Secret Behind Communism Stalin's JewsMilitia News – by Sever Plocker

We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish.

Here’s a particularly forlorn historical date: Almost 90 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in the midst of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war, Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka.   Continue reading “The Secret Behind Communism: Stalin’s Jews.”

Maj. Gen. Paul E. VallelyMilitia News – by Eric Odom

We’re now seeing serious suggestions that Obama’s key legacy legislation, the (UN)Affordable Healthcare Act, may be repealed as soon as two months from now. The healthcare industry, representing a sixth of the U.S. economy, is in shambles. The American Department of Justice is completely corrupt, the State Department openly lies to the public, the government is now the largest entity that spies on Americans, and there are zero signs all of this is slowing down.

Barack Obama’s version of leadership has torn the fabric of a once great nation and is dragging us into the gutter. Which explains why we’re now seeing a retired Army general call for the “forced resignation” of the President and the corrupt individuals surrounding him.   Continue reading “Army General Calls For Forced Resignation Of Barack Obama.”

To All The Friends and Listeners of Liberty Bible Hour, Thank You and Happy Thanksgiving To You and Yours!

Being truly thankful, naturally, we thank our Lord for his many blessings, which He bestows upon us daily, but even when the challenges of life come, we should never forget His presence, comfort, and His guidance, during these times as well.

So don’t only acknowledge the blessings we receive, be thankful for our Lord’s continual presence in all areas of our lives.   Continue reading “Happy Thanksgiving!”

Free North Carolina



While We’re Out Christmas Shopping

Early next week, as the rest of us recover from our turkey-induced comas, see off our visiting relatives and munch on Thanksgiving leftovers, some Alamance County Commissioners are planning an activity that does not conjure an image of so much Americana. Unfortunately, it appears that a few of the commissioners (Manning, Massey & Smith) are still scheming to sneak an anti-gun ordinance through while their constituents are distracted by holiday travel and Christmas shopping. This is certainly not in the spirit of the holidays.    Continue reading “NC: County to Vote on Total Gun Ban”

waterNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

An outstanding ban on artificial water fluoridation has been upheld in the Australian coastal town of Byron Bay, located in New South Wales, following a heated encounter among local residents, scientists, dentists and city officials. The Fluoride Action Network reports that the Byron Shire Council ultimately ended up voting five-to-three to uphold the fluoride ban, relying on modern science which shows that fluoridation is both harmful and ineffective.

A group of fluoride-truth activists showed up to the recent meeting, which threatened to undo the ban, and made their voices heard about the outdated practice. Reports indicate that a large crowd, which included many local residents, showed up waving large signs and banners that said things like “We, the people of the Byron Bay Shire, strongly object to having our water poisoned with FLUORIDE!!!” Others brought letters signed by local doctors opposing the practice and delivered them directly to city officials.   Continue reading “30,000 more people freed from water fluoridation after Australian town rejects poison”

bozo-the-clown-obama-the-clown-political-poster-1262643393The Federal Observer – by Aaron Cantor

Well the latest load of manure coming out of clown town (Washington D.C. for those of you who still believe in the tooth fairy) is the whale of a tale about how quickly this supposed Iran agreement came together.

It is more likely that the rumor of ongoing secret negotiations having been conducted for almost a year is closer to the truth.

There are no saints in Washington D.C. and where these hotshot whiz kids come up with all these elaborate yet hair brained schemes is beyond a rational person’s ability to digest it all.   Continue reading “Where Clowns Abound”

20130515-192915Activist Post – by Catherine J. Frompovich

CONSEQUENTLY, in the interest of future world order, peace, and tranquility, it was decided to privately wage a quiet war against the American public with an ultimate objective of permanently shiftingthe natural and social energy (wealth) of the undisciplined and irresponsible many into the hands of the self-disciplined, responsible, and worthy few. [1] Energy Section [Emphasis added]   Continue reading “How THEY Got Control”

Activist Post – by Rady Ananda

A new film on aerial spraying programs, Look Up!, does more than expose; it provides a mobile app for observers to notify their legislators when chemtrails are spotted, despite official denial that such programs exist.

The SkyderALERT app lets people “capture visual evidence of this potentially catastrophic activity, petition against it, and send it directly to the appropriate government officials – all in one click, with no need to know who those officials are, or even where you are. It’s automatically geo-located.” The app will even let you call your Member of Congress, Senators or Governor directly.   Continue reading “Look Up! film and mobile app a call to action on chemtrails”

Public Intelligence

The following report was released by Stephen J. Sedensky III, State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Danbury, on November 25, 2013.  An appendix containing documentation related to the investigation is also available for download (PDF 25.4 MB)

Report of the State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Danbury on the Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and 36 Yogananda Street, Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012   Continue reading “Connecticut State’s Attorney Report on Sandy Hook Elementary School Mass Shooting”

voting electionsFreedom Outpost – by Ed Wood

Is this going to be the Final Act to our morality play? I guess that depends on how seriously you have taken to heart the information included in Acts I and II, doesn’t it?

In Act I we learned that the tampering of elections has progressed from the outmoded inefficiency of buying a single vote through the offering of a Mason jar of bootleg whiskey or the dispensing of a little “walking around money,” to the current practice of influencing entire elections. Why? Because, as Joseph Stalin so accurately observed many years ago, “It’s not the people who vote that counts. It’s the people who count the votes.”   Continue reading “Rigging National Elections – Federal Election Laws & Registration Fraud”

CEO of Amendment Arms Ryan Croft with the Joshua MK5Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

At the first of the year, I told you about Amendment Arms, a brand new weapons manufacturer in Arden, North Carolina and their production of an AR/AK hybrid semi-automatic rifle. At that time, there was a lot of talk in Washington to advance more gun prohibition laws and the company was attempting to produce the Joshua MK5, as it is affectionately referred to, by the summer of 2013. There were some setbacks, mostly due to other companies, but I’m happy to say that I have been able to see a fully functioning Joshua and witness it being fired.   Continue reading “Joshua MK5: A True AR/AK Hybrid Semi-Automatic Rifle Set to Hit the Market” – by Mac Slavo

The frustration and anger in America are growing.

So much so that one militia leader has publicly called for the assassination of the President of the United States.

In a post on his Facebook page, Christian American Patriots Militia leader Everest Wilhelmsen has claimed authority under the U.S. Constitution to take matters into his own hands.   Continue reading “Militia Leader Publicly Threatens President: “We Now Have Authority to Shoot Obama””

Will Barack Obama eternally benefit from Reid's nuclear option?Conservative News and Views

Barack H. Obama took office as President in 2009. Ever since, conservative radio and TV hosts and columnists have long suspected that he is deliberately trying to strain America’s “social safety net” and use that to excuse turning America socialist. Richard A. Cloward and Frances Fox Piven published their blueprint for revolution in 1966. Everyone has known about this “Cloward-Piven strategy” ever since. Now, fresh evidence shows that Obama had a more direct link to Ms. Piven than he has ever let on.   Continue reading “Cloward-Piven Obama link”

Barack H. Obama. What's the H stand for?Conservative News and Views

The practice of beheading dates back to Greek and Roman times. The Roman Empire used it for its own citizens while crucifying others. Beheading has been traditional in Europe since the Middle Ages. In Scandinavia, it was customary to behead a nobleman by sword (a noble weapon of war), but a commoner by axe. Beheading was abolished in Britain (1747), in Denmark (1892), in Sweden (1902), and in Norway (1905). With the exception of the UK, all European countries that previously beheaded have not totally abolished the death penalty.   Continue reading “Off with their heads”

Socialist, Communist authors make Obama administration reading listDaily Caller – by Patrick Howley

Socialist, Communist, and McCarthy-era blacklisted writers appear on the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) new “Books That Shaped Work in America” list celebrating the department’s 100th anniversary.

A Socialist leader, two Stalin apologists, two blacklisted ’50s screenwriters, and a suspected Marxist are included on the list, which DOL compiled based on recommendations from various figures in the community. Labor Secretary Thomas Perez described the program as an “online book club.”   Continue reading “Socialist, Communist authors make Obama administration reading list”

BoxingFreedom Outpost – by Michael Snyder

There is a hot new game being played in cities all over America, and it is very simple. You pick out a defenseless person on the street and you try to knock them out. In most areas, it is known as “the knockout game”. In some communities it is called by other names such as “point-em-out, knock-em-out” and “polar bear hunting”. In many instances, the perpetrators don’t even try to steal anything from the people that they knock out. The goal is just to “have fun” by brutally attacking an innocent victim. Well, if this is what young thugs in America will do for fun when times are still good, what will they be willing to do when our economy really starts falling apart? Yes, the U.S. economy has definitely been steadily declining, but the truth is that what we are experiencing right now is rip-roaring prosperity compared to what is coming in the years ahead. So what will the streets of America look like when things get really bad?   Continue reading “Knockout Game Is Just A Preview Of The Chaos That Is Coming To The Streets Of America”

SHTF Plan – Sgt. Report

SHTFplan Editor’s Note: Forget left and right, republican and democrat. Some issues transcend political lines. This is one of them.

Via SGT Report and Daily Represent

Don’t let your preconceived notions get in the way of this one. Although Matt is reading from Howard Zinn’s 1970 speech ‘The Problem is Civil Obedience‘ and the words are not his own, Matt Damon is one of Hollywood’s biggest stars – and as such, he has a lot to lose. The praise-worthy fact is that he chose to utter these powerful ideas, publicly.   Continue reading ““We’re Going to Need to Go Outside of the Law… to Stop Obeying the Laws””

Free North Carolina

GRNC High Risk Restaurant alerts enable you to identify restaurants, theaters and other assemblies for which admission is charged that post signs prohibiting concealed carry. It is important that you report posted restaurants, contact listed merchants to let them know why you are unable to patronize their businesses, and register your opinion on social media networks and review sites.   Continue reading “The NASCAR Hall of Fame is Anti-Gun”

Constitutional CrisisMilitia News – by Xavier

When politicians lie to the people, it’s politics. If we lie to the government, it’s a felony. And now we have confirmation, hardly to our surprise, unemployment numbers were fabricated right before the 2012 election due to manipulated census data. Since Obama took office in 2008, thousands of jobless Americans have magically been dropped out of the workforce, all while “legitimate” part-time workers were slipped out of the soup line in order to prop up an already paltry economic picture. That’s right, the government is not working for you; it’s cajoling and cheating you from knowing the cold, dark truth. If workforce participation was the same as 2007, unemployment would be a horrific 15%! Of course, that would require Obama & Co. admitting their anti-business, welfare entitlement, socialist utopia was an unmitigated failure. This much, we already know.   Continue reading “Impeaching The Unimpeachable: A Constitutional Crisis Of Conscience”