The Daily Bell – by Wendy McElroy

I believe America’s political institutions are beyond redemption. The hope for America lies with individuals who live freedom rather than talk about it or pursue it through authorized means. Freedom now rests with individuals who say “no,” in combination or alone.

But the issue of where America falls on the spectrum between “free” and “totalitarian” is important to air for at least two reasons. First, there is a key difference between America and most police states. In East Germany, the average person knew he lived under tyranny and he did not expect justice to result from petitioning the tyrant. In America, many if not most people still trust the government enough to believe in reform rather than in the quiet revolution of saying “no.” They still listen to the mainstream media, no matter how bitterly they complain about it. Nothing else can explain why people surrender their liberty and money in return for broken and retreaded promises.   Continue reading “Measuring The Extent Of A Police State”

Implosion of Social Security Disability Ponzi Scheme AcceleratesThe New American – by Bob Adelmann

Fresh data just released by the trustees of the Social Security Administration show that the number of people receiving benefits from the Disability Insurance Trust Fund has exploded over the last five years, reducing the surplus in that fund from $216 billion in 2008 to just over $100 billion in 2013. There were 7.4 million recipients in January 2009, but as of October 2013, there are nearly nine million beneficiaries, not including another two million spouses and children of disabled workers who are also receiving benefits.   Continue reading “Implosion of Social Security Disability Ponzi Scheme Accelerates”

Renew America – by Gina Miller

For several years now, many of us have been wondering what it will take to stop the anti-American, anti-freedom, lawless Barack Obama (or whatever his name is), his administration, and the commie weasels in Congress.

As we watch the in-your-face criminal actions of Obama and his minions (the list of which seems interminable), it is clear that members of the other two co-equal branches of the federal government are either in agreement with him or are too scared of the shadowy powers behind Obama to lift a finger against him. This strange, debilitating non-resistance to Obama can’t be based solely on the fear of being falsely accused of “racism,” so I conclude it is based either on agreement with Obama or fear of something much worse.   Continue reading “U.S. military could stop Obama, so he’s destroying it”

Web Commentary – by Sher Zieve

It has been an out in the open “secret” for years. Except for the now-reported disclosures of the inveigling lies issuing forth from the deceitful mouth of Barack Hussein Obama, it might never have been apparent to those who have worshiped this patent usurper. But, now more and more who believed in and voted for Dictator-in-Chief Obama are finally experiencing a harsh awakening to truth. He has lied to them, all along, and continues his lies today. Along with the destruction of the USA, lies are perhaps the only other things Obama actually does well. Americans have now lost and are–every day–continuing to lose their health care entirely. Despite the smiling and persuasive visage of the man who has assumed the role of president of the United States telling us all “If you like your healthcare program you can keep it…period! If you like your doctor you can keep him or her…period!“ nothing was further from the truth. Tragically, all too many missed another part of his anatomy while he continued to spread his falsehoods…his cold dead eyes.   Continue reading “Obama Says No More Healthcare…No More Choice”

Global CollapseSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Over the course of the last six weeks, since the disastrous launch of health care exchanges mandated under the new Patient Affordable Care Act, we have been made privy to something most Americans didn’t believe was possible: that the government of the United States of America is being represented by thieves, liars and sycophants.

Every promise made by the President and Congressional democrats who supported Obamacare legislation has turned out to be a complete falsehood.   Continue reading “Prepare For What’s Coming: “The Largest Financial Collapse This Planet Has Ever Seen””

Obama Stole ElectionMilitia News – by Wayne Allyn Root

I don’t mean to say, “I told you so”…But I told you so.

In October of 2012, just before the election, we heard miraculous unemployment reports that made it sound like the economy was turning around. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were supposedly created. Happy days were here again. “Bravo Obama,” said the adoring mainstream media. It was the biggest one month jobs increase ever.   Continue reading “I Told You So: Obama Really Stole the Election.”

Uncle Sam GuillotineFreedom Outpost – by Lorri Anderson

A faithful reader sent me a code and asked me to investigate how it ties into the larger scale of things. The specific code sent to me will make any American’s hair stand up on the back of their neck. The code is ICD 9 E 978. After reading this code I decided that it was my duty to investigate further and get to the bottom of why we have a medical code in the United States for “Legal Execution.” Below are my results.   Continue reading “ICD 9: International Medical Coding and “Legal” Execution Brought Under Obamacare”

gty_eric_holder_obama_thg_120620_wgFreedom Outpost – by William Lafferty

Progressives, I suggest, have three main characteristics.  They see themselves as morally superior and feel it is their duty [read opportunity] to tell others what they should do.  They are experts at lying.  And finally, they use the government to force their views on others.  All of these characteristics are readily apparent in the Obamacare spectacular.

At the root of progressivism is the belief that they alone know the best path for mankind, and they see themselves as morally superior and intellectually gifted.  They believe ordinary people are not capable of running their own lives and that the progressive’s job is similar to the “white man’s burden” of the nineteenth century, the responsibility of the anointed to tell the rest of us what to do   Continue reading “Historical Parallels between Progressivism, Nazism, Fascism & Marxism are not Accidental”

The Socialist Progressive Movement Is UnconstitutionalMilitia News

The federal government is constructed by the parameters laid out in the Constitution. The Constitution lays out the powers of each branch of government and how they play together. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution lays out the exact powers of the Legislature, written as follows:

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;   Continue reading “Why The Socialist Progressive Movement Is Unconstitutional”

The Corruption And Lies Of Progressives.Militia News

Progressives are the ones who leaped us into a “war to end all wars,” the end of which brought about the rise of Adolf Hitler. Progressives are responsible for this country having ever been segregated. Progressives are the ones who created the idea of an American Empire, and later a global authority that is referred to as the New World Order, but we know it as the United Nations. Progressives caused every economic collapse the United States has ever seen from 1920 to 2010. Progressives broke the back of the US automakers, and created our dependence on foreign oil.   Continue reading “The Corruption And Lies Of Progressives”

exchange - stop in timeThe Eagle – by MICHAEL BARNES Austin American-Statesman

WEST LAKE HILLS — With effort, Craig Denham heaves open the heavy metal door.

He heads down the steep, thick concrete steps that are set in solid limestone. He takes a sharp left into the darkness, then another, before revealing an astounding time capsule preserved from the height of the Atomic Age.

In the backyard of the creative director’s mid-century modern home in West Lake Hills is a 1961 fallout shelter in near-mint condition.   Continue reading “New homeowner opens shelter sealed since 1961”

Constitutional RevolutionMilitia News – by James Wesley Rawles

The citizenry, mimicking the Germans of the 1930s passively goes along with each of these baby steps, never quite chafing to the point of outright rebellion. The end result is a society that has made itself voluntarily monitored 24/7, agreed to centralized background checks just to exercise a Constitutional right, that has agreed to being either fondled or x-rayed by blue glove-wearing half-wits at airports. With our own tax dollars (annually self-assessed, of course) we have equipped an army of steroid-pumped henchmen who are ready, willing, and able to not just Taser us at the slightest sign of noncompliance, but even willing to arrest and drag us to a hospital for multiple rectal examinations because of the mere suspicion that we “might be hiding something.”   Continue reading “Do We Sit By And Watch, Or Do We Show Up And Fight?”


WASHINGTON — In the view of America’s spy services, the next potential threat from Russia may not come from a nefarious cyberweapon or secrets gleaned from the files of Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor now in Moscow.

Instead, this menace may come in the form of a seemingly innocuous dome-topped antenna perched atop an electronics-packed building surrounded by a security fence somewhere in the United States.   Continue reading “A Russian GPS Using U.S. Soil Stirs Spy Fears”

The New Boston Tea Party – by Dennis Prager

I have been broadcasting for 31 years and writing for longer than that. I do not recall ever saying on radio or in print that a president is doing lasting damage to our country. I did not like the presidencies of Jimmy Carter (the last Democrat I voted for) or Bill Clinton. Nor did I care for the “compassionate conservatism” of George W. Bush. In modern political parlance “compassionate” is a euphemism for ever-expanding government.

But I have never written or broadcast that our country was being seriously damaged by a president. So it is with great sadness that I write that President Barack Obama has done and continues to do major damage to America. The only question is whether this can ever be undone.   Continue reading “Time for the Impeachment Hearings to Begin”

Difference Between A Republic And A DemocracyMilitia News

The Constitution sets up the United States as a republic, not a democracy.

The key difference between a democracy and a republic lies in the limits placed on government by the law, which has implications on minority rights. Both forms of government tend to use a representational system where citizens vote to elect politicians to represent their interests and form the government. However, in a republic, a constitution or charter of rights protects certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government, even if it has been elected by a majority of voters. In a “pure” democracy, the majority is not restrained and can impose its will on the minority.   Continue reading “The Difference Between A Republic And A Democracy”

Treasonous Act By Barack ObamaMilitia News

The Communist People’s Republic of China was invited take part in a massive drill dubbed GridExII that took place on November 12-14, 2013. The drill simulated the detonation of a massive nuclear warhead high above the skies of the United States, creating a giant EMP—Electro Magnetic Pulse that took out the U.S. electrical grid, communications, banking services, and all computers, simulating a helpless America completely dependent on its all-wise government.

According to declassified (but heavily redacted) intelligence documents released in 2011, the Chinese were reportedly working on a “Super Electromagnet Pulse Bomb.”   Continue reading “Another Treasonous Act By Barack Obama”

Australia Rejects UN “Socialism Masquerading as Environmentalism”The New American – by Alex Newman

The new Australian government, elected by a landslide on a platform opposing carbon taxes and “global-warming” schemes as United Nations climate theories were imploding, delivered a blunt message to UN alarmists this week: No more “socialism masquerading as environmentalism.” With the new conservative-leaning cabinet taking a stand against UN machinations and radical domestic restrictions imposed under the previous Labor Party government, Australian authorities also publicly refused to sign up for any new contributions, taxes, or charges at this week’s embattled UN global-warming summit in Poland.    Continue reading “Australia Rejects UN “Socialism Masquerading as Environmentalism””