longer support new stitches or a great car that embodied and seemed to recall all of the great times contained within its metal shell, there comes a time to let go of the past and look to the future.

So, let us look at our history in America for a moment. It began as a capitalist experiment (and I have been chided for that term for its derivation from Marx as derogatory, but set that aside as we have never known a free market and likely never will, and no, I will not engage the debate here). It was a trading outpost for Britain, France and Spain, each exploiting different parts of the new continent.    Continue reading “Let The Games Begin”


There have been endless articles and debates, on how .gov threatens our liberties.  What will we do, when they come for the guns?  At what point will people say “enough” to the Feds, obama, feinswine, lindsey graham, juan mcstain and the rest of the traitors in DC?  Oh, yeah, a LOT of discussion, as to what will be the tipping point.

Such discussions are complete crap; the .gov thugs are out there menacing us on a daily basis with the tactics, acquisitions of mil-spec toys and general intimidation tactics.   Continue reading “Authori-tah… and Vigilance Committees”

telling liesLast Resistance – by Chris Graham

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the State of the Union address as “the largest congregation of American criminals all gathered in one room to watch Barack Obama, our first woman president, put sugar on sh#%.” The language is a surprise, but look it up for yourself.

Okay, fine, it’s not in the OED, but the editors of that dictionary are all old white men, so what do they know?   Continue reading “State Of The Union: Completely Ridiculous”

The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen

Obama was the star of his own show and a legend in his own mind.

Last night’s State of Dismay speech clearly put a fine point on THAT bit of narcissism wrapped in union, butt-kissing flattery.

With nods to manufacturing, education and job training, Obama laid out yet another agenda to keep that tingle running up the union leg.   Continue reading “Obama’s SOTU – Doin’ the American Hustle!!!”

1 1 1 Echo1-M134-MiniGun-Airsoft-Machine-Gun-590x330In the history of armed conflict, no one has ever had need for a 30 pound minigun that only shoots airsoft BBs, but now you can have one just in case it comes up. Not to be confused with a lesser airsoft gun, the Echo1 M134 has six spinning barrels that spit out 3,000 skin-stinging rounds per minute.

The Echo1 fires 0.20g BBs, which are only moderately dangerous. You’re not going to kill anyone, but a few thousand tiny plastic pellets being fired at high speed won’t feel good. The magazine can feed 1,700 BBs into the gun before it needs to be refilled, so you’ll only get about 30 seconds of plastic-launching fury before a reload. It also packs a giant 12v battery to power the spinning cannons.